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Test Bank for Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care, 3rd Edition by Motacki | Verified Chapter's 1 - 21 | Complete Newest Version
Nursing Delegation and Management of
Nursing Delegation And Management Of
Test Bank for Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care, 3rd Edition by Motacki
| Verified Chapter's 1 - 21 | Complete Newest Version
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Test Bank for Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care, 3rd
Edition by Motacki
| Verified Chapter's 1 - 21 | Complete Newest Version
,Test qrBank qrfor qrNursing qrDelegation qrand qrManagement qrof qrPatient qrCare, qr3rd qrEdition qrby qrMotacki
Chapter qr01: qrLeadership qrand qrManagement
Motacki: qrNursing qrDelegation qrand qrManagement qrof qrPatient qrCare, qr3rd qrEdition
1. Nurses qrcan qrbe qrleaders qrwithout qrbeing qrmanagers. qrWhich qrnursing qractions
a. Assisting qra qrnew qrnurse qrwith qrenteral qrtube qrfeedings
b. Counseling qra qrnew qrnurse qrregarding qrattendance
c. Adjusting qrassignments qrafter qra qrstaff qrmember qrcalls qrin qrsick
d. Calling qra qrphysician qrfor qrnew qrorder qrclarification
ANS: q r A
Leaders qract qras qrrole qrmodels qrand qrmentor qrnew qrstaff. qrThe qrother qroptions qrare qrincorrect
qrbecause qrtheyqrare qrmanagement qrresponsibilities qrand qrnot qrleadership qrroles.
DIF: Cognitive qrLevel: qrApplication REF: q r page qr6
2. Which qrnursing qractions qrdemonstrate qrthe qrrole qrof qrmanagement qrin qrnursing?
a. Encouraging qrautonomous qrdecision qrmaking
b. Observing qrthe qrdocumentation qrof qrappropriate qrcharges qrto qrpatients
c. Assisting qrin qra qrcode
d. Asking qrthe qrpatient/family qrabout qradvance qrdirectives
ANS: q r B
Managers qrare qrresponsible qrfor qrthe qrbudget qrof qrtheir qrunits. qrThe qrother qroptions qrare
qrincorrect qrbecauseqt NriUngRrSoIlesN.qrGTB.COM
r hose qrare qrleadership qror qrmento
DIF: Cognitive qrLevel: qrApplication REF: q r page qr6
3. Much qrlike qra qrpolitician, qra qrnurse qrmanager qrmust qrexhibit qrleadership qrthat qrinspires qrand
motivates. qrInqw
qr r hich qrinstance qris qra qrnurse qrdemonstrating qrleadership qrqualities?
a. A qrstaff qrnurse qrbecomes qraware qrof qrincreased qrinfection qrrates qrfollowing
cardiac qrsurgery.qrThe qrnurse qrtakes qrit qrupon qrherself qrto qrresearch qrthe qrpossible
qrcauses qrand qrprevention qrmeasures qrand qrto qrmake qrsuggestions qrto qrbetter
qrprotect qrpatients.
b. A qrstaff qrnurse qracts qrquickly qrwhen qra qrcardiac qrarrest qris qrcalled qron qrher qrpatient.
c. A qrstaff qrnurse qrnotifies qranother qrstaff qrmember qrthat qrshe qris qrbeing qr“pulled” qrtoday.
d. A qrnew qrnurse qrvolunteers qrto qrwork qrwhen qranother qrstaff qrmember qrmust
qrleave qrworkqrbecause qrher qrchild qris qrill.
ANS: q r A
Nurse qrleaders qrare qrinterested qrin qrchanging qrpractice qrbased qron qrevidence. qrOptions qrB
qrand qrD qrare qrincorrect qrbecause qrthey qrare qractions qrtaken qrby qrnurses qras qrpart qrof qrthe
qrfunctional qrstructure qrof qrthe q
runit. qrOption qrC qris qrincorrect qrbecause qrit qris qran qraction
qrtaken qrby qra qrmanager.
DIF: qr qr qr Cognitive qrLevel: qrAnalysis REF: q r page qr6
,4. A qrnurse qrmanager qrmust qrexhibit qrqualities qrof qrefficiency qrand qrorganization. qrWhich
qrnurse qrisqrdemonstrating qrthe qrqualities qrnecessary qrfor qra qrmanager?
a. A qrnurse qrbecomes qraware qrof qrincreased qrinfection qrrates qrfollowing qrcardiac qrsurgery. qrThe
, nurse qrtakes qrit qrupon qrherself qrto qrresearch qrthe qrpossible qrcauses qrand
qrprevention qrmeasuresqrand qrto qrmake qrsuggestions qrto qrbetter qrprotect qrpatients.
b. A qrnurse qracts qrquickly qrwhen qra qrcardiac qrarrest qris qrcalled qron qrher qrpatient.
c. A qrnurse qrnotifies qranother qrstaff qrmember qrthat qrshe qris qrbeing qr“pulled” qrtoday.
d. A qrnurse qrvolunteers qrto qrwork qrwhen qranother qrstaff qrmember qrmust qrleave
qrwork qrbecauseqh r er qrchild qris qrill.
ANS: q r C
Determining qrwho qrgets qr“pulled” qris qra qrmanagement qrdecision. qrOption qrA qris qrincorrect
qrbecause qrit qrisqa
r qrrole qrtaken qrby qra qrnurse qrleader. qrOption qrB qris qrincorrect qrbecause qrit qris
qran qraction qrtaken qrby qrstaff qras qrpart qrof qrthe qrfunctional qrstructure qrof qrthe qrunit. qrOption
qrD qris qrincorrect qrbecause qrit qris qran qraction qrtaken qrby qrstaff qras qrpart qrof qrthe qrfunctional
qrstructure qrof qrthe qrunit.
DIF: Cognitive qrLevel: qrAnalysis REF: q r page qr6
5. A qrnurse qrhas qraccepted qra qrposition qron qra qrnursing qrunit qrwhere qrthe qrnurse qrmanager
qrpromotes qrautonomy qrand qrstaff qrinvolvement qrin qrdecision qrmaking. qrWhat qrwould qrthe
qrnurse qrexpect qrto qrobserveqo
r n qrthis qrunit?
a. Nurse qrmanager qrmandates qrchanges.
b. Staff qrtakes qrresponsibility qrfor qrassignments.
c. Staff qrparticipates qron qrhospital qrcommittees.
d. Nurses qrare qrrecognized qrfor qrexcellence qrin qrpractice.
ANS: q r C
Work qrenvironments qrthat qrpromote qrautonomy qrand qrdecision qrmaking qrencourage
qrparticipation qron qrhospital qrcommittees qrso qrthat qrstaff qrmay qrbecome qrinvolved qrin qrthe
qrdecisions qrthat qrare qrmade. qrOptionqrA qris qrincorrect qrbecause qrthis qris qrnot qran qrenvironment
qrin qrwhich qrstaff qrare qrencouraged qrto qrparticipate
in qrdecision qrmaking. qrOption qrBNiU
s qrR coIrrN
inS ecG beB
t qrT ca.uC
t qrshould qrbe qrseen qrin qrall qrenvironments
regardless qrof qrautonomy. qrOption qrD qris qrincorrect qrbecause qrexcellence qrin qrpractice qris qrnot qrseen
qr solely
in qrautonomous qrenvironments.
DIF: Cognitive qrLevel: qrAnalysis REF: q r page qr6
6. The qrfundamental qrelement qrof qrany qrpatient qrcare qrdelivery qrcombines qrwork qrallocation qrwith
a. patient qracuity.
b. leadership.
c. clinical qrdecision qrmaking.
d. delegation.
ANS: q r C
Work qrallocation qris qrnecessary qrin qrany qrpatient qrcare qrdelivery qrsystem. qrThe qrother
qroptions qrare q
rincorrect qrbecause qrit qris qrnot qrnecessarily qruseful qrin qrdetermining qrthe
qrappropriate qrpatient qrcareqrdelivery qrsystems qrneeded.
DIF: qr qr qr Cognitive qrLevel: qrAnalysis REF: q r page qr10
7. The qrstudent qrnurse, qrshadowing qron qra qrmedical-surgical qrunit, qrobserves qrthe qrcharge
qrnurse. qrWhichqar ction qrwould qrthe qrstudent qridentify qras qra qrleadership qrquality qrin qrthe
qrnurse’s qractions?