,CHAPTER 01: The Science of Psychology
1. Which of the following is the best definition of psychological science?
A. the study of the brain and its func-
B. the study of the mind, the brain,
and thought processes
C. the study of the mind, the brain,
and behavior
D. the study of the mind, the psyche,
and behavior
ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: 1.1 What Is Psychological Science?
OBJ: 1.1A NAT: APA Goal 1, Knowledge Base in Psychology
MSC: Remembering
2. Psychological science is the study of:
A. the mind. C. behavior.
B. the brain. D. all of the above.
ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: 1.1 What Is Psychological Science?
OBJ: 1.1A NAT: APA Goal 1, Knowledge Base in Psychology
MSC: Remembering
3. Trying to understand the relationship between the actions of neurons and a
thought is an example of the connection between:
A. the brain and the C. genes and the
mind. mind.
B. nature and nur- D. the brain and
ture. emotion.
ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: 1.1 What Is Psychological Science?
OBJ: 1.1A NAT: APA Goal 1, Knowledge Base in Psychology
MSC: Applying
4. Based on your textbook‘s definition of psychology, which statement best re-
flects the relationship between the mind and the brain?
A. The brain is the same thing as the
, B. The brain influences the mind.
C. The brain is unrelated to the mind.
D. The brain reflects the mind.
ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: 1.1 What Is Psychological Science?
OBJ: 1.1A NAT: APA Goal 1, Knowledge Base in Psychology
MSC: Applying
5. Barry and Candace are disagreeing. Barry states that psychology is the study
of the mind. Candace believes that psychology is the science of behavior.
Given your knowledge of psychology, how would you resolve this argument?
A. Barry is correct. Psychology only
studies the mind.
B. Candace is correct. Psychology only
studies behavior.
C. Both are correct. Psychology studies
both the mind and behavior.
D. Both are incorrect. Psychology only
studies emotions.
ANS: C DIF: Difficult REF: 1.1 What Is Psychological Science?
OBJ: 1.1A NAT: APA Goal 1, Knowledge Base in Psychology
MSC: Understanding
6. Allanah is a psychology major. Which of the following best describes what Al-
lanah will learn about?
A. the structure and function of the
B. mental disorders and their treat-
C. feelings and other subjective states
D. the mind, the brain, and behavior
ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: 1.1 What Is Psychological Science?
OBJ: 1.1A NAT: APA Goal 1, Knowledge Base in Psychology
MSC: Understanding
7. For much of its history, psychologists focused mostly on:
A. the brain. C. behaviors.
B. disorders. D. the mind.
ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: 1.1 What Is Psychological Science?
OBJ: 1.1A NAT: APA Goal 1, Knowledge Base in Psychology
MSC: Remembering
, 8. Which mof mthe mfollowing mis man mexample mof ma mpsychologist mwho mis
mstudying mthe mmind?
A. Dr. mChu, mwho mstudies mhow
mweather minfluences mchildren‘s
mactions mon mthe mplayground
B. Dr. mWell, mwho mstudies mneural
mactivity mduring msleep mcycles mof
melderly madults
C. Dr. mMann, mwho mstudies mthe
maccuracy mof mtraumatic
mmemories mover mtime
D. Dr. mEast, mwho mstudies mthe
mfacial mex- mpressions mof
mrelationship mpartners mduring ma
ANS: m C DIF: Difficult REF: m1.1 mWhat mIs mPsychological
mScience? mOBJ: m1.1A
NAT: mAPA mGoal m1, mKnowledge mBase min mPsychology m| mAPA mGoal m5,
mProfessional mDevelopment
MSC: mApplying
9. Which mof mthe mfollowing mis man mexample mof ma mpsychologist mwho mis
mstudying mthe mbrain?
A. Dr. mFields, mwho mstudies mthe
mpurchas- ming mhabits mof mimpulsive
B. Dr. mJoe, mwho mstudies mhow
mneural mac- mtivity mchanges mas
mnewborn mbabies mdevelop
C. Dr. mPerez, mwho mstudies mhow mour
mfeel- mings mcan minfluence mour
mthought mpro- mcesses
D. Dr. mLadd, mwho mstudies mthe
mtraining mactivities mof
mprofessional mathletes
ANS: m B DIF: Moderate REF: m1.1 mWhat mIs mPsychological
mScience? mOBJ: m1.1A
NAT: mAPA mGoal m1, mKnowledge mBase min mPsychology m| mAPA mGoal m5,
mProfessional mDevelopment
MSC: mApplying
10. Which mof mthe mfollowing mis man mexample mof ma mpsychologist mwho mis
mstudying mbehav- mior?
A. Dr. mWick, mwho mstudies mhow
mcertain msmells mcan mtrigger
mcertain mfeelings
B. Dr. mWoods, mwho mstudies
mpatterns mof mneural mactivity
mrelated mto mdrug muse
C. Dr. mPaul, mwho mstudies mthe