Biol 2220 Exam 2 Questions and
Answers 100% Pass
2 types of epithelial tissue - ✔✔covering and lining, glandular
what does covering and lining epithelium do/cover? - ✔✔limiting boundary of free body surfaces; all
skin and cavities open to the environment (we are like a straw)
basal layer of covering and lining epithelium - ✔✔deep, attaches to dense irregular connective tissue by a
basement membrane
basement membrane components - ✔✔reticular lamina and basal lamina
basal lamina - ✔✔superficial layer of basement membrane; non cellular filter made up of glycoproteins
reticular lamina - ✔✔deep layer of basement membrane; collagen
Does epithelial tissue have blood supply? - ✔✔no it is avascular and dependent on the dermis (dense
irregular CT) for nutrients
What is glandular epithelium? - ✔✔epithelial cells that produce and secrete substances into ducts or body
What is the foundation for glandular secretions? - ✔✔water based (very occasionally lipid)
What do glands need to function? - ✔✔ATP for active transport out of the cell
exocrine gland - ✔✔gland that releases its secretions through ducts
endocrine gland - ✔✔gland that releases its secretion onto a surface
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where do all secretions inevitably end up - ✔✔bloodstream
unicellular exocrine gland - ✔✔goblet cell, found in PCCE, secrete mucin
merocrine exocrine gland method of secretion - ✔✔vesicular transport/exocytosis
holocrine gland method of secretion - ✔✔product is stored in cells, cells disintegrate, cell has to be
merocrine gland example - ✔✔sweat, saliva
holocrine gland example - ✔✔sebaceous gland
cardiac muscle characteristics (4) - ✔✔intercalated discs, striations, involuntary, uninucleate
smooth muscle characteristics (2) - ✔✔no striation, involuntary
skeletal muscle characteristics (3) - ✔✔striations, voluntary, multinucleate
Components of connective tissue - ✔✔ground substance, fibers, and cells
ground substance of connective tissue - ✔✔often interstitial fluid
fibers of connective tissue and their functions (3) - ✔✔collagen (strength), elastic (stretch), reticular (mesh
4 types of connective tissue - ✔✔connective tissue proper, cartilage, bone tissue, blood
5 types of connective tissue proper - ✔✔1. areolar connective tissue
2. Dense irregular connective tissue
3. Dense regular connective tissue
4. Adipose tissue
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5. Reticular tissue
3 types of cartilage - ✔✔hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage
steps of gastrula development - ✔✔zygote cleaves into 8 cells, which cleave again to form a blastula
(hollow ball of cells), which undergoes gastrulation (infolding) to form a gastrula
ectoderm turns into - ✔✔epithelial and nervous tissue
mesoderm turns into - ✔✔epithelial, connective, and muscular
endoderm turns into - ✔✔epithelium
composition of nervous tissue - ✔✔50% neurons, 50% neuroglia
neuroglia - ✔✔"nerve glue"; many types of cells that support, insulate, and protect neurons but do not
conduct signals
mechanical epithelial defense - ✔✔skin and mucosa block pathogens
chemical epithelial defense - ✔✔acid mantle destroys pathogens
cilia as a defense - ✔✔move things out in respiratory and digestive tracts
integumentary system components (5) - ✔✔skin, hair, nails, glands, sensory receptors
Stratum corneum - ✔✔most superficial layer of epidermis, composed of entirely dead keratinized cells for
stratum lucidum - ✔✔second most superficial layer of epidermis, ONLY IN THINK SKIN, keratinized
dead clear cells
stratum granulosum - ✔✔middle layer of the epidermis, last living layer contains keratohyalin and
lamellated granules
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