Hypodermic Syringe
A variety of hypodermic syringes are in com mon clinical use. This chapter
focuses m ost heavily on the frequently used 3 m L/cc syringe. However, larger
The learner will measure volum e syringes are used on occasion, so it is necessary that you learn the
parenteral solutions using: differences, as well as the similarities, of all syringes in use.
1. a standard 3 mL /cc syringe Regardless of a syringe’s volum e or capacity — 0.5, 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 20, or
2. a tuberculin syringe 50 mL/cc — all except specialized insulin syringes are calibrated in mL/cc.
However, these various capacity syringes contain calibrations that differ from
3. 5, 6, 10, and 12 m L/cc
each other. Recognizing the difference in syringe calibrations is the chief safety
concern of this chapter.
4. a 20 cc syringe
The calibrations on different volume syringes differ from each
other, requiring particular care in dosage measurement.
The most commonly used hypodermic syringe is the 3 mL/cc size illustrated
in Figure 7-1. Notice that this syringe contains only one set of calibrations,
for the metric mL/cc scale. However, a limited number of 3 mL/cc syringes
still contain a second set of smaller calibrations, for the apothecary minim,
m, scale. If a syringe you are using contains two calibrated scales be particu-
larly careful not to mistake the minum, m, calibrations for metric mL/cc
calibrations. Metric measurements are used almost exclusively in injection
If a syringe contains a minim calibration scale, care must be
taken not to mistake it for the metric mL/cc scale.
Notice that longer calibrations identify zero (0), and each 1⁄2 and full mL
measure on this 3 mL/cc syringe’s calibrated scale. These longer calibrations
are numbered: 1⁄2, 1, 11⁄2, 2, 21⁄2, and 3.
Next notice the number of calibrations in each mL, which is 10,
indicating that on this syringe each mL is calibrated in tenths. Tenths of a
mL are written as decimal fractions, for example 1.2 mL, 2.5 mL, or 0.4 mL.
Also notice the arrow on this syringe, which identifies a 0.8 mL dosage.
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Chapter 7 Hypodermic Syringe Measurement 7 7
Figure 7-1 A 3 mL Monoject ® brand syringe. Manufactured and sold by
Kendall (a division of Tyco Healthcare Group, L.P.). M onoject is a proprietary trademark
owned by Sherwood Services AG, a Tyco Healthcare Group affiliate.
Use decimal numbers, for example, 2.2 mL, to identify the measurements indicated by the arrows on
the standard 3 mL syringes that follow.
1. 2. 3.
Answers 1. 0.2 m L 2. 1.4 m L 3. 1.9 m L
Did you have difficulty with the 0.2 mL calibration in problem 1? Remember that the
first long calibration on all syringes is zero. It is slightly longer than the 0.1 cc
and subsequent one-tenth calibrations. Be careful not to mistakenly count it as 0.1 cc.
You have just been looking at photos of syringe barrels only. In assembled
syringes the colored suction tip of the plunger has two widened areas in contact with
the barrel that look like two distinct rings. Calibrations are read from the front,
or top, ring. Do not become confused by the second, bottom, ring, or by the raised
middle section of the suction tip.
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78 Section 3 Reading Medication Labels and Syringe Calibrations
What dosages are measured by the following three assembled syringes?
1. 2. 3.
Answers 1. 0.7 m L 2. 1.2 m L 3. 0.3 m L
Draw an arrow or shade in the following syringe barrels to indicate the required dosages. Have your
instructor check your accuracy.
1. 1.3 mL 2. 2.4 mL 3. 0.9 mL