Hippocrates - First person known to attribute intelligence to the brain
Aristotle - Believed brain cools overheated blood and allows rationality
Valen - Discovered the ventricles and thought they were filled with humors
Descartes - Thought the mind was outside of the brain; mind communicated with the brain through
pineal gland
Bell - Discovered the ventral root was for motor movement
Magendie - Discovered the dorsal root was for sensations
Gall - Studied phrenology
Broca - Discovered a region in the brain for speech
Flourens - Experimental ablation studies provided evidence against phrenology
Fritsch & Hitzig - Studies in dogs found electrical current could evoke discrete movements
Ferrier - Studies in monkeys found electrical current could evoke discrete movements
Monk - Ablation studies found the occipital lobe is for vision
Darwin - Theories on the evolution of the nervous system by natural selection
Schwann - Cell theory
Golgi - Reticular theory
Ramon y Cajal - Neuron doctrine
Golgi & Cajal - Won nobel prize in 1906 for anatomical studies of nervous system
Neuroscience - curiosity, pain, pleasure, movement, reasoning, learning, memory, emotion, and
, The society for Neuroscience was established in - 1970
skull surgeries - Trepanation, skulls showed signs of healing
Ancient Egypt 5000 ya - heart is the soul and memory not the head or brain
Ancient Greece 460-379 BCE - correlation between structures and function.
Ancient greece scientist - Hippocrates, and Aristotle
Roman Empire - Cerebrum and Cerebellum
- Ventricles filled with humors
- Nerves were hollow tubes to conduct humors; which were sensation and movements
Roman Empire Scientist - Greek physician Valen
Renaissance/17th Century - The brain was viewed as a machine
-Fluid- mechanical theory of the brain function
Renaissance/17th century Scientist - Descartes
17th and 18th centuries - Gray matter, white matter
White matter is cerebral spinal fluid
White matter - is continuous with the nerves, so it sends information to/from gray matter.
Late 18th century - -Gross anatomy details - (unethical ways of dissecting bodies - grave yards)
-Gyri, sulci, and fissures - different functions
-Injuries can disrupt sensations, movement, thought and case death
- Brain connects to the body via nerves
gyri - are the folds in the brain that give it its wrinkled appearance.
fissures - deep grooves in the brain
sulci - are the groves/indentations in the brain
Central subdivision - brain and spinal cord
Peripheral division - network of nerves coursing through the body
19th century - Nerves we viewed as wires, understanding electrical phenomena, nervous system can
generate electricity
19th century scientist - Bell, Magendie, Gall, Marie-Jean-Pierre Flourens, Paul Broca, Fritsch & Hitzig,
Ferrier, Munk, Darwin, Schwann