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1. Exam (elaborations) - Wgu pathophysiology d236 question with correct answers
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Pressure tythat tyis tydue tyto tyalbumin tyin tythe tybloodstream? ty- tyANS--Oncotic
Oncotic ty- tyANS--a tyform tyof tyosmotic typressure tyexerted tyby typroteins
In tythe tyblood, ty_____ tyis tythe tymost tycommon typlasma typrotein tyand tyis, tytherefore, tya
typrimary tydeterminant tyof tyoncotic typressure ty- tyANS--albumin
_____ tycontrols tyosmotic typressure tyin tyvascular tysystem, tybuilds tyvolume ty- tyANS--
One tyquestion tywas tyabout tythe tydifference tyin tychildren tyand tyadult tyimmunity ty-
tyANS--Possible tyanswer: tynaive tyT tycells
Learning tycheck tyquestion: tyWhich tydifferences tyin tyimmunity tymake tychildren tyand
tyolder tyadult typatients tymore tysusceptible tyto tyinfections? tyChoose ty2 tyanswers
Younger typatients tyhave tyfewer tymemory tycells tyto tycombat tyinfection
Older tyadult typatients tyhave tya tydwindling typopulation tyof tynaive tyT tycells
Older tyadult typatients tyhave tymore tymemory tycells tyto tycombat tyinfection
Younger typatients tyhave tya tylarge typopulation tyof tynaive tyT tycells
Older tyadult typatients tyhave tya tylarge typopulation tyof tynaive tyT tycells ty- tyANS--Younger
typatients tyhave tyfewer tymemory tycells tyto tycombat tyinfection
Older tyadult typatients tyhave tya tydwindling typopulation tyof tynaive tyT tycells
Rationale: tyyounger typatients tyhave tynot tybeen tyexposed tyto tymany typathogens,
tywhich tymeans tythat tythey tyhave tyfewer tymemory tycells tythan tyadults. tyThe typrimary
tyimmune tyresponse tyis tyrelatively tyweak tycompared tyto tya tysecondary tyresponse
tymediated tyby tymemory tycells.
Older tyadult typatients tydo tynot tyhave tyas tymany tyT tycells tycompared tyto tyyounger
typatients. tyWhen tythese typatients tyencounter tynovel typathogens, tythe tyreduced
,tynumber tyof tynaive tyT tycells tygives tyclonal tyselection tyfewer tyopportunities tyto ty"find"
tyT tycells tythat tywill tybe tyeffective.
Fluid tyand tyelectrolyte tylevels tyare tyregulated tyby ty_______, tywhich tyregulates tyactions
tysuch tyas tythirst, tyADH, tythe tykidneys, tyand tyRAAS. ty- tyANS--osmoreceptors
Fluid tydeficit tycauses ty- tyANS---Excessive tyloss
-Inadequate tyintake
-Or tycombination tyof tyboth
Fluid tydeficit tyrisk tyfactors ty- tyANS---Vomiting/diarrhea
-Excessive tysweating
-Insufficient tywater tyintake
Fluid tydeficit tymanifestations ty- tyANS---dry tymucous tymembranes
-decreased tyskin tyturgor
-decreased tyurine tyoutput
-low tyblood typressure
ROME tyfor tyABGs ty- tyANS--Respiratory tyOpposite tyMetabolic tyEqual
If typH tyand typCO2 tyare tymoving tyin tyopposite tydirections, tythen tyit tyis typCO2 tylevels
tythat tyare tycausing tythe tyimbalance tyand tyit tyis tyrespiratory tyin tynature
If tythey tyare tymoving tythe tysame tydirection tythen tyit tyis tymetabolic tyin tynature
Buffers, tyrenal tycompensation, tyand tyrespiratory tycompensation tyhelp tyto tymaintain tya
tyblood typH tyof ty_______ ty- tyANS--7.35-7.45
A typatient tywith tya tyviral tyillness tyand tysevere tyvomiting tyhas tyan tyelevated tyCO2 tylevel
tyand tya tyblood typH tyof ty7.53. tyShe tyis tybreathing tyslowly. tyWhat tycondition tydoes tythe
typatient tyhave? ty
Metabolic tyalkalosis ty
Metabolic tyacidosis ty
Respiratory tyalkalosis
Respiratory tyacidosis ty- tyANS--Metabolic tyalkalosis
The typatient's typH tyand tyCO2 tylevel tyare tyboth tyelevating ty(moving tyin tythe tysame
tydirection). tyThis tyindicates tymetabolic tyalkalosis. tyThe tyCO2 tylevel tyis tyhigh tybecause
tyher tyrespiratory tysystem tyis tyattempting tyto tycompensate tyfor tythe tyhigh typH tyby
tyexhaling tyless tyand tyretaining tymore tyCO2
,To typrevent tychanges tyin typH, tythe tybody tyemploys tybuffer tysystems. tyThe tybody
tyutilizes ty3 tybuffer tysystems: ty- tyANS--proteins, typhosphates, tyand tythe tycarbonic
tyacid-bicarbonate tysystem
Carbonic tyacid-bicarbonate tysystem tyfirst tyline tyof tydefense tyis ty_____, tysecond tyline
tyof tydefense tyis ty_____ ty- tyANS--respirations; tykidneys
Carbonic tyacid-bicarbonate tysystem tyequation ty- tyANS--The tyequation tymoves tyin
tyboth tydirections
CABS tyEquation:
When tyCO2 tylevels tyare tyelevated, tythe tyequation tymoves ty________, tyforming tymore
tyH+ tyand tyHCO3- tyions ty- tyANS--toward tythe tyright
CABS tyEquation:
When tyH+ tyions tyare tyelevated, tythe tyequation tymoves ty_____, tyas tyH+ tyions tyare
tyconverted tyto tyCO2 tyand tythe tyCO2 tyis tyexhaled. ty- tyANS--toward tythe tyleft
CO2 tylevels ty- tyANS--35-45
HCO3 tylevels ty- tyANS--22-26
Michael's typulmonary tyedema tyleads tyto tyrespiratory tyacidosis. tyHow tydoes typH
tyimpact tyMichael's tybasal tymetabolic typanel? tyChoose ty3 tyanswers. ty
His tyCO2 tylevel tyis tyincreased tybecause tyhis tylungs tyhave tydifficulty tyremoving tyit tyfrom
tythe tybloodstream. ty
His tyK+ tyis tyelevated tybecause, tyas tyH+ tymoves tyinside tyof tycells tyin tyan tyattempt tyto
tyget tyit tyout tyof tythe tybloodstream, tyK+ tymoves tyfrom tycells tyinto tythe tybloodstream. ty
His tysodium tylevel tyis tydecreased tydue tyto tyhypervolemia. ty
His tycalcium tylevel tyis tyreduced tybecause tythe tyelevated tyconcentration tyof tyH+
tymakes tyit tyeasier tyfor tyCa+ tyto tybind tyto tyalbumin. ty
His tyCO2 tylevel tyis tydecreased tybecause tyhis tylungs tyhave tydifficulty tyadding tyit tyinto
tythe tybloodstream ty- tyANS--His tyCO2 tylevel tyis tyincreased tybecause tyhis tylungs tyhave
tydifficulty tyremoving tyit tyfrom tythe tybloodstream. ty
His tyK+ tyis tyelevated tybecause, tyas tyH+ tymoves tyinside tyof tycells tyin tyan tyattempt tyto
tyget tyit tyout tyof tythe tybloodstream, tyK+ tymoves tyfrom tycells tyinto tythe tybloodstream. ty
His tysodium tylevel tyis tydecreased tydue tyto tyhypervolemia.
, There tyis tya tyquestion tyabout tyhypoventilation tyor tyhyperventilation ty- tyANS--Metabolic
tyacidosis typH ty<7.35 ty= tyrespirations tyincrease tyin tydepth tyand tyrate tyto tyblow tyoff
Metabolic tyalkalosis typH ty>7.45 ty= tyrespirations tyslow tydown tyto tyincrease tyCO2
Respiratory tyacidosis ty= tyexcess tyCO2 tyhas tyaccumulated tywhich tyis tygenerating tyH+
Respiratory tyalkalosis ty= tylungs tyblow tyoff tytoo tymuch tyCO2, tycreating tyless tyH+ tyin
What tyis tyexcreted tyin tyresponse tyto tyfluid tyvolume tyoverload? ty- tyANS--Natriuretic
Natriuretic typeptides ty- tyANS--hormonal tysignals tyreleased tyby tythe tybrain tyand tyheart
tyin tyresponse tyto tyexcess tyfluid tyin tythe tybody
Natriuretic typeptides tysignals ty_____ tyurine tyoutput tyand ty____ tyfluid tyvolume ty- tyANS--
increase; tyreduce
A tyhormonal typanel tywas tydone tyon tya typatient tywith tycongestive tyheart tyfailure tyand
tyfluid tyvolume tyoverload. tyWhich tyelevated tyhormone tyon tythe typatient's tychart tyis
tyindicative tyof tythe tybody's tyattempt tyto tyreduce tythe tyfluid tyoverload? ty- tyANS--BNP ty-
tyit's tyreleased tywhen tyfluid tyvolume tyexcess tyis typresent
Compare tyand tycontrast tyhemodialysis tyand typeritoneal tydialysis ty- tyANS--
Hemodialysis: ty
-machine typumps tyblood tyfrom tythe tybody tyand tyfilters tywaste
-3x tya tyweek tyfor tyhours tyin tya tyclinic
-acute tykidney tyfailure
Peritoneal: ty
-no tymachine, tyinjection tyinto tyabdominal tycavity tyand tywaste typroducts tydiffuse tyinto
tycavity tythen tydrained
-continuous tyfiltration tyand tyless tydisruption tybut tyrequires tysome tytraining
-not tyfor tyoverweight tyor tysevere tykidney tyfailure typatients
Hemodialysis tytakes tyblood tyout tyof tythe tybody tyvia tya ty_____, tyand typuts tyblood tyback
tyinto tybody tythrough tya ty_____ ty- tyANS--PIV; tycentral tyline
*NOTE* tythere tyare tyseveral tyquestions tyabout tysigns tyand tysymptoms tyof tydifferent
tyelectrolyte tyimbalances ty- tyANS--
Sodium tylevels ty- tyANS--135-145