Bio 201 Chapter 1 Rio Salado
Questions & Answers(RATED A+)
The study of body structures and their relationships - ANSWERAnatomy
This type of peritoneum is the serous membrane that covers the intestines. -
The heel region - ANSWERCalcaneal
Similar cells that have a common function - ANSWERTissues
This system secretes hormones that regulate growth processes and nutrient usage
by body cells. - ANSWEREndocrine
This type of physiology concerns urine production and kidney function. -
Major subdivisions of anatomy include this type of anatomy, microscopic anatomy,
and developmental anatomy. - ANSWERGross
The levels of structural organization of the body, from simplest to most complex, are:
chemical, cellular, _____, organ, organ system, and organismal. - ANSWERTissue
Dynamic equilibrium of your internal environment - ANSWERHomeostasis
The elbow is in what relation to the wrist? - ANSWERProximal
A broad term that covers all chemical reactions that occur within the body cells -
This cavity contains the bladder, some reproductive organs, and the rectum. -
Explained by chemical and physical principles and is concerned with the function of
specific organs or organic systems - ANSWERPhysiology
Endocrine System- - ANSWERRegulates growth, reproduction, metabolism via
glands secreting hormones
Cardiovascular System- - ANSWERheart pumps blood, blood travels via blood
vessels to deliver O2, CO2, nutrients, waste
Lymphatic/Immune System- - ANSWERImmune response attacks foreign
substances, lymphocytes store WBCs, returns leaked fluid to blood, disposes of
debris via lymphatic stream
, Respiratory System- - ANSWERsupplies blood with O2 and removes CO2, gas
exchange via alveoli in lungs
This cavity contains tiny bones that transmit sound vibrations to the organ of hearing
in the inner ear. - ANSWERMiddle Ear
The back of the elbow - ANSWERoleocranal
Explain the principle of complementarity. - ANSWERWhat a structure can do
depends on its specific form
Name (in order of increasing complexity) the different levels of structural organization
that make up the human body, and explain their relationships. - ANSWER1.
Chemical level: (atoms-molecules-organelles-cells)
2.Cellular level: (smallest unit of living things)
3. Tissue level 4 types:(groups of similar cells with common function, epithelium,
muscle, connective tissue, nervous tissue)
4.Organ level (discrete structure with at least 2 tissue types)
5. Organ system (organs working for common purpose)
6. Organismal level (highest level, organism=human being)
Integumentary System (Skin)- - ANSWERexternal protection of internal structures,
produces Vit. D, cutaneous receptors, sweat/oil glands
Skeletal System- - ANSWERframework and support of organs/muscles, produces
blood cells, mineral storage
Muscular System- - ANSWERmanipulation of environment/movement, facial
expression, posture, heat production
Nervous System- - ANSWER'fast-acting' control system via response to
internal/external change by activating target muscles and glands
Digestive System- - ANSWERfood breakdown into size for absorption and distribute
to cells via blood, indigestible portion eliminated as feces
Urinary System- - ANSWERregulation of H2O and electrolyte/acid-base balance,
eliminates nitrogenous wastes
Male & Female Reproductive System- - ANSWERProduction of offspring, testes
make sperm and male sex hormones, ovaries make eggs and female sex hormones
Negative Feedback: - ANSWERmajority of control mechanisms, original stimulus
shut down to reduce its intensity, change in direction opposite to initial change
Positive Feedback: - ANSWERless common, original stimulus enhanced/accelerated
by response, change in same direction as initial change