Test bank for The Healthcare
Strategy, and Tools, 4e
,1. Which of the following is a good definition of healthcare quality?
a. The balance of health and harm
b. The degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of
desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge
c. Whether or not treatment was successful
d. Quality
cannot be defined.
*e. Both a and b
2. What are the Institute of Medicine?s six dimensions of quality?
a. Safe, affordable, accessible, accountable, equitable, efficient
*b. Safe, effective, efficient, timely, patient centered, equitable
c. Efficient, effective, affordable, timely, equitable, evidence based
d. Safe, timely, patient centered, affordable, accessible, evidence based
3. What are the four levels of the healthcare system?
a. Clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, hospice
*b. Patient, microsystem, organizational level, external environment
c. Patient, nurse, physician, administrator
d. Microsystem, macrosystem, external environment, policy environment
,4. Which of the following reports helped launch the healthcare quality movement in the United
a. Institute of Medicine?s To Err Is Human
b. Institute of Medicine?s Crossing the Quality Chasm
c. Institute of Medicine?s Healthcare Quality in the U.S. Ranks Top in the World
d. All of the above
*e. Both a and b
5. Which of the following definitions does not match the corresponding Institute of Medicine
dimension of quality?
a. Safe?Care should be as safe for patients in healthcare facilities as in their homes.
b. Efficient?Care and service should be cost-effective, and waste should be removed from the
*c. Effective?Physicians have discretion to deliver the care they deem to be effective, based on their
d. Timely?Patients should experience no waits or delays when receiving care and service.
6. Technical performance encompasses which of the following?
a. How well current scientific medical knowledge and technology are applied in a given situation
b. Timeliness and accuracy of the diagnosis
c. Appropriateness of therapy
d. Skill with which procedures are performed
, *e. All of the above
7. Access to care may be influenced by the ________________.
a. cost of care
b. provider location
c. provider availability
d. cultural characteristics of the patient or provider
*e. All of the above
8. Which dimension of quality does the following sentence best describe?
?Good medical care implies the application of all the necessary services of modern, scientific
medicine to the needs of all people. . . . Medicine does not fulfill its function adequately until the
same perfection is within reach of all individuals.?
*a. Equity
b. Access
c. Fairness
d. Effectiveness
9. The best measures of quality of care are which of the following?
a. Outcome measures
b. Process measures