Test bank for medical surgical nursing 8th
edition by Linton
The dofollowing dois doa dorevision dostudy doquestion doand doanswer dofor dostudents doof donursing doseeking doto doprepare
dofor doforthcoming doexams. doThe doquestions doand doanswers dofrom dothis dotest dobank doare doverified doand dorevised.
doClinton dois doa doreliable doAuthor doand doprovides doa dodetailed dosummary doof domedical dosurgical donursing doin dothe
do63 dochapters dobelow.
Chapter do01: doAspects doof doMedical-Surgical doNursingLinton: doMedical-Surgical doNursing, do8th doEdition
1. What doprovides dodirection dofor doindividualized docare doand doassures dothe dodelivery doof
accurate, dosafe docare dothrough doa dodefinitive dopathway dothat dopromotes dothe doclient‘s doand
the dosupport dopersons‘ doprogress dotoward dopositive dooutcomes?
a. Physician‘s doorders
b. Progress donotes
c. Nursing docare doplan
d. Client dohealth dohistory
ANS: d o C
The donursing docare doplan doprovides dodirection dofor doindividualized docare doand doassures dothe
dodelivery doof doaccurate, dosafe docare dothrough doa dodefinitive dopathway dothat dopromotes dothe
doclient‘s doand dothe dosupport dopersons‘ doprogress dotoward dopositive dooutcomes.
DIF: Cognitive doLevel: doComprehension REF: d o d o p. do2 OBJ: d o 1
TOP: d o Nursing doCare doPlan KEY: doNursing doProcess doStep:
doPlanning doMSC: d o NCLEX: doPhysiological doIntegrity: doReduction doof doRisk
2. The donurse dois doperforming dobehaviors doand doactions dothat doassist doclients doand dosignificant
doothers doin domeeting dotheir doneeds doand dothe doidentified dooutcomes doof dothe doplan doof docare.
doWhat dois dothe docorrect doterm dofor dothese donursing dobehaviors?
a. Assessments
b. Interventions
c. Planning
d. Evaluation
ANS: d o B
Caring dointerventions doare dothose donursing dobehaviors doand doactions dothat doassist doclients doand
dosignificant doothers doin domeeting dotheir doneeds doand dothe doidentified dooutcomes doof dothe doplan doof
DIF: Cognitive doLevel: doComprehension REF: d o d o p. do3 OBJ: d o 1
TOP: d o Interventions KEY: doNursing doProcess doStep:
doPlanning doMSC: d o NCLEX: doPhysiological doIntegrity: doReduction doof doRisk
3. The donurse dounderstands dothe doimportance doof dobeing doanswerable dofor doall doactions doand
the dopossibility doof dobeing docalled doon doto doexplain door dojustify dothem. doWhat doterm dobest
describes dothis doconcept?
a. Reliability
,b. Maturity
c. Accountability
d. Liability
,ANS: d o C
Accountability domeans dothat doa doperson dois doanswerable dofor dohis door doher doactions doand domay dobe
docalled doon doto doexplain door dojustify dothem.
DIF: Cognitive doLevel: doComprehension REF: d o do pp. do6-7 OBJ: d o 3 do| do5 do| do7
, TOP: d o Accountability KEY: doNursing doProcess doStep:
doN/A doMSC: d o NCLEX: doPhysiological doIntegrity: doReduction doof doRisk
1. The donurse domanager dois doproviding doan doinservice doabout doconflict doresolution. doWhat
modes doof doconflict doresolution doshould dobe doaddressed? do(Select doall dothat doapply.)
a. Suppression
b. Accommodation
c. Compromise
d. Avoidance
e. Collaboration
f. Competition
ANS: d o B, doC, doD, doE, doF
The domodes doof doconflict doresolution doinclude doaccommodation, docollaboration, docompromise,
doavoidance, doand docompetition.
DIF: Cognitive doLevel: doKnowledge REF: d o p. do7|p. do8|Table do1.1
OBJ: d o 7 TOP: d o Conflict doResolution KEY: doNursing doProcess
doStep: doN/A
MSC: d o NCLEX: doN/A
2. What doare dothe docharacteristics doof doan doeffective doleader? do(Select doall dothat doapply.)
a. Effective docommunication
b. Rigid dorules doand doregulations
c. Delegates doappropriately
d. Acts doas doa dorole domodel
e. Consistently dohandles doconflict
f. Focuses doon doindividual dodevelopment
ANS: d o A, doC, doD, doE
Characteristics doof doan doeffective doleader doinclude doeffective docommunication, doconsistency
doin domanaging doconflict, doknowledge doand docompetency doin doall doaspects doof dodelivery doof
docare, doeffective dorole domodel dofor dostaff, douses doparticipatory doapproach doin dodecision
domaking, doshows doappreciation dofor doa dojob dowell dodone, dodelegates dowork doappropriately, dosets
doobjectives doand doguides dostaff, dodisplays docaring, dounderstanding, doand doempathy dofor doothers,
domotivates doand doempowers doothers, dois doproactive doand doflexible, doand dofocuses doon doteam
DIF: Cognitive doLevel: doComprehension REF: d o d o p. do6 OBJ: d o 5
TOP: d o Leadership KEY: d o Nursing doProcess doStep: doN/A MSC: d o NCLEX: doN/A
1. is dodefined doas dothe doprocess doby dowhich doinformation dois doexchanged
dobetween doindividuals doverbally, dononverbally, doand/or doin dowriting door dothrough
doinformation dotechnology.