Nur2474 Pharmacology Final Exam
Nur2474 Pharmacology Final Exam
Questions with Answers UPADTED 2025
estrogen therapy in postmenopausal women -Correct Answer ✔women take due to
vaginal dryness, hot flashes, painful sex, prevent bone loss when older
risks associated with hormonal replacement therapy -Correct Answer ✔breast and
cancer development, risk of blood clots, bone loss, risk of fractures, cardiovascular
penicillin and aminoglycosides interaction -Correct Answer ✔pencillin may react with
aminoglycosides and cause it to be less effective in treating infection. Do NOT combine
these antibiotics in same IV solution
Side effects of steroids -Correct Answer ✔SHORT TERM
o Insomnia
o Mood alterations or Psychosis
o GI upset
o Increased appetite/weight gain
o Fluid retention
o Hyperglycemia
o Hypokalemia
o Hyperglycemia
o Osteoporosis
o Thin skin, easy bruising, poor wound healing
o Rare: HTN, PUD, AVN, Allergic reaction
o Adrenal suppression if > 4 courses/year
TMP-SMZ -Correct Answer ✔trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
combination drug
-treat a variety of bacterial infections
-UTIs, ear infections, pneumonia
how to protect kidneys -Correct Answer ✔drink lots of water
when to take diuretics -Correct Answer ✔in the morning
Diuretics Side Effects -Correct Answer ✔increased urination, dehydration, increased
thirst, weakness, and impotence.
Antacids -Correct Answer ✔neutralize the acids in the stomach
Nur2474 Pharmacology Final Exam
, Nur2474 Pharmacology Final Exam
affect acid level, have a lot of interaction so need to take a few hours apart from other
Cimetidine -Correct Answer ✔type of antihistamine that blocks the release of stomach
used to treat stomach or intestinal ulcers
can relieve ulcer pain and discomfort and heartburn from acid reflux
Naloxone (Narcan) -Correct Answer ✔opiate antagonist (antidote), reverses opioid
induced resiratory depression
Signs of overdose -Correct Answer ✔Slow breathing, blue lips and finger tips, cold
damp skin, shaking, vomiting and gurgling noises
education with anti-effectives (antibiotic, antifungal) -Correct Answer ✔make sure
patient goes through whole course of treatment, go beyond "feeling better", still continue
taking at least a week to get it all out
Antibiotics and C. diff -Correct Answer ✔c-diff often happens after another infection.
New onset diarrhea.
what antibiotics can be given with CDIFF -Correct Answer ✔vancomycin and
metronidazole (flagyl)
Warfarin -Correct Answer ✔Anticoagulant, works later and takes longer to work, better
for long-term use, PT/INR levels, hematocrit, hemoglobin
Warfarin antidote -Correct Answer ✔Vitamin K
INR (therapeutic) -Correct Answer ✔2-3 seconds
PT (therapeutic) -Correct Answer ✔16-31 seconds
Heparin -Correct Answer ✔Indication for DVT, short,rapid response and this med is first
choice treatmentenhances antithrombin, rapid-acting anticoagulant, aPTT level
aPTT therapeutic range -Correct Answer ✔60-80 seconds
Heparin antidote -Correct Answer ✔protamine sulfate
Long term steroid use -Correct Answer ✔delayed wound healing, impaired immune
system, osteroporosis
Nur2474 Pharmacology Final Exam