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accelerated bvbenefits bv- bvANS--Riders bvattached bvto bvlife bvinsurance bvpolicies bvwhich
bvallow bvdeath bvbenefits bvto bvbe bvused bvto bvcover bvnursing bvor bvconvalescent bvhome
accidental bvdeath bvbenefits bv- bvANS--A bvpolicy bvrider bvthat bvstates bvthat bvthe bvcause
bvof bvdeath bvwill bvbe bvanalyzed bvto bvdetermine bvif bvit bvcomplies bvwith bvthe bvpolicy
bvdescription bvof bvaccidental bvdeath.
accidental bvdeath bvinsurance bv- bvANS--An bvinsurance bvpolicy bvthat bvprovides
bvpayment bvif bvthe bvinsured's bvdeath bvis bvthe bvresult bvof bvan bvaccident.
Accumulation bvPeriod bv- bvANS--The bvtime bvbefore bvan bvannuitant's bvretirement
bvduring bvwhich bvthe bvannuitant bvis bvmaking bvpayments bvor bvinvestments bvin bvan
actual bvcash bvvalue bvACV bv- bvANS--The bvrequired bvamount bvto bvpay bvdamages bvor
bvfor bvproperty bvloss, bvwhich bvis bvcalculated bvbased bvon bvthe bvproperty's bvcurrent
bvreplacement bvvalue bvminus bvdepreciation.
Adhesion bv- bvANS--A bvcontract bvoffered bvon bva bvtake-it-or-leave-it bvbasis bvby bvan
bvinsurer, bvin bvwhich bvthe bvinsured's bvonly bvoption bvis bvto bveither bvaccept bvor bvreject
bvthe bvcontract. bvAny bvambiguities bvin bvthe bvcontract bvwill bvbe bvsettled bvin bvfavor bvof
bvthe bvinsured.
Adjustable bvLife bv- bvANS--Life bvinsurance bvwhich bvpermits bvchanges bvin bvthe bvface
bvamount, bvpremium bvamount, bvperiod bvof bvprotection, bvand bvthe bvduration bvof bvthe
bvpremium bvpayment bvperiod.
Adjuster bv- bvANS--A bvrepresentative bvof bvan bvinsurance bvcompany bvwho
bvinvestigates bvand bvacts bvon bvthe bvbehalf bvof bvthe bvcompany bvto bvobtain
bvagreements bvfor bvthe bvamount bvof bvthe bvinsurance bvclaim.
administrator bv- bvANS--an bvindividual bvappointed bvby bva bvcourt bvas bva bvfiduciary bvto
bvsettle bvthe bvfinancial bvaffairs bvan bvestate bvof bva bvdeceased bvperson
Admitted bv(authorized) bvinsurer bv- bvANS--An bvinsurance bvcompany bvauthorized bvand
bvlicensed bvto bvtransact bvbusiness bvin bva bvparticular bvstate.
,adverse bvselection bv- bvANS--the bvtendency bvof bvrisks bvwith bvhigher bvprobability bvof
bvloss bvto bvpurchase bvand bvmaintain bvInsurance bvmore bvoften bvthan bvthe bvrisk bvWho
bvpresent bvlower bvprobability
agency bv- bvANS--an bvinsurance bvsales bvoffice bvor bvcompany
Agent bv- bvANS--an bvindividual bvwho bvis bvlicensed bvto bvsell, bvnegotiate, bvor bvaffect
bvinsurance bvcontracts bvon bvbehalf bvof bvthe bvinsurer
agent bvappointment bv- bvANS--the bvauthorization bvof bvan bvagent bvto bvact bvfor bvor
bvrepresent bvan bvinsurer
Agent's bvAuthority bv- bvANS--Special bvpowers bvgranted bvto bvan bvagent bvby bvhis bvor
bvher bvagency bvcontract.
Aleatory bvContract bv- bvANS--a bvcontract bvin bvwhich bvparticipating bvparties bvexchange
bvunequal bvamounts. bvInsurance bvcontracts bvare bvaleatory bvin bvthat bvthe bvamount
bvthe bvinsured bvwill bvpay bvin bvpremiums bvis bvunequal bvto bvthe bvamount bvthe bvinsurer
bvwill bvpay bvin bvthe bvevent bvof bva bvloss.
Alien bvInsurer bv- bvANS--An bvinsurance bvcompany bvthat bvis bvincorporated bvoutside
bvthe bvUnited bvStates.
annual bvstatement bv- bvANS--A bvdetailed bvfinancial bvreport bvthat bvan bvinsurance
bvcompany bvmust bvsubmit bvevery bvyear bvto bvthe bvinsurance bvdepartment bvof bvstate(s)
bvin bvwhich bvit bvconducts bvbusiness.
annuity bv- bvANS--a bvcontract bvthat bvprovides bvincome bvfor bva bvspecified bvperiod bvof
bvyears, bvor bvfor bvlife.
Apparent bvAuthority bv- bvANS--The bvappearance bvor bvthe bvassumption bvof bvauthority
bvbased bvon bvthe bvactions, bvwords, bvor bvdeeds bvof bvthe bvprincipal bvor bvbecause bvof
bvcircumstances bvthe bvprincipal bvcreated.
applicant bv- bvANS--a bvperson bvmaking bvapplication bvfor, bvor bvoffering bvhimself,
bvherself bvor bvanother bvto bvbe bvinsured bvunder bvan bvinsurance bvcontract.
application bv- bvANS--a bvdocument bvthat bvprovides bvinformation bvfor bvunderwriting
bvpurposes. bvAfter bvthe bvpolicy bvis bvissued, bvany bvunanswered bvquestions bvare
bvconsidered bvwaived bvby bvthe bvinsurer.
assignment bv- bvANS--the bvtransfer bvof bvownership bvrights bvof bva bvlife bvinsurance
bvpolicy bvfrom bvone bvperson bvto bvanother.
Attained bvAge bv- bvANS--The bvage bvof bvthe bvinsured bvat bva bvdetermined bvdate.
, attending bvphysician bvstatement bvAPS bv- bvANS--A bvstatement bvusually bvobtained
bvfrom bvthe bvapplicant's bvdoctor.
authorized bv(admitted) bvinsurer bv- bvANS--An bvinsurance bvcompany bvauthorized bvand
bvlicensed bvto bvtransact bvbusiness bvin bva bvparticular bvstate.
Avoidance bv- bvANS--a bvmethod bvof bvdealing bvwith bvRisk bvby bvdeliberately bvkeeping
bvaway bvfrom bvit bv(E.G. bvif bva bvperson bvwanted bvto bvavoid bvthe bvrisk bvof bvbeing
bvkilled bvin bvan bvairplane bvcrash, bvhe bvor bvshe bvmight bvchoose bvto bvnever bvfly bvin bva
basic bvillustration bv- bvANS--A bvledger bvor bvproposal bvused bvin bvthe bvsale bvof bva bvlife
bvinsurance bvpolicy bvthat bvshows bvboth bvguaranteed bvand bvnonguaranteed bvelements.
beneficiary bv- bvANS--the bvperson bvwho bvreceives bvthe bvproceeds bvfrom bvthe bvpolicy
bvwhen bvthe bvinsured bvdies.
Birthday bvrule bv- bvANS--The bvmethod bvof bvdetermining bvprimary bvcoverage bvfor bva
bvdependent bvchild, bvunder bvwhich bvthe bvplan bvof bvthe bvparent bvwhose bvbirthday
bvoccurs bvfirst bvin bvthe bvcalendar bvyear bvis bvdesignated bvas bvprimary.
Broker bv- bvANS--an bvindividual bvwho bvrepresents bvan bvinsured bvin bvthe bvprocess bvof
bvpurchasing bvand bvnegotiating bva bvcontract bvof bvinsurance.
buy-sell bvagreement bv- bvANS--A bvlegal bvcontract bvthat bvdetermines bvwhat bvwill bvbe
bvdone bvwith bva bvbusiness bvin bvthe bvevent bvthat bvan bvowner bvdies bvor bvbecomes
Buyer's bvGuide bv- bvANS--A bvbooklet bvthat bvdescribes bvinsurance bvpolicies bvand
bvconcepts, bvand bvprovides bvgeneral bvinformation bvto bvhelp bvan bvapplicant bvmake
bvan bvinformed bvdecision.
cash bvvalue bv- bvANS--the bvamount bvto bvwhich bva bvpolicy bvowner bvis bventitled bvif bvthe
bvpolicy bvis bvsurrendered bvbefore bvmaturity.
certificate bv- bvANS--a bvstatement bvor bvbooklet bvthat bvconfirms bvthat bva bvpolicy bvhas
bvbeen bvwritten bvand bvthat bvdescribes bvthe bvcoverage bvin bvgeneral.
certificate bvof bvauthority bv- bvANS--a bvdocument bvthat bvauthorizes bva bvcompany bvto
bvstart bvconducting bvbusiness bvand bvspecifies bvthe bvkind bvor bvkinds bvof bvinsurance bva
bvcompany bvcan bvtransact. bvIt bvis bvillegal bvfor bvan bvinsurance bvcompany bvto bvtransact
bvinsurance bvwithout bvthis bvcertificate.
Certificate bvof bvInsurance bv- bvANS--A bvlegal bvdocument bvthat bvindicates bvthat bvan
bvinsurance bvpolicy bvhas bvbeen bvissued, bvand bvthat bvstates bvboth bvthe bvamounts
bvand bvtypes bvof bvinsurance bvprovided.