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NURS 3250 Health Law Test Prep with verified solutions
NURS 3250 Health Law Test Prep with verified solutions
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NURS 3250 Health Law Test Prep with verified solutions
what |are |the |principles |of |the |Canadian |Healthcare |system |- |correct |answer |-1. |Universality
2. |accessibility
4.portability |5.public |administration
Universality |- |correct |answer |-ensures |all |Canadians |have |access |to |healthcare |regardless |of
|income, |employment |or |existing |conditions |- |equal |access |to |all
Accessability |- |correct |answer |-healthcare |is |available |in |a |timely |manner |without |financial |or
|geographical |barriers
Comprehensiveness |- |correct |answer |-Covers |wide |range |of |services |- |provide |comprehensive |care
|that |meets |needs |of |pt |throughout |lifespan
Portability |- |correct |answer |-residents |have |access |to |healthcare |when |outside |the
|province/territory, |receive |care |regardless |of |location |in |Canada
Public |Administration |- |correct |answer |-system |is |publicly |funded |and |publicly |administered |-
|government |provides |funding |to |ensure |sustainability/effectiveness
Canada |Health |Act |- |correct |answer |-legislative |framework |designed |to |provide |equitable |access |to
|healthcare |for |all |residents |regardless |of |circumstances.
Monique |Begin |- |correct |answer |-Minister |of |national |health |and |welfare. |Recast |the |approach |to
|Medicare |in |Canada |Health |Act |of |1983. |She |introduced |two |pieces |of |legislation: |the |Canada |Child
|Tax |Credit |and |the |Canada |Health |Act.
Tommy |Douglas |- |correct |answer |-Premier |of |Saskatchewan |and |leader |of |the |federal |NDP, |first
|leader |to |propose |universal |health |care |in |Canada |(Medicare)
, what |is |Medicare? |- |correct |answer |-Canada's |publicly |funded |healthcare |system.
|Provincial/territorial |health |insurance |plans. |Canadians |have |access |to |medically |necessary |services
|without |paying.
What |is |the |Canada |Health |Act? |- |correct |answer |-Ensures |ALL |Canadians |have |access |to |basic
|healthcare. |
insurance |plans |must |meet |standards |outlined |by |the |act |(public |administration,
|comprehensiveness, |universality, |portability, |and |accessibility) |establishes |criteria |for |federal
what |part |of |healthcare |is |the |provincial/territorial |government |responsible |for? |- |correct |answer |-
management, |organization |and |delivery |of |healthcare |for |residents
what |part |of |healthcare |is |the |federal |government |responsible |for? |- |correct |answer |-providing
|funding, |setting/administering |standards |through |Canada |Health |Act, |support |delivery, |provide
|health-related |functions
Objective |of |Canadian |healthcare |policy? |- |correct |answer |-To |protect, |promote, |and |restore |the
|physical |and |mental |well-being |of |residents |of |Canada |and |to |facilitate |reasonable |access |to |health
|services |without |financial |or |other |barriers
The |Nursing |Act |- |correct |answer |-Determines |how |nursing |profession |is |regulated. |Establishes |the
|mandate |of |the |CNO |and |defines |the |scope |of |practice.
The |scope |of |practice |statement |- |correct |answer |-The |practice |of |nursing |is |the |promotion |of
|health |and |the |assessment |of, |the |provision |of |care |for |and |the |treatment |of |health |conditions |by
|supportive, |preventive, |therapeutic, |palliative |and |rehabilitative |means |in |order |to |attain |or
|maintain |optimal |function.
Entry |to |Practice |Competencies |- |correct |answer |-complete |education, |evidence |of |nursing |practice,
|completed |registration |exam, |jurisprudence |exam, |proficient |in |English/French, |citizenship,
|declaration |of |registration |requirement |form.