Test bank for medical surgical nursing 8th
edition by Linton
The odfollowing odis oda odrevision odstudy odquestion odand odanswer odfor odstudents odof odnursing odseeking odto odprepare
odfor odforthcoming odexams. odThe odquestions odand odanswers odfrom odthis odtest odbank odare odverified odand odrevised.
odClinton odis oda odreliable odAuthor odand odprovides oda oddetailed odsummary odof odmedical odsurgical odnursing odin odthe
od63 odchapters odbelow.
Chapter od01: odAspects odof odMedical-Surgical odNursingLinton: odMedical-Surgical odNursing, od8th odEdition
1. What odprovides oddirection odfor odindividualized odcare odand odassures odthe oddelivery odof
accurate, odsafe odcare odthrough oda oddefinitive odpathway odthat odpromotes odthe odclient‘s odand
the odsupport odpersons‘ odprogress odtoward odpositive odoutcomes?
a. Physician‘s odorders
b. Progress odnotes
c. Nursing odcare odplan
d. Client odhealth odhistory
ANS: o d C
The odnursing odcare odplan odprovides oddirection odfor odindividualized odcare odand odassures odthe
oddelivery odof odaccurate, odsafe odcare odthrough oda oddefinitive odpathway odthat odpromotes odthe
odclient‘s odand odthe odsupport odpersons‘ odprogress odtoward odpositive odoutcomes.
DIF: Cognitive odLevel: odComprehension REF: o d o d p. od2 OBJ: o d 1
TOP: o d Nursing odCare odPlan KEY: odNursing odProcess odStep:
odPlanning odMSC: o d NCLEX: odPhysiological odIntegrity: odReduction odof odRisk
2. The odnurse odis odperforming odbehaviors odand odactions odthat odassist odclients odand odsignificant
odothers odin odmeeting odtheir odneeds odand odthe odidentified odoutcomes odof odthe odplan odof odcare.
odWhat odis odthe odcorrect odterm odfor odthese odnursing odbehaviors?
a. Assessments
b. Interventions
c. Planning
d. Evaluation
ANS: o d B
Caring odinterventions odare odthose odnursing odbehaviors odand odactions odthat odassist odclients odand
odsignificant odothers odin odmeeting odtheir odneeds odand odthe odidentified odoutcomes odof odthe odplan odof
DIF: Cognitive odLevel: odComprehension REF: o d o d p. od3 OBJ: o d 1
TOP: o d Interventions KEY: odNursing odProcess odStep:
odPlanning odMSC: o d NCLEX: odPhysiological odIntegrity: odReduction odof odRisk
3. The odnurse odunderstands odthe odimportance odof odbeing odanswerable odfor odall odactions odand
the odpossibility odof odbeing odcalled odon odto odexplain odor odjustify odthem. odWhat odterm odbest
describes odthis odconcept?
a. Reliability
b. Maturity
,c. Accountability
d. Liability
,ANS: o d C
Accountability odmeans odthat oda odperson odis odanswerable odfor odhis odor odher odactions odand odmay odbe
odcalled odon odto odexplain odor odjustify odthem.
DIF: Cognitive odLevel: odComprehension REF: o d od pp. od6-7 OBJ: o d 3 od| od5 od | od7
, TOP: o d Accountability KEY: odNursing odProcess odStep:
odN/A odMSC: o d NCLEX: odPhysiological odIntegrity: odReduction odof odRisk
1. The odnurse odmanager odis odproviding odan odinservice odabout odconflict odresolution. odWhat
modes odof odconflict odresolution odshould odbe odaddressed? od(Select odall odthat odapply.)
a. Suppression
b. Accommodation
c. Compromise
d. Avoidance
e. Collaboration
f. Competition
ANS: o d B, odC, odD, odE, odF
The odmodes odof odconflict odresolution odinclude odaccommodation, odcollaboration, odcompromise,
odavoidance, odand odcompetition.
DIF: Cognitive odLevel: odKnowledge REF: o d p. od7|p. od8|Table od1.1
OBJ: o d 7 TOP: o d Conflict odResolution KEY: odNursing odProcess
odStep: odN/A
MSC: o d NCLEX: odN/A
2. What odare odthe odcharacteristics odof odan odeffective odleader? od(Select odall odthat odapply.)
a. Effective odcommunication
b. Rigid odrules odand odregulations
c. Delegates odappropriately
d. Acts odas oda odrole odmodel
e. Consistently odhandles odconflict
f. Focuses odon odindividual oddevelopment
ANS: o d A, odC, odD, odE
Characteristics odof odan odeffective odleader odinclude odeffective odcommunication, odconsistency
odin odmanaging odconflict, odknowledge odand odcompetency odin odall odaspects odof oddelivery odof
odcare, odeffective odrole odmodel odfor odstaff, oduses odparticipatory odapproach odin oddecision
odmaking, odshows odappreciation odfor oda odjob odwell oddone, oddelegates odwork odappropriately, odsets
odobjectives odand odguides odstaff, oddisplays odcaring, odunderstanding, odand odempathy odfor odothers,
odmotivates odand odempowers odothers, odis odproactive odand odflexible, odand odfocuses odon odteam
DIF: Cognitive odLevel: odComprehension REF: o d o d p. od6 OBJ: o d 5
TOP: o d Leadership KEY: o d Nursing odProcess odStep: odN/A MSC: o d NCLEX: odN/A
1. is oddefined odas odthe odprocess odby odwhich odinformation odis odexchanged
odbetween odindividuals odverbally, odnonverbally, odand/or odin odwriting odor odthrough
odinformation odtechnology.