Anatomy (BIOL 2220) Exam 2 –
Cummings Exam Questions and
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Tissues - ✔✔Collection of cells that work together to perform a particular function
Histology - ✔✔Study of tissues
Epithelial tissue functions - ✔✔establishes boundaries
sensory reception
Epithelial tissue types - ✔✔covering and lining (body inner donut)
glandular (covers glands)
Epithelial tissue apical surface - ✔✔upper free surface
Epithelial tissue basal surface - ✔✔deepest layer, below apical layer
epithelial tissue basement membrane - ✔✔basal lamina (right below basal layer)
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reticular lamina (network of proteins-mostly collagen- that become barrier, deep to basal lamina)
Avascular - ✔✔no blood vessels, blood has to diffuse through
covering and lining epithelium types - ✔✔simple, stratified, pseudostratified, squamous, cuboidal,
columnar, transitional
simple epithelium - ✔✔one layer of cells, lots of absorption and filtration
stratified epithelium - ✔✔more than one cell for material to go through
pesudeostratified epithelium - ✔✔one cell layer but looks like more than one, found in areas with little
squamous epithelium - ✔✔flat cells
cuboidal epithelium - ✔✔cells have same width as height
columnar cells - ✔✔cells are taller than they are wide
transitional - ✔✔lines hollow cavities like bladder, go from dome cells to flat cells, allows organs to
glands - ✔✔secret substances into ducts, blood, or onto surfaces
types of glands - ✔✔exocrine, endocrine, unicellular, multicellular, merocrine, holocrine
exocrine glands - ✔✔secret into channel, then into ducts
endocrine glands - ✔✔secretion into bloodstream (ex: hormones)
unicellular glands - ✔✔goblet cells produce mucus
multicellular glands - ✔✔composed of multiple cells
merocrine glands - ✔✔no destruction of cells during exocytosis
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holocrine glands - ✔✔cell accumulates excretory material and then carries it out of tissue and is destroyed
to release the material
mesenchyme embryonic tissue - ✔✔connective tissue is derived from
connective tissue types - ✔✔connective tissue proper, cartilage, bone, blood
connective tissue structural elements - ✔✔ground substance, fibers, cells
muscle tissue - ✔✔cells modified for contraction, provide movement and/or heat
muscle tissue contains - ✔✔sarcolema (plasma membrane)
sarcoplasm (cytoplasm)
muscle tissue types - ✔✔skeletal, cardiac, smooth
skeletal muscle tissue - ✔✔voluntary, striated, multinucleated
cardiac muscle tissue - ✔✔involuntary, striated, uninucleated
smooth muscle tissue - ✔✔involuntary, non-striated, uninucleated
nervous tissue contains - ✔✔neurons
neurons - ✔✔detect stimuli, send messages
neuroglia - ✔✔support and protect neurons
membranes - ✔✔continuous multicellular sheet of at least 2 tissue types
covering and lining membrane types - ✔✔cutaneous
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