Test Bank For Maternal Child Nursing Care, 5th Edition
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by Perry, Shannon E., Hockenberry (Full test bank,
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100% Verified Answers)
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Test kBank kFor kMaternal kChild kNursing kCare, k5th kEdition kby kPerry, kShannon kE., kHockenberry
,Item kBank: k Perry kMaternal kChild kNursing kCare k5th kedition
Objective: k k CH k01: k21st kCentury kMaternity kNursing
1. Question kName: k0001 Type: kMC Objective: kCH k01: k21st kCentury kMaternity kNursing Item kBank: kPerry
kMaternal kChild kNursing kCare k5th kedition
When kproviding kcare kfor ka kpregnant kwoman, kthe knurse kshould kbe kaware kthat kone kof kthe kmost
kfrequently kreported kmaternal kmedical krisk kfactors kis:
* A. k Diabetes kmellitus.
B. k Mitral kvalve kprolapse k(MVP).
C. k Chronic khypertension.
D. k Anemia.
Correct kAnswer: k A
k Explanation/Rationale:
ANS: k A
The kmost kfrequently kreported kmaternal kmedical krisk kfactors kare kdiabetes kand khypertension
kassociated kwith kpregnancy. kBoth kof kthese kconditions kare kassociated kwith kmaternal kobesity. kThere
kare kno kstudies kthat kindicate kMVP kis kamong kthe kmost kfrequently kreported kmaternal krisk kfactors.
Hypertension kassociated kwith kpregnancy, knot kchronic khypertension, kis kone kof kthe kmost
kfrequently kreported kmaternal kmedical krisk kfactors. kAlthough kanemia kis ka kconcern kin kpregnancy,
kit kis knot kone kof kthe kmost kfrequently kreported kmaternal kmedical krisk kfactors kin kpregnancy.
2. Question kName: k0002 Type: kMC Objective: kCH k01: k21st kCentury kMaternity kNursing Item kBank: kPerry
kMaternal kChild kNursing kCare k5th kedition
To kensure koptimal koutcomes kfor kthe kpatient, kthe kcontemporary kmaternity knurse kmust kincorporate
kboth kteamwork kand kcommunication kwith kclinicians kinto kher kcare kdelivery, kThe kSBAR ktechnique
kof kcommunication kis kan keasy-to-remember kmechanism kfor kcommunication. kWhich kof kthe
kfollowing kcorrectly kdefines kthis kacronym?
A. Situation, kbaseline kassessment, kresponse
* B. k Situation, kbackground, kassessment, krecommendation
C. Subjective kbackground, kassessment, krecommendation
D. Situation, kbackground, kanticipated krecommendation
Correct kAnswer: k B
k Explanation/Rationale:
ANS: k B
, The ksituation, kbackground, kassessment, krecommendation k(SBAR) ktechnique kprovides ka kspecific
kframework kfor kcommunication kamong khealth kcare kproviders. kFailure kto kcommunicate kis kone kof
kthe kmajor kreasons kfor kerrors kin khealth kcare. kThe kSBAR ktechnique khas kthe kpotential kto kserve kas
ka kmeans kto kreduce kerrors.
3. Question kName: k0003 Type: kMC Objective: kCH k01: k21st kCentury kMaternity kNursing Item kBank: kPerry
kMaternal kChild kNursing kCare k5th kedition
The krole kof kthe kprofessional knurse kcaring kfor kchildbearing kfamilies khas kevolved kto kemphasize:
A. Providing kcare kto kpatients kdirectly kat kthe kbedside.
B. Primarily khospital kcare kof kmaternity kpatients.
* C. k Practice kusing kan kevidence-based kapproach.
D. k Planning kpatient kcare kto kcover klonger khospital kstays.
Correct kAnswer: k C
k Explanation/Rationale:
ANS: k C
Professional knurses kare kpart kof kthe kteam kof khealth kcare kproviders kwho kcollaboratively kcare kfor
kpatients kthroughout kthe kchildbearing kcycle. kProviding kcare kto kpatients kdirectly kat kthe kbedside kis
kone kof kthe knurse‟s ktasks; khowever, kit kdoes knot kencompass kthe kconcept kof kthe kevolved
kprofessional knurse. kThroughout kthe kprenatal kperiod, knurses kcare kfor kwomen kin kclinics kand
kphysician‟s koffices kand kteach kclasses kto khelp kfamilies kprepare kfor kchildbirth. kNurses kalso kcare
kfor kchildbearing kfamilies kin kbirthing kcenters kand kin kthe khome. kNurses khave kbeen kcritically
kimportant kin kdeveloping kstrategies kto kimprove kthe kwell-being kof kwomen kand ktheir kinfants kand
khave kled kthe kefforts kto kimplement kclinical kpractice kguidelines kusing kan kevidence-based
kapproach. kMaternity kpatients khave kexperienced ka kdecreased, krather kthan kan kincreased, klength kof
kstay kover kthe kpast k2 kdecades.
4. Question kName: k0004 Type: kMC Objective: kCH k01: k21st kCentury kMaternity kNursing Item kBank: kPerry
kMaternal kChild kNursing kCare k5th kedition
A k23-year-old kAfrican-American kwoman kis kpregnant kwith kher kfirst kchild. kBased kon kthe kstatistics kfor
kinfant kmortality, kwhich kplan kis kmost kimportant kfor kthe knurse kto kimplement?
A. Perform ka knutrition kassessment.
B. Refer kthe kwoman kto ka ksocial kworker.
C. Advise kthe kwoman kto ksee kan kobstetrician, knot ka kmidwife.
* D. k Explain kto kthe kwoman kthe kimportance kof kkeeping kher kprenatal kcare kappointments.
Correct kAnswer: k D
, Explanation/Rationale:
ANS: k D
Consistent kprenatal kcare kis kthe kbest kmethod kof kpreventing kor kcontrolling krisk kfactors kassociated
kwith kinfant kmortality. kNutritional kstatus kis kan kimportant kmodifiable krisk kfactor, kbut ka knutrition
kassessment kis knot kthe kmost kimportant kaction ka knurse kshould ktake kin kthis ksituation. kThe kpatient
kmay kneed kassistance kfrom ka ksocial kworker kat ksome ktime kduring kher kpregnancy, kbut ka kreferral kto
ka ksocial kworker kis knot kthe kmost kimportant kaspect kthe knurse kshould kaddress kat kthis ktime. kIf kthe
kwoman khas kidentifiable khigh-risk kproblems, kher khealth kcare kmay kneed kto kbe kprovided kby ka
However, kit kcannot kbe kassumed kthat kall kAfrican-American kwomen khave khigh-risk kissues. kIn
kaddition, kadvising kthe kwoman kto ksee kan kobstetrician kis knot kthe kmost kimportant kaspect kon kwhich
kthe knurse kshould kfocus kat kthis ktime, kand kit kis knot kappropriate kfor ka knurse kto kadvise kor kmanage
kthe ktype kof kcare ka kpatient kis kto kreceive.
5. Question kName: k0005 Type: kMC Objective: kCH k01: k21st kCentury kMaternity kNursing Item kBank: kPerry
kMaternal kChild kNursing kCare k5th kedition
During ka kprenatal kintake kinterview, kthe knurse kis kin kthe kprocess kof kobtaining kan kinitial kassessment
kof ka k21-year-old kHispanic kpatient kwith klimited kEnglish kproficiency. kIt kis kimportant kfor kthe knurse
A. Use kmaternity kjargon kin korder kfor kthe kpatient kto kbecome kfamiliar kwith kthese kterms.
B. Speak kquickly kand kefficiently kto kexpedite kthe kvisit.
C. Provide kthe kpatient kwith khandouts.
* D. k Assess kwhether kthe kpatient kunderstands kthe kdiscussion.
Correct kAnswer: k D
k Explanation/Rationale:
ANS: k D
Nurses kcontribute kto khealth kliteracy kby kusing ksimple, kcommon kwords; kavoiding kjargon; kand
kevaluating kwhether kthe kpatient kunderstands kthe kdiscussion. kSpeaking kslowly kand kclearly kand
kfocusing kon kwhat kis kimportant kincrease kunderstanding. kMost kpatient keducation kmaterials kare
kwritten kat ktoo khigh ka klevel kfor kthe kaverage kadult kand kmay knot kbe kuseful kfor ka kclient kwith klimited
kEnglish kproficiency.
6. Question kName: k0006 Type: kMC Objective: kCH k01: k21st kCentury kMaternity kNursing Item kBank: kPerry
kMaternal kChild kNursing kCare k5th kedition
When kmanaging khealth kcare kfor kpregnant kwomen kat ka kprenatal kclinic, kthe knurse kshould krecognize
kthat kthe kmost ksignificant kbarrier kto kaccess kto kcare kis kthe kpregnant kwoman‟s:
A. Age.