Exam (elaborations)
Test Bank for Anderson’s Caring for Older Adults Holistically, 6th Edition, Tamara R. Dahlkemper
Anderson’s Caring for Older Adults Holistically, 6
Anderson’s Caring For Older Adults Holistically, 6
Test Bank for Anderson’s Caring for Older Adults Holistically, 6th Edition, Tamara R. Dahlkemper Table of Contents I. Foundations of Care for the Older Adult Chapter 1. Holistic Caring Chapter 2. The Aging Experience Chapter 3. Supporting Life Transitions and Spirituality in the Elderly Chapt...
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Anderson’s Caring for Older Adults Holistically, 6
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,Chapter 1: Holistic Caring
gl gl gl
Multiple glChoice
Identify glthe glchoice glthat glbest glcompletes glthe glstatement glor glanswers glthe glquestion.
1. According glto glthe gl2010 glU.S. glCensus, glapproximately glhow glmany glAmericans glare glolder glthan glage gl65?
1) 2%
2) 5%
3) 13%
4) 20%
2. What glis glthe glaverage gllife glexpectancy gltoday?
1) 70.2 glyears
2) 75 glyears
3) 81.1 glyears glfor glwomen gland gl76.3 glyears glfor glmen
4) Longer glfor glmen glthan glfor glwomen
3. Which glstatement glis glNOT gltrue glabout glholistic glnursing?
1) Holistic glnursing glfocuses glon glthe glspecific gldisease glor gldisorder gla glperson glhas glin glorder glto
gltreat glit gleffectively.
2) Holistic glnursing glaims glto gltreat glthe glwhole glperson, glnot gljust gla glspecific gldisease glor
gldisorder glthe glperson glmay glhave.
3) Holistic glnursing glfocuses glon glthe glindividual glpatient gland gluses glmany gltechniques,
glsuch glas glempathetic gllistening, glmusic, gland glimagery, glas glwell glas glspecific glclinical
4) Holistic glnursing glweaves glthe gltechnical glskills glof glnursing glwith glthe glsocial glscience
glskills glthat glenhance glcommunication gland glrapport glbetween glthe glnurse gland glthe glperson
glreceiving glcare.
4. The glScience glof glHuman glCaring gltheory glwas gldeveloped glby
1) Florence glNightingale
2) Clara glBarton
3) Jean glWatson
4) Savage gland glMoney
5. Which glis glNOT glemphasized glin glThe glScience glof glHuman glCaring?
1) Providing gltranspersonal glcaring
2) Focusing glon glthe glperson glwhile glyou glare glwith glhim glor glher
3) Ensuring glthat glall glnonessential gltasks, glsuch glas glbathing, glare glgiven glaccording glto gla
glstrict glschedule
4) Reaching glout glto glthe glpatient, glmaking gleye glcontact, gltouching glif glappropriate, glspeaking glsoftly
6. Which glof glthe glfollowing glis glincluded glas gla glbasic glconcept glof glholistic glnursing?
1) Using glyour gldeveloped glclinical glexpertise
2) Developing gla glclose glrelationship glwith glthe glpatient’s glfamily glmembers gland glsignificant glothers
3) Remembering glthe glpersonal glintuition gland glcreativity glof glpatients glin glyour glnursing glplan
4) All glof glthe glabove
7. Most glelderly glpeople glhaving gla glheart glattack glhave
1) Pain gldiffused glover glthe glentire glchest glarea
Copyright gl© gl2016 glF. glA. glDavis
, 2) No glpain
3) Crushing glsternal glpain
4) Pain glon glthe glleft glside glof glthe glchest gland glpain glthat glradiates gldown glthe glleft glarm
8. g lCompared glwith glthe gldoses glof glmedication glgiven glto gla glyoung gladult, glthe gldoses glgiven glto glan glold-old
person glare glusually
1) Smaller
2) Larger, glbecause glthe glold-old glperson glis glprobably glsicker
3) The glsame
4) Minimal, glbecause glthe glperson glis glvery glold gland glprobably glnear gldeath
9. g l g l What glcommunication gltechnique glhas glbeen gldeveloped glspecifically glfor gldealing glwith gldemented glelderly
1) Cognitive gltherapy
2) Validation gltherapy
3) Geriatric glDepression glScale
4) Mini-Mental glStatus glExamination gl(MMSE)
g l 10. g l An gl82-year-old glpatient glis gldiagnosed glwith glliver glcancer gland glhas gllong-standing glcardiovascular
glproblems. glThe glpatient glbegins glscreaming gland glpushes glhis glmeal gltray glaway. glWhat glwould glbe glan
glappropriate glresponse?
1) Take glthe glmeal gltray gland glleave glthe glroom glwithout glsaying glanything.
2) Tell glhim glto glstop glscreaming glin gla glloud glvoice.
3) Calmly glask glhim glwhat glhe glis glupset glabout gland gllisten glcarefully glto glhim.
4) Call glyour glsupervisor.
g l 11. g lThe glnurse glis gloverhead gladdressing glan gl87-year-old glpatient glas gl―honey.‖ glWhat glis glthis glan glexample glof?
1) Beneficence
2) Paternalism
3) Caring
4) Malfeasance
g l 12. g lThe glterm gl―elite-old‖ glis glused glfor glpeople
1) 65 glto gl74 glyears glold
2) 75 glto gl84 glyears glold
3) 85 glto gl100 glyears glold
4) Older glthan gl100 glyears
g l 13. g l gl Which glis gla glkey glconcept glin glholistic glnursing?
1) Following glphysician glinstructions gland glfollow-up glwith glthe glphysician
2) Developing gla glrelationship glwith glfamily glmembers glof glthe glpatient
3) Using glwhat glyou glhave gllearned—your glclinical glexperience
4) All glof glthe glabove
g l 14. g l glHow glshould glthe glnursing glinstructor glexplain glthe glterm gl―gerontology‖ glto gla glnew glclass glof glstudents?
1) It glmeans glthe gluse glof glolder glmedications glto gltreat glillnesses.
2) It glcomes glfrom gla glGreek glword glthat glmeans gl―related glto glold glage.‖
3) It glfocuses glon glthe glhousing glneeds glof glpeople glwho glare glunderserved.
4) It glis gla glway glof glexplaining glhealth glproblems glof glpeople glover glage gl50.
g l 15. g l gl Which glterm glshould glthe glnurse gluse glwhen glexplaining glmedical glcare glthat glan glolder glpatient glrequires?
Copyright gl© gl2016 glF. glA. glDavis
, 1) Genetics
Copyright gl© gl2016 glF. glA. glDavis