General Anatomy & Physiology Exam
Questions With Complete Solutions
Anatomy - AnswerThe study of human body structure that can be seen with the naked
eye and how the body parts are organized and the science of the structure of organisms
or their parts.
/.Physiology - AnswerStudy of the functions or activities performed by the body's
/.Histology - AnswerAlso known as microscopic anatomy: The study of the structure and
composition of tissue.
/.The Study of Anatomy, physiology, and histology is important to the esthetician
because: - AnswerEstheticians need to understand how the human body functions as a
whole, to get a scientific basis on the proper application of products/services and the
effects the services will have on the tissues, organs, and body systems.
/.The basic structure of the cell unit: - AnswerProtoplasm, nucleus, organelle,
nucleoplasm, dna, cytoplasm, and the cell membrane.
/.Cell Metabolism: - AnswerA chemical process that takes place in living organisms.
Through metabolism, cells are nourished and carry out their activities. The two phases
of metabolism are catabolism and anabolism. They are carried out simultaneously and
continually within the cells.
/.Four types of tissue found in the human body: - AnswerConnective tissue, Epithelial
tissue, Muscle tissue, Nerve tissue. (adipose tissue a.k.a fatty tissue).
/.What are organs? - AnswerStructures composed of specialized tissues designed to
perform specific functions in plants and animals. i.e the Kidneys, liver and the skin.
/.The most important organs in the body: - AnswerBrain, eyes, heart, kidneys, lungs,
liver, skin, stomach, intestines.
/.Eleven main body systems: - AnswerSkeletal, muscular, nervous, circulatory,
lymphatic/Immune, edocrine, digestive, excretory, respiratory, integumentary (skin),
/.Primary functions of the skeletal system: - AnswerForms the physical foundation of the
body, allows for body movement, produces blood for the body, stores minerals such as
calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate.
,/.Three types of muscle tissue found in the body: - AnswerStriated muscles, Nonstriated
muscles, Cardiac muscle.
/.Two types of nerves found in the body: - AnswerSensory nerves (a.k.a afferent nerves)
& Motor nerves (a.k.a efferent nerves)
/.The primary functions of the lymphatic system are: - AnswerTo act as a defense
against invading bacteria and toxins, to remove waste material from the body cells to
the blood, to aid in reducing swelling, inflammation, and accumulations in the blood
/.Two types of glands in the Endocrine systems: - AnswerExocrine glands (a.k.a duct
glands) & Endocrine glands (a.k.a ductless glands)
/.Organs of then the excretory system: - AnswerKidneys, liver, skin, large intestine, the
/.Abductors - AnswerMuscles that draw a body part, such as a finger, arm, or toe, away
from the midline of the body or of an extremity. In the hand, abductors seperate the
/.Absorption - AnswerThe transport of fully digested food into the circulatory system to
feed the tissues and cells.
/.Adductors - AnswerMuscles that draw a body part, such as a finger, arm, or toe,
inward toward the median axis of the body or of an extremity. In the hand, adductors
draw the fingers together.
/.Adipose tissue - AnswerA specialized connective tissue considered fat, which gives
smoothness and contour to the body and cushions and insulates the body.
/.Adrenal glands - AnswerGlands that secrete about 30 steroid hormones and control
metabolic processes of the body including the fight or flight response.
/.Anabolism - AnswerConstructive metabolism, the process of building up larger
molecules from smaller ones. During this process the body stores water, food and
oxygen for the time when these substances will be needed cell growth and repair.
/.Angular Artery - AnswerArtery that supplies blood to the side of the nose.
/.Anterior Auricular Artery - AnswerArtery that supplies blood to the front part of the ear.
/.Aorta - AnswerThe body's largest artery. The arterial trunk that carries blood from the
heart to be distributed by branch arteries through the body.
, /.Arteries - AnswerThick-walled muscular and flexible tubes that carry oxygenated blood
from the heart to the capillaries throughout the body.
/.Arterioles - AnswerSmall arteries that deliver bood to capillaries.
/.Artioventricular Valves - AnswerAbbreviated ATV; valves which are designed to
prevent the blood from flowing back into the pumping chamber.
/.Atrium - AnswerThin-walled, upper chamber of the heart through which blood is
pumped to the ventricles. There is a right atrium and a left atrium.
/.Auricularis Anterior - AnswerMuscle in front of the ear that draws the ear foreward
/.Auricularis Posterior - AnswerMuscle behind the ear that draws the ear backward.
/.Auricularis superior - AnswerMuscle above the ear that draws the ear upward.
/.Auriculotemporal Nerve - AnswerNerve that affects the external ear and skin above the
temple, up to the top of the skull.
/.Autonomic Nervous System - AnswerAbbreviated ANS; the part of the nervous system
the controls the involuntary muscles regulates the action of the smooth muscles, glands,
blood vessels and heart.
/.Axon - AnswerThe extension of a neuron through which impulses are sent away from
the cell body to other neurons, glands, or muscles.
/.Belly - AnswerThe middle part of a muscle.
/.Biceps - AnswerMuscle producing the contour of the front and inner side of the upper
/.Blood - AnswerNutritive fluid circulating through the circulatory system (heart, veins,
arteries and capillaries) to supply oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues and to
remove carbon dioxide and waste from them.
/.Blood Vessels - AnswerTube-like structures that transport blood to and from the heart,
and to various tissues of the body; include arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules &
/.Body Systems - AnswerAlso known as systems; groups of bodily organs acting
together to perform one or more functions. The human body is composed of 11 major