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Test Bank for Family Practice Guidelines, 5th Edition by Jill C. Cash Chapters 1 - 23 ISBN: 9780826135834 | Complete Guide A+
Family Practice, 5e By Jill Cash
Family Practice, 5e By Jill Cash
Test Bank for Family Practice Guidelines, 5th Edition by Jill C. Cash Chapters 1 - 23 ISBN: 9780826135834 | Complete Guide A+
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Family Practice, 5e By Jill Cash
Family Practice, 5e By Jill Cash
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Family Practice Guidelines 5th Edition Cash
gt gt gt gt gt gt
gt Glass Mullen Test Bank complete 554 pages with
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verified Q&A 2023-2024
gt gt gt
, Family gtPractice gtGuidelines gtFifth gtEdition gtTest gtBank
Chapter gt1. gtHealth gtMaintenance gtGuidelines
gt Multiple gtChoice
Identify gtthe gtchoice gtthat gtbest gtcompletes gtthe gtstatement gtor gtanswers gtthe gtquestion.
1. gtThe gtnurse gtis gtpreparing gtto gtteach gta gtpatient gtof gtthe gtAsian gtculture gtto gtperform
gt postoperative gtdressing gtchanges gtat gthome gtafter gtdischarge. gtWhich gtstatement gtmade gtby gtthe
nurse gtindicates gtcultural gtcompetence?
a. Tell gtme gthow gtyou gtfeel gtabout gtyour gtsurgery.
b. Asian gtpeople gtare gtsmart, gtso gtthis gtshould gtbe gteasy gtfor gtyou gtto gtunderstand.
c. American gtsurgeons gtare gthighly gtqualified; gtIm gtsure gtyou gtwill gtheal gtquickly.
d. Will gtyou gttell gtme gtabout gtany gttraditional gthealing gtpractices gtthat gtyou gtwould gtlike gtto gtuse?
2. gtAn gtunconscious gtvictim gtof gta gthouse gtfire gtis gtbrought gtto gtthe gtemergency gtdepartment
gt by gtthe gtparamedics. gtTied gtto gtthe gtright gtwrist gtis gtan gtemblem gtthat gtappears gtbe gta gtreligious
gt talisman. gtWhich gtaction gtshould gtthe gtnurse gttake?
a. Tape gtit gtin gtplace.
b. Do gtnothing gtwith gtit.
c. Remove gtit gtand gtlock gtit gtup gtfor gtsafekeeping.
d. Place gtit gtin gta gtclothing gtbag gtwith gtthe gtrest gtof gtthe gtpatients gtbelongings.
3. gtA gt43-year-old gtpatient gtof gtArab gtdescent gtis gtadmitted gtto gtthe gthospital. gtTo gtcomply
with gtthe gtstate gtlaws gtof gtthe gtorganization, gtthe gtnurse gtoffers gtthe gtpatient gta gtPapanicolaou
gt smear, gtwhich gtshe gtrefuses. gtWhich gtaction gtshould gtthe gtnurse gttake gtfirst?
a. Notify gtthe gtphysician.
b. Report gtthe gtrefusal gtto gtthe gtsupervisor.
c. Explain gtthe gtrationale gtfor gtand gtbenefits gtof gtthe gttest.
d. Tell gther gtit gtis gtstate gtlaw gtand gtthat gtshe gtdoes gtnot gthave gta gtchoice.
4. gtA gtpatient gtwho gtis gta gtJehovahs gtWitness gthas gtsevere gtgastrointestinal gtbleeding gtand gta
gt dangerously gtlow gthemoglobin gtlevel. gtThe gtpatient gtis gtfully gtalert gtand gtcompetent gtand gtrefuses gtto
gt accept gtthe gtblood gttransfusion gtordered gtby gtthe gtphysician. gtWhich gtaction gtby gtthe gtnurse gtis gtmost
gt appropriate?
a. Obtain gta gtcourt gtorder gtto gtgive gtthe gtblood.
b. Administer gtthe gtblood gtwhile gtthe gtpatient gtis gtsleeping.
c. Have gtthe gtpatients gtspouse gtsign gtthe gtconsent gtto gthave gtthe gtblood gtadministered.
,d. Ensure gtthe gtpatient gtunderstands gtpossible gtconsequences gtand gtthen gtrespect gtthe gtpatients gtwishes.
5. gtA gtpatient gtof gtMexican gtdescent gtsees gta gtcurandero gtfor gtasthma; gtthe gtcurandero gthas
gt prescribed gta gtspecial gttea gtto gtbe gttaken gtfour gttimes gta gtday gtto gtopen gtthe gtairways. gtHow gtshould
gt the gtnurse gtrespond gtto gtthis gtsituation?
a. Encourage gtthe gtpatient gtto gtcontinue gtdrinking gtthe gttea.
b. Encourage gtthe gtpatient gtto gtdrink gtonly gtone gtcup gtof gtthe gttea gteach gtday.
c. Ask gtthe gtpatient gtto gtbring gtin gtthe gttea gtpackage gtand gthave gtthe gtpharmacist gtcheck gtthe gtingredients.
d. Advise gtthe gtpatient gtto gtstop gtdrinking gtthe gttea gtbecause gtof gtpotential gtinteractions gtwith
other gtmedications.
6. gtThe gtnurse gtis gtcaring gtfor gta gtyoung gtadult gtmale gtpatient gtwho gtrefuses gtpersonal gtcare
from gta gtfemale gtnursing gtassistant. gtWhich gtapproach gtby gtthe gtnurse gtis gtbest?
a. Encourage gtthe gtpatients gtfamily gtto gttalk gtwith gthim gtabout gthis gtcare.
b. Have gta gtregistered gtnurse gt(RN) gthelp gtwith gthis gtpersonal gtcare.
c. Assign gta gtmale gtassistant gtto gthelp gtwith gthis gtpersonal gtcare gtif gtone gtis gtavailable.
d. Explain gtto gthim gtthat gtmales gtand gtfemales gttake gtcare gtof gtboth gtgenders gtin gtthis gthospital.
7. gtThe gtnurse gtis gtproviding gtmedication gtinstructions gtto gta gt45-year-old gtpatient gtwho
gt does gtnot gtmaintain gteye gtcontact. gtWhat gtshould gtthis gtpatients gtbehavior gtindicate gtto gtthe
gt nurse?
a. The gtpatient gtis gtnot gtinterested.
b. The gtnurse gtthreatens gtthe gtpatients gtego.
c. The gtnurse gtis gtin gta gthierarchical gtposition.
d. The gtpatient gtdoes gtnot gtintend gtto gtfollow gtthe gtinstructions.
g t g t g t 8. gtThe gtnurse gtis gtcaring gtfor gta gtpatient gtof gtSpanish gtdescent gtwho gtis gtexperiencing
gt pain, gtbut gtdoes gtnot gtspeak gtEnglish. gtAn gtinterpreter gtis gtlocated gtto gthelp gtwith gtthe gtassessment.
What gtshould gtthe gtnurse gtdo gtto gtfacilitate gtcommunication gtwith gtthis gtpatient?
a. Use gthand gtsignals gtto gtdetermine gtthe gtcause gtof gtthe gtpain.
b. Ensure gtthe gtinterpreter gtis gtnot gtleft gtalone gtwith gtthe gtpatient.
c. Maintain gteye gtcontact gtwith gtthe gtpatient gtand gtthe gtinterpreter.
d. Use gtonly gtphysical gtexamination gtdata; gtdo gtnot gtrely gton gtverbal gtcommunication.
9. gtA gtnew gtmother gtof gtGuatemalan gtdescent gtbrings gther gt10-day-old gtinfant gtto gta gtclinic gtfor gta
well- gtbaby gtcheckup. gtTo gtpromote gthealing, gtshe gthas gta gtcoin gttaped gtto gtthe gtinfants gtumbilicus.
gt What gtshould gtthe gtnurse gtdo gtabout gtthis gtsituation?
a. Teach gtthe gtmother gthow gtto gtclean gtthe gtcoin gtdaily gtand gtreapply gtit.
b. Explain gtto gtthe gtmother gtthat gtthe gtcoin gtis gtnot gtnecessary gtfor gthealing.
, c. Tell gtthe gtmother gtto gtremove gtthe gtcoin, gtbecause gtit gtcould gtcause gtan gtinfection.
d. Teach gtthe gtmother gthow gtto gtapply gta gtdry gtsterile gtdressing gtin gtplace gtof gtthe gtcoin.
10. gtAn gtolder gtpatient gtwho gtfollows gtthe gtMuslim gtreligion gtis gtapproaching gtdeath. gtThe
gt family gtsays gtthe gtpatients gtbed gtshould gtbe gtturned gttoward gtthe gtopposite gtwall, gtso gtit gtcan gtface
Mecca gtto gtensure gtan gteasier gtpassage gtinto gtthe gtnext gtlife. gtThe gtwall gtthey gtwant gtthe gtbed gtto
gt face gthas gtwall gtsuction gtand gtoxygen, gtwhich gtthe gtpatient gtis gtusing. gtWhich gtaction gtby gtthe
gt nurse gtis gtappropriate?
a. Get gtpermission gtfrom gtthe gtphysician gtto gtmove gtthe gtbed.
b. Rearrange gtthe gtfurniture gtto gtaccommodate gtthe gtrequest.
c. Tell gtthem gtyou gtwill gtmove gtthe gtbed gtwhen gtthe gtpatient gtis gtcloser gtto gtdeath.
d. Tell gtthem gtit gtis gtimpossible gtbecause gtof gtthe gtshort gttubing gton gtthe gtoxygen gtand gtsuction.
g t g t 11. gtA gtpatient gtof gtnorthern gtEuropean gtdescent gtrecovering gtfrom gtsurgery gtdenies
gt postoperative gtpain; gthowever, gtvital gtsigns gtindicate gtan gtelevated gtpulse gtand gtblood gtpressure.
gt The gtpatient gtrefuses gtto gtmove gtin gtbed. gtWhich gtnursing gtaction gtwould gtbest gtensure gtcomfort
gt and gttimely gtdischarge?
a. Give gtthe gtpain gtmedicine gtas gtprescribed.
b. Ask gtthe gtphysician gtto gtprescribe gtthe gtanalgesics gtaround gtthe gtclock.
c. Explain gtthat gtthe gtpain gtmedicine gtwill gthelp gtprevent gtcomplications.
d. Respect gtthe gtpatients gtdenial gtof gtpain, gtand gtdo gtnot gtencourage gtthe gtpain gtmedicine.
12. gtA gtnurse gtwho gtemigrated gtfrom gtChina gtbegins gtworking gton gta gtmedical gtunit. gtThe
gt preceptor gtexplains gtthe gtunit gtroutines, gtincluding gtthe gtmedication gtadministration gtsystem. gtWhen
gt the gtpreceptor gtasks gtif gtthe gtnurse gtunderstands, gtthe gtanswer gtis gtalways: gtYes, gtI gtunderstand. gtWhat
gt should gtthe gtpreceptor gtdo gtto gtmeasure gtthe gtnurses gtcomprehension?
a. Give gtthe gtnurse gta gtmedication gtquiz.
b. Have gtthe gtnurse gtrepeat gtthe gtinstructions.
c. Have gtthe gtnurse gtdemonstrate gtthe gtprocedures.
d. Ask gtthe gtnurse gtwhich gtinformation gtis gthard gtto gtunderstand.
13. gtA gt52-year-old gtfrom gtHaiti gtis gthospitalized gtwith gtheart gtfailure gtand gtwants gtto gthave gta
voodoo gtpractitioner gtvisit gtto gtsay gtprayers. gtHow gtshould gtthe gtnurse gtrespond gtto gtthis gtrequest?
a. Report gtthe gtrequest gtto gtthe gtphysician gtimmediately.
b. Tell gtthe gtpatient gtthat gtthis gtis gtnot gtpermitted gtduring gthospitalization.
c. Tell gtthe gtpatient gtit gtis gtokay gtfor gtthe gtvoodoo gtpractitioner gtto gtsay gtprayers.
d. Have gtthe gtpatient gtmeet gtwith gtthe gtvoodoo gtpractitioner gtin gtthe gthospital gtlobby.
14. gtThe gtnurse gtis gtcaring gtfor gta gtpatient gtfrom gta gtnon-English gtspeaking gtculture. gtWhile
gt providing gtcare, gtthe gtnurse gtshows gtan gtappreciation gtfor gtand gtattention gtto gtarts, gtmusic, gtcrafts,
gt clothing, gtand gtfoods