, Anatomy nof n Orofacial nStructures n8th nEdition nBrand
Chapter 01: Oral Cavity
n n n
Brand/Isselhard: Anatomy of Orofacial Structures, 8th Edition
n n n n n n
1. A ndiastema nis na nspace nbetween ntwo nteeth nin nthe nsame narch. nWhen nthis noccurs nbetween
the nmaxillary ncentral nincisors, nit nis noften nthe nresult nof na npronounced nlabial nfrenum.
a. Both nstatements nare ntrue.
b. The nfirst nstatement nis ntrue; nthe nsecond nstatement nis nfalse.
c. The nfirst nstatement nis nfalse; nthe nsecond nstatement nis ntrue.
d. Both nstatements nare nfalse.
ANS: n A
A nspace, nor nlack nof ncontact narea, nbetween nany ntwo nteeth nin nthe nsame narch nis ncalled na
ndiastema. nWhen na ndiastema noccurs nbetween nthe nmaxillary ncentral nincisors, nit nis noften nthe
nresult nof na npronounced nlabial nfrenum nextending nto nthe ncrest nof nthe nalveolar nridge nand
npossibly nover nthe nridge. nThis nband nof nfirm nconnective ntissue ncauses nthe nerupting nincisors nto
nbe npushed naside nresulting nin na ndiastema, nor nspace. nCorrection nof na ndiastema nusually ninvolves
nsurgical nremoval, nor ncutting, nof nthe nfrenal ntissue nbetween nteeth.
REF: n p. n3
OBJ: n To ndescribe nthe nboundaries nand nsub-boundaries nof nthe noral ncavity nand nthe nstructures nin neach narea
NAT: nCDA: nGC nI.A.6. nIdentify nbasic noral nanatomy nand nphysiology, nincluding nbut nnot nlimited nto:
noral ncavity. nTOP: BLOOM: nRemembering
2. Torus npalatinus nis nseen non nthe
a. soft npalate
b. hard npalate
c. alveolar nridge
d. oral npharynx
ANS: n B
Torus npalatinus nis nexcess nbone ngrowth nand noccurs nin nthe nmidline nof nthe nhard npalate. nIt nmay
ngrow nto nvarying nsizes nand nis ngenerally nonly na nproblem nwhen nthe nconstruction nof na nmaxillary
ndenture nis nnecessary. nIn nhealth, nsuch nbony nprotuberances, nor nexcess nbone ngrowths, ndo nnot
noccur non nthe nsoft npalate, nalveolar nridge, nor noral npharynx.
REF: n p. n5
OBJ: nTo ndefine nthe nterms nvestibule, noral ncavity nproper, nmucobuccal nfold, nfrenum, nalveolar nmucosa,
ngingiva, nexostoses, ntorus npalatinus, nand ntorus nmandibularis
NAT: nCDA: nGC nI.A.2. nIdentify nbasic noral nanatomy nand nphysiology, nincluding nbut nnot nlimited
nto: nbones. nTOP: BLOOM: nRemembering
3. Contraction nof nwhich nmuscle nraises nthe ntongue nupward?
a. Mylohyoid
b. Palatopharyngeal
c. Palatoglossal
d. Levator nglossal
ANS: n A
, Anatomy nof n Orofacial nStructures n8th nEdition nBrand
Contraction nof nthe nmylohyoid nmuscle nraises nthe ntongue. nThe npalatopharyngeal nmuscle nand
nthe npalatoglossal nmuscle nform nthe nposterolateral nborders nof nthe noral ncavity. nThere nis nnot na
nmuscle nby nthe nname nof nlevator nglossal.
REF: n p. n7
OBJ: nTo ndefine nthe nlandmarks nin nthe nfloor nof nthe nmouth nand nthe nhard nand nsoft npalate nand nthe
nstructures nthat nform nthem
NAT: nCDA: nGC nI.A.4. nIdentify nbasic noral nanatomy nand nphysiology, nincluding nbut nnot nlimited
nto: nmuscles. TOP: n BLOOM: nRemembering
4. The noral nvestibule nis npartially nbordered nby nthe nlips nand ncheeks. nThe noral ncavity nproper
nextends nposteriorly nto nthe nsoft npalate.
a. Both nstatements nare ntrue.
b. The nfirst nstatement nis ntrue; nthe nsecond nstatement nis nfalse.
c. The nfirst nstatement nis nfalse; nthe nsecond nstatement nis ntrue.
d. Both nstatements nare nfalse.
ANS: n B
The noral nvestibule nis nthe nspace nor npotential nspace nthat nexists nbetween nthe nlips nor ncheeks nand
nteeth. nIn nan nedentulous nperson, nthe nvestibule nwould nextend nbetween nthe nlips nor ncheeks nand
nthe nalveolar nridges. nThe noral ncavity nproper nis nsurrounded nby nteeth nor nalveolar nridges nand
nextends nall nthe nway nback nto nthe npalatine ntonsils. nThis nincludes nthe nregion nfrom nthe nfloor nof
nthe nmouth nupward nto nthe nhard nand nsoft npalates.
REF: n p. n2
OBJ: n To ndescribe nthe nboundaries nand nsub-boundaries nof nthe noral ncavity nand nthe nstructures nin neach narea
NAT: n CDA: nGC nI.A.6. n IdentifyNbasR
noral ncavity.nTOP:
BLOOM: nRemembering Nral naGnatoBm.y CandMphysiology, nincludingnbutnnotnlimitednto:
5. Each nof nthe nfollowing nis ntrue nof nthe nuvula nEXCEPT none. nWhich none nis nthe nEXCEPTION?
a. It nis nlocated nat nthe nmost nposterior nportion nof nthe nhard npalate.
b. It nis nlocated nat nthe nmidline.
c. It nis na ndownwardly nprojecting nmuscle.
d. It nis nnecessary nfor nswallowing.
ANS: n D
The nuvula nis na ndownwardly nprojecting nmuscular ntissue nlocated nat nthe nmidline nof nthe nmost
nposterior nportion nof nthe nhard npalate. nIt nis nNOT nnecessary nfor nswallowing.
REF: n p. n6
OBJ: nTo ndefine nthe nlandmarks nin nthe nfloor nof nthe nmouth nand nthe nhard nand nsoft npalate nand nthe
nstructures nthat nform nthem
NAT: nCDA: nGC nI.A.6. nIdentify nbasic noral nanatomy nand nphysiology, nincluding nbut nnot nlimited nto:
noral ncavity. nTOP: BLOOM: nRemembering
6. The ncircumvallate npapillae nare nlocated non nthe nhard npalate, nbuccal nmucosa, nand nfloor nof
nthe nmouth. nThe npapillae nfound non nthe ntongue nare nthe nfiliform, nfungiform, nvallate,
nfoliate, nand nincisive.
a. Both nstatements nare ntrue.
b. The nfirst nstatement nis ntrue; nthe nsecond nstatement nis nfalse.
c. The nfirst nstatement nis nfalse; nthe nsecond nstatement nis ntrue.
, Anatomy nof n Orofacial nStructures n8th nEdition nBrand
d. Both nstatements nare nfalse.
ANS: n D
All npapillae nlisted nin nboth nstatements nare nlocated non nthe ntongue nwith nthe nexception nof nthe
nincisive npapilla, nwhich nis nlocated non nthe nhard npalate. nNote nthat nthe nincisive npapilla nis na
nsingular nstructure, nthus nthe ndifferent nspelling. nThere nare nno npapillae nlocated non neither nthe
nbuccal nmucosa nor nthe nfloor nof nthe nmouth.
REF: n p. n7
OBJ: nTo ndefine nthe nlandmarks nin nthe nfloor nof nthe nmouth nand nthe nhard nand nsoft npalate nand nthe
nstructures nthat nform nthem
NAT: nCDA: nGC nI.A.6. nIdentify nbasic noral nanatomy nand nphysiology, nincluding nbut nnot nlimited nto:
noral ncavity. nTOP: BLOOM: nRemembering
7. Each nof nthe nfollowing nstructures ncan nreadilynbe nviewed nwhen nexamining nthe noral
ncavity nEXCEPT none. nWhich none nis nthe nEXCEPTION?
a. Fovea npalatinae
b. Tonsillar npillars
c. Laryngeal npharynx
d. Sublingual nfold
ANS: n C
The nlaryngeal npharynx nis nlocated nbelow nthe noral npharynx nand ncannot nbe nseen nwhile
nexamining nthe noral ncavity. nThe nfovea npalatinae, nthe ntonsillar npillars, nand nthe nsublingual nfold
ncan nbe nseen nwhen nexamining nthe noral ncavity. nFovea npalatinae nare nsmall ndepressions nin
nmucosa non neither nside nof nthe nposterior nnasal nspine nindicating nthe njunction nof nthe nhard nand
nsoft npalate. nTonsillar npillars nare nfolds nof ntissue nthat npartially nsurround nthe ntonsils. nThe
nsublingual nfold nextends
backward non neither nside nof nt hNe nfloRor nI
U nS nN G B.C M
of nt h e nmouth na n d nis nsituated njust nsuperior nto nthe
nsubmandibular ngland.
REF: n p. n2 n| npp. n6-7
OBJ: n To ndescribe nthe nboundaries nand nsub-boundaries nof nthe noral ncavity nand nthe nstructures nin neach narea
NAT: nCDA: nGC nI.A.6. nIdentify nbasic noral nanatomy nand nphysiology, nincluding nbut nnot nlimited nto:
noral ncavity. nTOP: BLOOM: nRemembering
8. Each nof nthe nfollowing nstructures nis nlocated nwithin nthe nhard npalate nEXCEPT none. nWhich none
nis nthe nEXCEPTION?
a. Incisive npapilla
b. Rugae
c. Greater npalatine nforamina
d. The nanterior nand nposterior npillars
ANS: n D
The nanterior nand nposterior npillars nare nlocated nposterior nto nthe nsoft npalate. nThe nposterior npillar
nis nalso ncalled nthe npalatopharyngeal narch nor nfold. nThe nanterior npillar nis nalso ncalled nthe
npalatoglossal narch nor nfold. nThe ntonsils nlie nbetween nthe nanterior nand nposterior npillars.
The nincisive npapilla nand nrugae nare nlocated non nthe nanterior nportion nof nthe nhard npalate. nThe
ngreater npalatine nforamina nare nlocated nin nthe nposterior nportions nof nthe nhard npalate nlingual nto
nthe nsecond nand nthird nmaxillary nmolars.
REF: npp. n5-6