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TEST BANK for Fundamentals of Nursing, 11th Edition by potter.#nursing $20.49
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TEST BANK for Fundamentals of Nursing, 11th Edition by potter.#nursing

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  • Fundamentals Of Nursing, 11th Edition

Chapter 01: Nursing Today Potter: Fundamentals of Nursing, 11th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which nurse most likely kept records on sanitation techniques and the effects on health? a. Florence Nightingale b. Mary Nutting c. Clara Barton d. Lillian Wald ANS: A Nightingale was the first pract...

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  • Fundamentals of Nursing, 11th Edition
  • Fundamentals of Nursing, 11th Edition

,Chapter 01: Nursing Today
Potter: Fundamentals of Nursing, 11th Edition


1. Which nurse most likely kept records on sanitation techniques and the effects on health? a.
Florence Nightingale
b. Mary Nutting
c. Clara Barton
d. Lillian Wald
Nightingale was the first practicing nurse epidemiologist. Her statistical analyses connected
poor sanitation with cholera and dysentery. Mary Nutting, Clara Barton, and Lillian Wald
came after Nightingale, each contributing to the nursing profession in her own way. Mary
Nutting was instrumental in moving nursing education into universities. Clara Barton founded
the American Red Cross. Lillian Wald helped open the Henry Street Settlement.

DIF:Understand (comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss the influence of social, historical, political, and economic changes on nursing practices.
TOP: Evaluation MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance

2. The nurse prescribes strategies and alternatives to attain expected outcome. Which standard
of nursing practice is the nurse following? a. Assessment
b. Diagnosis
c. Planning
d. Implementation
In planning, the registered nurse develops a plan that prescribes strategies and alternatives to
attain expected outcomes. During assessment, the registered nurse collects comprehensive
data pertinent to the patient’s health and/or the situation. In diagnosis, the registered nurse
analyzes the assessment data to determine the diagnoses or issues. During implementation,
the registered nurse implements (carries out) the identified plan.

DIF:Understand (comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss the development of professional nursing roles. TOP: Planning MSC:
Management of Care

3. An experienced medical-surgical nurse chooses to work in obstetrics. Which level of
proficiency is the nurse upon initial transition to the obstetrical floor? a. Novice
b. Proficient
c. Competent
d. Advanced beginner

, ANS: A
A beginning nursing student or any nurse entering a situation in which there is no previous
level of experience (e.g., an experienced operating room nurse chooses to now practice in
home health) is an example of a novice nurse. A proficient nurse perceives a patient’s clinical
situation as a whole, is able to assess an entire situation, and can readily transfer knowledge
gained from multiple previous experiences to a situation. A competent nurse understands the
organization and specific care required by the type of patients (e.g., surgical, oncology, or
orthopedic patients). This nurse is a competent practitioner who is able to anticipate nursing
care and establish long-range goals. A nurse who has had some level of experience with the
situation is an advanced beginner. This experience may only be observational in nature, but
the nurse is able to identify meaningful aspects or principles of nursing care.

DIF:Apply (application)
OBJ:Discuss the development of professional nursing roles. TOP: Evaluation MSC:
Management of Care

4. A nurse assesses a patient’s fluid status and decides that the patient needs to drink more
fluids. The nurse then encourages the patient to drink more fluids. Which concept is the
nurse demonstrating? a. Licensure
b. Autonomy
c. Certification
d. Accountability
Autonomy is an essential element of professional nursing that involves the initiation of
independent nursing interventions without medical orders. To obtain licensure in the United
States, the RN candidate must pass the NCLEX-RN . Beyond the NCLEX-RN , the nurse
may choose to work toward certification in a specific area of nursing practice. Accountability
means that you are responsible, professionally and legally, for the type and quality of nursing
care provided.

DIF:Apply (application)
OBJ:Discuss the roles and career opportunities for nurses. TOP: Implementation MSC:
Management of Care

5. A nurse prepares the budget and policies for an intensive care unit. Which role is the nurse
a. Educator
b. Manager
c. Advocate
d. Caregiver
A manager coordinates the activities of members of the nursing staff in delivering nursing
care and has personnel, policy, and budgetary responsibility for a specific nursing unit or

, facility. As an educator, you explain concepts and facts about health, describe the reason for
routine care activities, demonstrate procedures such as self-care activities, reinforce learning
or patient behavior, and evaluate the patient’s progress in learning. As a patient advocate, you
protect your patient’s human and legal rights and provide assistance in asserting these rights if
the need arises. As a caregiver, you help patients maintain and regain health, manage disease
and symptoms, and attain a maximal level function and independence through the healing

DIF:Apply (application)
OBJ:Discuss the roles and career opportunities for nurses. TOP: Implementation MSC:
Management of Care

6. The nurse has been working in the clinical setting for several years as an advanced practice
nurse. However, the nurse has a strong desire to pursue research and theory development. To
fulfill this desire, which program should the nurse attend? a. Doctor of Nursing Science
degree (DNSc)
b. Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD)
c. Doctor of Nursing Practice degree (DNP)
d. Doctor in the Science of Nursing degree (DSN)
Some doctoral programs prepare nurses for more rigorous research and theory development
and award the research-oriented Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in nursing. Professional doctoral
programs in nursing (DSN or DNSc) prepare graduates to apply research findings to clinical
nursing. The DNP is a practice doctorate that prepares advanced practice nurses such as nurse

DIF:Understand (comprehension)
OBJ:Compare and contrast the educational programs available for professional registered nurse (RN)
education. TOP: Teaching/Learning MSC: Management of Care

7. A nurse attends a workshop on current nursing issues provided by the American Nurses
Association. Which type of education did the nurse receive? a. Graduate education
b. Inservice education
c. Continuing education
d. Registered nurse education
Continuing education involves formal, organized educational programs offered by
universities, hospitals, state nurses associations, professional nursing organizations, and
educational and health care institutions. After obtaining a baccalaureate degree in nursing,
you can pursue graduate education leading to a master’s or doctoral degree in any number of
graduate fields, including nursing. Inservice education programs are instruction or training
provided by a health care facility or institution. Registered nurse education is the education
preparation for an individual intending to be an RN.

, DIF:Apply (application)
OBJ:Compare and contrast the educational programs available for professional registered nurse (RN)
education. TOP: Teaching/Learning MSC: Management of Care

8. A onurse oidentifies ogaps obetween olocal oand obest opractices. oWhich oQuality oand oSafety
oEducation ofor oNurses o(QSEN) ocompetency ois othe onurse odemonstrating? oa. oSafety
b. Patient-centered ocare
c. Quality oimprovement
d. Teamwork oand ocollaboration
Quality oimprovement oidentifies ogaps obetween olocal oand obest opractices. oSafety
ominimizes orisk oof oharm oto opatients oand oproviders othrough oboth osystem oeffectiveness
oand oindividual operformance. oPatient-centered ocare orecognizes othe opatient oor odesignee oas
othe osource oof ocontrol oand ofull opartner oin oproviding ocompassionate oand ocoordinated
ocare obased oon orespect ofor opatient’s opreferences, ovalues, oand oneeds. oTeamwork oand
ocollaboration oallows oeffective ofunctioning owithin onursing oand ointerprofessional oteams,
ofostering oopen ocommunication, omutual orespect, oand oshared odecision omaking.

DIF:Understand o(comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss o the o roles o and o career o opportunities o for o nurses. o TOP: o Evaluation
o MSC: oManagement oof oCare

9. A onurse ohas ocompassion ofatigue. oWhat ois othe onurse oexperiencing?
a. Lateral oviolence oand ointrapersonal oconflict
b. Burnout oand osecondary otraumatic ostress
c. Short-term ogrief oand osingle ostressor
d. Physical oand omental oexhaustion
Compassion ofatigue ois oa oterm oused oto odescribe oa ostate oof oburnout oand osecondary
otraumatic ostress. oCompassion ofatigue omay ocontribute oto owhat ois odescribed oas olateral
(nurse-nurse ointeractions, onot ointrapersonal). oFrequent, ointense, oor oprolonged oexposure oto
ogrief oand oloss oplaces onurses oat orisk ofor odeveloping ocompassion ofatigue. oStressors, onot oa
osingle ostressor, ocontribute oto ocompassion ofatigue. oPhysical oand omental oexhaustion
odescribes oburnout oonly.

DIF:Understand o(comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss othe oinfluence oof osocial, ohistorical, opolitical, oand oeconomic ochanges oon onursing
TOP: Assessment MSC: oHealth oPromotion oand oMaintenance

10. A opatient ois oscheduled ofor osurgery. oWhen ogetting oready oto oobtain othe oinformed
oconsent, othe opatient otells othe onurse, o―I ohave ono oidea owhat ois ogoing oto ohappen. oI
ocouldn’t oask oany

, questions.‖ oThe onurse odoes onot oallow othe opatient oto osign othe opermit oand onotifies othe
ohealth ocare oprovider oof othe osituation. oWhich orole ois othe onurse odisplaying? oa. oManager
b. Patient oeducator
c. Patient oadvocate
d. Clinical onurse ospecialist
As oa opatient oadvocate, othe onurse oprotects othe opatient’s ohuman oand olegal orights,
oincluding othe oright oof othe opatient oto ounderstand oprocedures obefore osigning opermits.
oAlthough onurses ocan obe oeducators, oit ois othe oresponsibility oof othe osurgeon oto oprovide
oeducation ofor othe opatient oin opreparation ofor osurgery, oand oit ois othe onurse’s oresponsibility
oto onotify othe ohealth ocare oprovider oif othe opatient ois onot oproperly oeducated. oManagers
ocoordinate othe oactivities oof omembers oof othe onursing ostaff oin odelivering onursing ocare,
oand oclinical onurse ospecialists oare oexperts oin oa ospecialized oarea oof onursing opractice oin oa
ovariety oof osettings.

DIF:Apply o(application)
OBJ:Discuss o the o roles o and o career o opportunities o for o nurses. o TOP: o Evaluation
o MSC: oManagement oof oCare

11. The opatient orequires oroutine ogynecological oservices oafter ogiving obirth oto oher oson,
oand owhile oseeing othe onurse-midwife, othe opatient oasks ofor oa oreferral oto oa
opediatrician ofor othe onewborn. oWhich oaction oshould othe onurse-midwife otake
a. Provide othe oreferral oas orequested.
b. Offer oto oprovide othe onewborn ocare.
c. Refer othe opatient oto othe osupervising oprovider.
d. Tell othe opatient othat ois onot oallowed oto omake oreferrals.
The opractice oof onurse-midwifery oinvolves oproviding oindependent ocare ofor owomen
oduring onormal opregnancy, olabor, oand odelivery, oas owell oas ocare ofor othe onewborn.
oAfter obeing oapprised oof othe omidwifery orole, oif othe opatient oinsists oon oseeing oa
opediatrician, othe onurse-midwife oshould oprovide othe oreferral. oThe osupervising oprovider
ois oan oobstetric oprovider, onot oa opediatrician. oA onurse-midwife ocan omake oreferrals.

DIF:Analyze o(analysis)
OBJ:Discuss o the o roles o and o career o opportunities o for o nurses. o TOP: o Implementation o MSC:
oManagement oof oCare

12. The onurse ohas oa ogoal oof obecoming oa ocertified oregistered onurse oanesthetist o(CRNA).
oWhich oactivity ois oappropriate ofor oa oCRNA?
a. Manages ogynecological oservices osuch oas oPAP osmears.
b. Works ounder othe oguidance oof oan oanesthesiologist.
c. Obtains oa oPhD odegree oin oanesthesiology.
d. Coordinates oacute omedical oconditions.

, Nurse oanesthetists oprovide osurgical oanesthesia ounder othe oguidance oand osupervision oof
oan oanesthesiologist, owho ois oa ophysician o(health ocare oprovider) owith oadvanced
oknowledge oof osurgical oanesthesia. oNurse opractitioners, onot oCRNAs, omanage oself-
limiting oacute oand ochronic ostable omedical oconditions; ocertified onurse-midwives oprovide
ogynecological oservices osuch oas oroutine oPapanicolaou o(Pap) osmears. oThe oCRNA ois oan
oRN owith oan oadvanced oeducation oin oa onurse oanesthesia oaccredited oprogram. oA oPhD ois
onot oa orequirement.

DIF:Understand o(comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss o the o roles o and o career o opportunities o for o nurses. o TOP: o Implementation o MSC:
oManagement oof oCare
13. A onurse oteaches oa ogroup oof onursing ostudents oabout onurse opractice oacts. oWhich
oinformation ois omost oimportant oto oinclude oin othe oteaching osession oabout onurse
opractice oacts? oa. oProtects othe onurse.
b. Protects othe opublic.
c. Protects othe oprovider.
d. Protects othe ohospital.
The onurse opractice oacts oregulate othe oscope oof onursing opractice oand oprotect opublic ohealth,
osafety, oand owelfare. oThey odo onot oprotect othe onurse, oprovider, oor ohospital.

DIF:Understand o(comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss othe oinfluence oof osocial, ohistorical, opolitical, oand oeconomic ochanges oon onursing
TOP: Teaching/Learning MSC: Management oof oCare

14. A obill ohas obeen osubmitted oto othe oState oHouse oof oRepresentatives othat ois odesigned
oto oreduce othe ocost oof ohealth ocare oby oincreasing othe opatient-to-nurse oratio ofrom oa
omaximum oof o2:1 oin ointensive ocare ounits oto o3:1. oWhat oshould othe onurse orealize?
a. Legislation ois opolitics obeyond othe onurse’s ocontrol.
b. National oprograms ohave ono obearing oon ostate opolitics.
c. The oindividual onurse ocan oinfluence olegislative odecisions.
d. Focusing oon onursing ocare oprovides othe obest opatient obenefit.
Nurses ocan oinfluence opolicy odecisions oat oall ogovernmental olevels. oOne oway ois oto oget
oinvolved oby oparticipating oin olocal oand onational oefforts. oThis oeffort ois ocritical oin
oexerting onurses’ oinfluence oearly oin othe opolitical oprocess. oLegislation ois onot obeyond othe
onurse’s ocontrol. oNational oprogram ocan ohave obearing oon ostate opolitics. oThe oquestion ois
ofocusing oon olegislation oand ohealth ocare ocosts, onot onursing ocare.

DIF:Analyze o(analysis)
OBJ:Discuss othe oinfluence oof osocial, ohistorical, opolitical, oand oeconomic ochanges oon onursing
TOP: Evaluation MSC: oManagement oof oCare

, 15. A onurse ois ousing oa oguide othat oprovides oprinciples oof oright oand owrong oto
oprovide ocare oto opatients. oWhich oguide ois othe onurse ousing? oa. oCode oof oethics
b. Standards oof opractice
c. Standards oof oprofessional operformance
d. Quality oand osafety oeducation ofor onurses
The ocode oof oethics ois othe ophilosophical oideals oof oright oand owrong othat odefine othe
oprinciples oyou owill ouse oto oprovide ocare oto oyour opatients. oThe ostandards oof opractice
odescribe oa ocompetent olevel oof onursing ocare. oThe oANA oStandards oof oProfessional
oPerformance odescribe oa ocompetent olevel oof obehavior oin othe oprofessional orole. oQuality
oand osafety oeducation ofor onurses oaddresses othe ochallenge oto oprepare onurses owith othe
ocompetencies oneeded oto ocontinuously oimprove othe oquality oof ocare oin otheir owork

DIF:Understand o(comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss othe oinfluence oof osocial, ohistorical, opolitical, oand oeconomic ochanges oon onursing
TOP: Implementation MSC: Management oof oCare

16. A ograduate oof oa obaccalaureate odegree oprogram oplans oto ostart oworking oas oa
oregistered onurse o(RN) oin othe oemergency odepartment. oWhich oaction omust othe onurse
otake ofirst? oa. oObtain ocertification ofor oan oemergency onurse.
b. Pass othe oNational oCouncil oLicensure oExamination.
c. Take oa ocourse oon ogenomics oto oprovide ocompetent oemergency ocare.
d. Complete othe oHospital oConsumer oAssessment oof oHealthcare oProviders oSystems.
Currently, oin othe oUnited oStates, othe omost ocommon oway oto obecome oa oregistered onurse
o(RN) ois othrough ocompletion oof oan oassociate odegree oor obaccalaureate odegree oprogram.
oGraduates oof oboth oprograms oare oeligible oto otake othe oNational oCouncil oLicensure
oExamination ofor oRegistered oNurses o(NCLEX-RN) oto obecome oregistered onurses oin othe
ostate oin owhich othey owill opractice.
Certification ocan obe oobtained oafter opassing othe oNCLEX oand oworking ofor othe ospecified
oamount oof otime. oGenomics ois oa onewer oterm othat odescribes othe ostudy oof oall othe ogenes
oin oa operson oand ointeractions oof othese ogenes owith oone oanother oand owith othat operson’s
oenvironment. oConsumers ocan oalso oaccess oHospital oConsumer oAssessment oof oHealthcare
oProviders oSystems o(HCAHPS) oto oobtain oinformation oabout opatients’ operspectives oon
ohospital ocare.

DIF:Remember o(knowledge)
OBJ:Compare oand ocontrast othe oeducational oprograms oavailable ofor oprofessional oregistered onurse
o(RN) oeducation. oTOP: oImplementation oMSC: oManagement oof oCare

17. While oproviding ocare oto oa opatient, othe onurse ois oresponsible, oboth oprofessionally oand
olegally, ofor othe o appropriateness o and o proper o execution o of o the o care. o Which o concept
o does o this o describe? o a.
b. Accountability
c. Patient oadvocacy

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