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Exam (elaborations)


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  • January 1, 2025
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  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers

What tyis tyStarling's tyLaw tyof tyCapillary tyforces? ty

How tydoes tythis tyexplain tywhy tya tynutritionally tydeficient tychild tywould tyhave tyedema?
ty- tyANS--Starling's tyLaw tydescribes tyhow tyfluids tymove tyacross tythe tycapillary
tymembrane. tyThere tyare tytwo tymajor tyopposing tyforces tythat tyact tyto tybalance tyeach
tyother, tyhydrostatic typressure ty(pushing tywater tyout tyof tythe tycapillaries) tyand tyosmotic
typressure ty(including tyoncontic typressure, tywhich typushes tyfluid tyinto tythe tycapillaries).

Both tyelectrolytes tyand typroteins ty(oncontic typressure) tyin tythe tyblood tyaffect tyosmotic
typressure, tyhigh tyelectrolyte tyand typrotein tyconcentrations tyin tythe tyblood tywould
tycause tywater tyto tyleave tythe tycells tyand tyinterstitial tyspace tyand tyenter tythe tyblood
tystream tyto tydilute tythe tyhigh tyconcentrations. ty

On, tythe tyother tyhand, tylow tyelectrolyte tyand typrotein tyconcentrations ty(as tyseen tyin tya
tynutritionally tydeficient tychild) tywould tycause tywater tyto tyleave tythe tycapillaries tyand
tyenter tythe tycells tyand tyinterstitial tyfluid tywhich tycan tylead tyto tyedema.

How tydoes tythe tyRAAS ty(Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone tySystem) tyresult tyin
tyincreased tyblood tyvolume tyand tyincreased tyblood typressure? ty- tyANS--A tydrop tyin
tyblood typressure tyis tysensed tyby tythe tykidneys tyby tylow typerfusion, tywhich tyin tyturn
tybegins tyto tysecrete tyrenin. ty

Renin tythen tytriggers tythe tyliver tyto typroduce tyangiotensinogen, tywhich tyis tyconverted
tyto tyAngiotensin tyI tyin tythe tylungs tyand tythen tyangiotensin tyII tyby tythe tyenzyme ty

Angiotensin-converting tyenzyme ty(ACE). tyAngiotensin tyII tystimulates typeripheral
tyarterial tyvasoconstriction tywhich tyraises tyBP. ty

Angiotensin tyII tyis tyalso tystimulating tythe tyadrenal tygland tyto tyrelease tyaldosterone,
tywhich tyacts tyto tyincrease tysodium tyand tywater tyreabsorption tyincreasing tyblood
tyvolume, tywhile tyalso tyincreased typotassium tysecretion tyin tyurine.

How tycan tyhyperkalemia tylead tyto tycardiac tyarrest? ty- tyANS--Normal tylevels tyof
typotassium tyare tybetween ty3.5 tyand ty5.2 tymEq/dL. tyHyperkalemia tyrefers tyto
typotassium tylevels tyhigher tythat ty5.2 tymEq/dL. ty

A tymajor tyfunction tyof typotassium tyis tyto tyconduct tynerve tyimpulses tyin tymuscles. tyToo
tylow tyand tymuscle tyweakness tyoccurs tyand tytoo tymuch tycan tycause tymuscle tyspasms.

,This tyis tyespecially tydangerous tyin tythe tyheart tymuscle tyand tyan tyirregular tyheartbeat
tycan tycause tya tyheart tyattack

The tybody tyuses tythe tyProtein tyBuffering tySystem, tyPhosphate tyBuffering tySystem,
tyand tyCarbonic tyAcid-Bicarbonate tySystem tyto tyregulate tyand tymaintain tyhomeostatic
typH, tywhat tyis tythe tyconsequence tyof tya typH tyimbalance ty- tyANS--Proteins tycontain
tymany tyacidic tyand tybasic tygroup tythat tycan tybe tyaffected tyby typH tychanges. tyAny
tyincrease tyor tydecrease tyin tyblood typH tycan tyalter tythe tystructure tyof tythe typrotein
ty(denature), tythereby tyaffecting tyits tyfunction tyas tywell

Describe tythe tylaboratory tyfindings tyassociated tywith tymetabolic tyacidosis, tymetabolic
tyalkalosis, tyrespiratory tyacidosis tyand tyrespiratory tyalkalosis. ty(ie tyrelative typH tyand
tyCO2 tylevels). ty- tyANS--Normal tyABGs ty(Arterial tyBlood tyGases) tyBlood typH: ty7.35-
7.45 tyPCO2: ty35-45 tymm tyHg tyPO2: ty90-100 tymm tyHg tyHCO3-: ty22-26 tymEq/L tySaO2:
ty95-100% ty

Respiratory tyacidosis tyand tyalkalosis tyare tymarked tyby tychanges tyin tyPCO2. tyHigher ty=
tyacidosis tyand tylower ty= tyalkalosis ty

Metabolic tyacidosis tyand tyalkalosis tyare tycaused tyby tysomething tyother tythan
tyabnormal tyCO2 tylevels. tyThis tycould tyinclude tytoxicity, tydiabetes, tyrenal tyfailure tyor
tyexcessive tyGI tylosses. ty

Here tyare tythe tyrules tyto tyfollow tyto tydetermine tyif tyis tyrespiratory tyor tymetabolic tyin
tynature. ty-If typH tyand tyPCO2 tyare tymoving tyin tyopposite tydirections, tythen tyit tyis tythe
typCO2 tylevels tythat tyare tycausing tythe tyimbalance tyand tyit tyis tyrespiratory tyin tynature. ty

-If tyPCO2 tyis tynormal tyor tyis tymoving tyin tythe tysame tydirection tyas tythe typH, tythen tythe
tyimbalance tyis tymetabolic tyin tynature.

The tyanion tygap tyis tythe tydifference tybetween tymeasured tycations ty(Na+ tyand tyK+)
tyand tymeasured tyanions ty(Cl- tyand tyHCO3-), tythis tycalculation tycan tybe tyuseful tyin
tydetermining tythe tycause tyof tymetabolic tyacidosis. ty

Why tywould tyan tyincreased tyanion tygap tybe tyobserved tyin tydiabetic tyketoacidosis tyor
tylactic tyacidosis? ty- tyANS--The tyanion tygap tyis tythe tycalculation tyof tyunmeasured
tyanions tyin tythe tyblood. ty

Lactic tyacid tyand tyketones tyboth tylead tyto tythe typroduction tyof tyunmeasured tyanions,
tywhich tyremove tyHCO3- ty(a tymeasured tyanion) tydue tyto tybuffering tyof tythe tyexcess
tyH+ tyand tytherefore tyleads tyto tyan tyincrease tyin tythe tyAG.

Why tyis tyit tyimportant tyto tymaintain tya tyhomeostatic tybalance tyof tyglucose tyin tythe
tyblood ty(ie tydescribe tythe typathogenesis tyof tydiabetes)? ty- tyANS--Insulin tyis tythe

,tyhormone tyresponsible tyfor tyinitiating tythe tyuptake tyof tyglucose tyby tythe tycells. tyCells
tyuse tyglucose tyto typroduce tyenergy ty(ATP). ty

In tya tynormal tyindividual, tywhen tyblood tyglucose tyincreases, tythe typancreas tyis
tysignaled tyto typroduced tyin tyinsulin, tywhich tybinds tyto tyinsulin tyreceptors tyon tya tycells
tysurface tyand tyinitiates tythe tyuptake tyof tyglucose. ty

Glucose tyis tya tyvery tyreactive tymolecule tyand tyif tyleft tyin tythe tyblood, tyit tycan tystart tyto
tybind tyto tyother typroteins tyand tylipids, tywhich tycan tylead tyto tyloss tyof tyfunction. ty

AGEs tyare tyadvanced tyglycation tyend typroducts tythat tyare tya tyresult tyof tyglucose
tyreacting tywith tythe tyendothelial tylining, tywhich tycan tylead tyto tydamage tyin tythe tyheart
tyand tykidneys.

Compare tyand tycontrast tyType tyI tyand tyType tyII tyDiabetes ty- tyANS--Type tyI tydiabetes
tyis tycaused tyby tylack tyof tyinsulin. tyWith tyout tyinsulin tysignaling, tyglucose tywill tynot tybe
tytaken tyinto tythe tycell tyand tyleads tyto tyhigh tyblood tyglucose ty(hyperglycemia). tyType tyI
tyis tyusually tytreated tywith tyinsulin tyinjections. ty

Type tyII tydiabetes tyis tycaused tyby tya tydesensitization tyto tyinsulin tysignaling. tyThe
tyinsulin tyreceptors tyare tyno tylonger tyresponding tyto tyinsulin, tywhich tyalso tyleads tyto
tyhyperglycemia. ty

Type tyII tyis tyusually tytreated tywith tydrugs tyto tyincrease tythe tysensitization tyto tyinsulin
ty(metformin), tydietary tyand tylife-style tychanges tyor tyinsulin tyinjections.

Describe tysome tyreasons tyfor tya typatient tyneeding tydialysis ty- tyANS--AEIOU-acidosis.
tyElectrolytes, tyIntoxication/Ingestion, tyoverload, tyuremia. tyPatients tywith tykidney tyor
tyheart tyfailure. ty

A tybuild tyup tyof typhosphates, tyurea tyand tymagnesium tyare tyremoved tyfrom tythe tyblood
tyusing tya tysemi-permeable tymembrane tyand tydialysate. ty

A—acidosis; ty
E—electrolytes typrincipally tyhyperkalemia; ty
I—ingestions tyor tyoverdose tyof tymedications/drugs; ty
O—overload tyof tyfluid tycausing tyheart tyfailure; ty
U—uremia tyleading tyto tyencephalitis/pericarditis

Compare tyand tycontrast tyhemodialysis tyand typeritoneal tydialysis. ty

What tyare tysome tyreasons tyfor tya typatient tychoosing tyone tyover tythe tyother? ty- tyANS--
Hemodialysis tyuses tya tymachine tyto typump tyblood tyfrom tythe tybody tyin tyone tytube
tywhile tydialysate ty(made tyof tywater, tyelectrolytes tyand tysalts) tyis typumped tyin tythe
tyseparate tytube tyin tythe tyopposite tydirection. tyWaste tyfrom tythe tyblood tydiffuses

, tythrough tythe tysemipermeable tymembrane tyseparating tythe tyblood tyfrom tythe
tydialysate. ty

Peritoneal tyDialysis tydoes tynot tyuse tya tymachine, tybut tyinstead tyinjects tya tysolution tyof
tywater tyand tyglucose tyinto tythe tyabdominal tycavity. tyThe typeritoneum tyacts tyas tythe
tymembrane tyinstead tyof tydialysis tytubing. tyThe tywaste typroducts tydiffuse tyinto tythe
tyabdominal tycavity tyand tythe tywaste tysolution tyis tythen tydrained tyfrom tythe tybody. ty

Peritoneal tydialysis tyoffers tycontinuous tyfiltration tyand tyis tyless tydisruption tyto tythe
typatient's tydaily tyroutines. tyHowever, tyit tydoes tyrequire tysome tytraining tyof tythe typatient
tyand tyis tynot tyrecommended tyfor tyindividuals tywho tyare tyoverweight tyor tyhave tysevere
tykidney tyfailure. ty

Hemodialysis typrovides tymedical tycare, tybut ty3 tytimes tya tyweek tyfor tyseveral tyhours
tysitting tyat tya tyhospital tyor tyclinic. tyIndividuals tywith tyacute tykidney tyfailure tyare
tyrecommended tyto tyuse tyhemodialysis.

How tydoes tyhomeostasis tyand tymaintaining tyoptimal typhysiological tyhealth tyimpact
tyyour tywellbeing? ty- tyANS--Homeostasis tyacts tyto tycreate tya tyconstant tyand tystable
tyenvironment tyin tythe tybody tydespite tyinternal tyand tyexternal tychanges. tyProteins tyand
tyother tycellular typrocesses tyrequire tyoptimal tyconditions tyin tyorder tyto tycarry tyout tytheir
tyfunctions. ty

Alterations tyin typH, tysalt tyconcentration, tytemperature, tyglucose tylevels, tyetc. tycan
tyhave tynegative tyeffects tyon tyhealth, tyso tyit tyis tyvital tyfor tymechanisms tythat tyregulate
tyhomeostasis tyto tyfunction typroperly tyfor tymaintaining tygood tyhealth

Differentiate tybetween tyInnate tyImmunity tyand tyAdaptive tyImmunity ty? ty- tyANS--The
tyinnate tyimmune tysystem tyencompasses typhysical tybarriers tyand tychemical tyand
tycellular tydefenses. tyPhysical tybarriers typrotect tythe tybody tyfrom tyinvasion. tyThese
tyinclude tythings tylike tythe tyskin tyand tyeyelashes. tyChemical tybarriers tyare tydefense
tymechanisms tythat tycan tydestroy tyharmful tyagent. tyExamples tyinclude tytears, tymucous,
tyand tystomach tyacid. ty

Cellular tydefenses tyof tythe tyinnate tyimmune tyresponse tyare tynon-specific. tyThese
tycellular tydefenses tyidentify typathogens tyand tysubstances tythat tyare typotentially
tydangerous tyand tytakes tysteps tyto tyneutralize tyor tydestroy tythem. ty

Adaptive tyimmunity tyis tyan tyorganism's tyacquired tyimmunity tyto tya tyspecific typathogen.
tyAs tysuch, tyit's tyalso tyreferred tyto tyas tyacquired tyimmunity. tyAdaptive tyimmunity tyis
tynot tyimmediate, tynor tydoes tyit tyalways tylast tythroughout tyan tyorganism's tyentire
tylifespan, tyalthough tyit tycan. ty

The tyadaptive tyimmune tyresponse tyis tymarked tyby tyclonal tyexpansion tyof tyT tyand tyB
tylymphocytes, tyreleasing tymany tyantibody tycopies tyto tyneutralize tyor tydestroy tytheir
tytarget tyantigen

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