40% - ANSWERSof peace officer's work involves writing
Report users - ANSWERS* Other attorneys: To evaluate the basis for civil litigation.
* Parole, probation, and custody personnel: To determine probation conditions.
* Involved parties: Under certain circumstances, victims, witnesses, or suspects may
gain access for court preparation.
* Media: As a source of news material.
* * Insurance agencies: To verify claims.
Field Notes: (Field Interview) Victims and Witnesses - ANSWERS* Full name
* Age
* Date of birth
* Race
* Sex
* Telephone number ( home, cellular, and work)
* Address
* E-mail address(s)
Field Notes: Suspects - ANSWERS* Race
* Sex
* Age
* Type of body build (i.e., heavyset, medium, small frame)
* weight
* Height
* Color of eyes
* Color of hair
* Hair style (e.g., long, short, curly)
* Clothing -type: hats, jeans, jackets, etc.
-color, style, (e.g., casual, conservative)
* Unusual physical attributes: Scars, Tattoos,
Moles, Missing teeth.
Proposition 115 - ANSWERSThe Crime Victims Justice Reform Act, was passed into
law June 5, 1990. The act amends the State Constitution regarding criminal and juvenile
cases: affords the accused no greater Constitutional rights than the Federal
Constitution; prohibits post-indictment preliminary hearings; due process, speedy public
provides reciprocal discovery; limits the presentation of defense witnesses, and allows
hearsay evidence to be presented at preliminary hearing. The peace officers role is
affected in three areas: Investigation, Reporting, Testifying in Court.
, Officer Actions (but not limited to): - ANSWERS* stop made
* searches conducted
* seizures of evidence
*arrest made
* standard procedures following (e.g., knock and notice, field showups, etc.)
* Miranda admonishments
*use of force
* medical attention (offered, accepted, or refused)
* safety measures taken
* disposition of suspects
* Methods used to preserve evidence or capture essential information.
Reasonable Officer Standard - ANSWERSThe standard:
* would another officer
* with like or similar training and experience
* facing like or similar circumstance
* act in the same way or use similar judgment?
The officer's intent - ANSWERSThe use of force by peace officers in any situation is to
ultimately gain or maintain control of an individual and the situation.
Control, as it relates to defensive tactics, means maintaining composure to make sound
judgments and decisions.
Additional gauges for reasonableness - ANSWERSThe court noted that the following
facts should also be considered, but not limited to, when gauging reasonableness:
* The severity of the crime
* The nature and extent of threat posed by the subject
* The degree to which the subject resist arrest or detention
* Any attempts by the subject to evade arrest by flight
Subject's duty to submit to arrest
(Penal Code Section 834a) - ANSWERSWhether a subject is legally detained or
arrested, it is the subject's duty to refrain from resisting the officer's authority.
Officer authority to use restraint
(Penal Code Section 835) - ANSWERSAn arrest can be made by physically restraining
a subject or by the subject submitting to the authority of the officer
Authority and criteria for the use of force
Penal Code Section 835 a states: - ANSWERS"Any officer who has reasonable cause
to believe that the person to be arrested has committed a public offense may use
reasonable force to effect an arrest, to prevent escape or to overcome resistance."
Agency policies - ANSWERSPeace officers are responsible for becoming familiar with
and complying with their agency's policies and guidelines regarding the use of force.