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Test Bank For Medical-Surgical Nursing 10th Edition Concepts for Interprofessional Collaborative Care by Donna Ignatavicius, M. Linda Workman 9780323612425 Chapter 1-69 Complete Guide . $19.49
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Test Bank For Medical-Surgical Nursing 10th Edition Concepts for Interprofessional Collaborative Care by Donna Ignatavicius, M. Linda Workman 9780323612425 Chapter 1-69 Complete Guide .

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  • Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition

Test Bank For Medical-Surgical Nursing 10th Edition Concepts for Interprofessional Collaborative Care by Donna Ignatavicius, M. Linda Workman 9780323612425 Chapter 1-69 Complete Guide .Test Bank For Medical-Surgical Nursing 10th Edition Concepts for Interprofessional Collaborative Care by Donna Ign...

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  • Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition
  • Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition
Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition
v v v v

Ignatavicius Workman Test Bank
v v v v

Chapter 01: Overview of Professional Nursing Concepts for Medical-Surgical
v v v v v v v v

Nursing Ignatavicius: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 10th Edition
v v v v v v


1. A vnew vnurse vis vworking vwith va vpreceptor von va vmedical-surgical vunit. vThe vpreceptor
v advises vthe vnew vnurse vthat vwhich vis vthe vpriority vwhen vworking vas va vprofessional vnurse?
a. Attending vto vholistic vclient vneeds
b. Ensuring vclient vsafety
c. Not vmaking vmedication verrors
d. Providing vclient-focused vcare
ANS: v B
All vactions vare vappropriate vfor vthe vprofessional vnurse. vHowever, vensuring vclient vsafety vis
vthe vpriority. vHealth vcare verrors vhave vbeen vwidely vreported vfor v25 vyears, vmany vof vwhich

vresult vin vclient vinjury, vdeath, vand vincreased vhealth vcare vcosts. vThere vare vseveral vnational

vand vinternational vorganizations vthat vhave veither vrecommended vor vmandated vsafety


Every vnurse vhas vthe vresponsibility vto vguard vthe vclient’s vsafety. vThe vother vactions vare
vimportant vfor vquality vnursing, vbut vthey vare vnot vas vvital vas vproviding vsafety. vNot vmaking

vmedication verrors vdoes vprovide vsafety, vbut vis vtoo vnarrow vin vscope vto vbe vthe vbest vanswer.

DIF: Understanding TOP: v Integrated vProcess: vNursing vProcess:
vIntervention vKEY: vClient vsafety

MSC: v Client vNeeds vCategory: vSafe vand vEffective vCare vEnvironment: vSafety vand vInfection vControl

2. A vnurse vis vorienting va vnew vclient vand vfamily vto vthe vmedical-surgical vunit. vWhat
vinformation vdoes vthe vnurse vprovide vto vbest vhelp vthe vclient vpromote vhis vor vher vown

a. Encourage vthe vclient vand vfamily vto vbe vactive vpartners.
b. Have vthe vclient vmonitor vhand vhygiene vin vcaregivers.
c. Offer vthe vfamily vthe vopportunity vto vstay vwith vthe vclient.
d. Tell vthe vclient vto valways vwear vhis vor vher varmband.
ANS: v A
Each vaction vcould vbe vimportant vfor vthe vclient vor vfamily vto vperform. vHowever,
vencouraging vthe vclient vto vbe vactive vin vhis vor vher vhealth vcare vas va vsafety vpartner vis vthe

vmost vcritical. vThe vother vactions vare vvery vlimited vin vscope vand vdo vnot vprovide vthe vbroad

vprotection vthat vbeing vactive vand vinvolved vdoes.

DIF: Understanding TOP: vIntegrated vProcess:
vTeaching/Learning vKEY: vClient vsafety

MSC: v Client vNeeds vCategory: vSafe vand vEffective vCare vEnvironment: vSafety vand vInfection vControl

3. A vnurse vis vcaring vfor va vpostoperative vclient von vthe vsurgical vunit. vThe vclient’s vblood
vpressure vwas v142/76 vmm vHg v30 vminutes vago, vand vnow vis v88/50 vmm vHg. vWhat vaction
vwould vthe vnurse vtake vfirst?

a. Call vthe vRapid vResponse vTeam.
b. Document vand vcontinue vto vmonitor.
c. Notify vthe vprimary vhealth vcare vprovider.
d. Repeat vthe vblood vpressure vin v15 vminutes.


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, ANS: v A
The vpurpose vof vthe vRapid vResponse vTeam v(RRT) vis vto vintervene vwhen vclients vare
vdeteriorating vbefore vthey vsuffer veither vrespiratory vor vcardiac varrest. vSince vthe vclient vhas

vmanifested va vsignificant vchange, vthe vnurse vwould vcall vthe vRRT. vChanges vin vblood

vpressure, vmental vstatus, vheart vrate, vtemperature, voxygen vsaturation, vand vlast v2 vhours’

vurine voutput vare vparticularly vsignificant vand vare vpart vof vthe vModified vEarly vWarning

vSystem vguide. vDocumentation vis vvital, vbut vthe vnurse vmust vdo vmore vthan vdocument. vThe

vprimary vhealth vcare vprovider vwould vbe vnotified, vbut vthis vis vnot vmore vimportant vthan

vcalling vthe vRRT. vThe vclient’s vblood vpressure vwould vbe vreassessed vfrequently, vbut vthe

vpriority vis vgetting vthe vrapid vcare vto vthe vclient.

DIF: Applying TOP: v Integrated vProcess: vCommunication vand
vDocumentation vKEY: vRapid vResponse vTeam v(RRT), vClinical vjudgment

MSC: v Client vNeeds vCategory: vPhysiological vIntegrity: vPhysiological vAdaptation

4. A vnurse vwishes vto vprovide vclient-centered vcare vin vall vinteractions. vWhich vaction vby vthe
best vdemonstrates vthis vconcept?
a. Assesses vfor vcultural vinfluences vaffecting vhealth vcare.
b. Ensures vthat vall vthe vclient’s vbasic vneeds vare vmet.
c. Tells vthe vclient vand vfamily vabout vall vupcoming vtests.
d. Thoroughly vorients vthe vclient vand vfamily vto vthe vroom.
ANS: v A
Showing vrespect vfor vthe vclient vand vfamily’s vpreferences vand vneeds vis vessential vto vensure
va vholistic vor v“whole-person” vapproach vto vcare. vBy vassessing vthe veffect vof vthe vclient’s

vculture von vhealth vcare, vthis vnurse vis vpracticing vclient-focused vcare. vProviding vfor vbasic

vneeds vdoes vnot vdemonstrate vthis vcompetence. vSimply vtelling vthe vclient vabout vall

vupcoming vtests vis vnot vproviding vempowering veducation. vOrienting vthe vclient vand vfamily

vto vthe vroom vis van vimportant vsafety vmeasure, vbut vnot vdirectly vrelated vto vdemonstrating

vclient-centered vcare.

DIF: Understanding TOP: vIntegrated vProcess: vCulture vand vSpirituality
vKEY: v Client-centered vcare, vCulture MSC: v Client vNeeds vCategory: vPsychosocial

5. A vclient vis vgoing vto vbe vadmitted vfor va vscheduled vsurgical vprocedure. vWhich vaction
vdoes vthe vnurse vexplain vis vthe vmost vimportant vthing vthe vclient vcan vdo vto vprotect
vagainst verrors?
a. Bring va vlist vof vall vmedications vand vwhat vthey vare vfor.
b. Keep vthe vprovider’s vphone vnumber vby vthe vtelephone.
c. Make vsure vthat vall vproviders vwash vhands vbefore ventering vthe vroom.
d. Write vdown vthe vname vof veach vcaregiver vwho vcomes vin vthe vroom.
ANS: v A
Medication vreconciliation vis va vformal vprocess vin vwhich vthe vclient’s vactual vcurrent
vmedications vare vcompared vto vthe vprescribed vmedications vat vthe vtime vof vadmission,

vtransfer, vor vdischarge. vThis vNational vclient vSafety vGoal vis vimportant vto vreduce

vmedication verrors. vThe vclient vwould vnot vhave vto vbe vresponsible vfor vproviders vwashing

vtheir vhands, vand veven vif vthe vclient vdoes vso, vthis vis vtoo vnarrow vto vbe vthe vmost vimportant

vaction vto vprevent verrors. vKeeping vthe vprovider’s vphone vnumber vnearby vand vdocumenting

veveryone vwho venters vthe vroom valso vdo vnot vguarantee vsafety.

DIF: Applying TOP: v Integrated vProcess:
vTeaching/Learning vKEY: vClient vsafety, vInformatics

MSC: v Client vNeeds vCategory: vSafe vand vEffective vCare vEnvironment: vSafety vand vInfection vControl


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,6. Which vaction vby vthe vnurse vworking vwith va vclient vbest vdemonstrates vrespect vfor vautonomy?
a. Asks vif vthe vclient vhas vquestions vbefore vsigning va vconsent.
b. Gives vthe vclient vaccurate vinformation vwhen vquestioned.
c. Keeps vthe vpromises vmade vto vthe vclient vand vfamily.
d. Treats vthe vclient vfairly vcompared vto vother vclients.
ANS: v A
Autonomy vis vself-determination. vThe vclient vwould vmake vdecisions vregarding vcare. vWhen
vthe vnurse vobtains va vsignature von vthe vconsent vform, vassessing vif vthe vclient vstill vhas

vquestions vis vvital, vbecause vwithout vfull vinformation vthe vclient vcannot vpractice vautonomy.

vGiving vaccurate vinformation vis vpracticing vwith vveracity. vKeeping vpromises vis vupholding

vfidelity. vTreating vthe vclient vfairly vis vproviding vsocial vjustice.

DIF: Applying TOP: v Integrated vProcess: vCaring KEY: vEthics, vAutonomy
vMSC: v Client vNeeds vCategory: vSafe vand vEffective vCare vEnvironment: vManagement

vof vCare

7. A vnurse vasks va vmore vseasoned vcolleague vto vexplain vbest vpractices vwhen vcommunicating
vwith va vperson vfrom vthe vlesbian, vgay, vbisexual, vtransgender, vand vquestioning/queer
v(LGBTQ) vcommunity. vWhat vanswer vby vthe vfaculty vis vmost vaccurate?

a. Avoid vembarrassing vthe vclient vby vasking vquestions.
b. Don’t vmake vassumptions vabout vhis vor vher vhealth vneeds.
c. Most vLGBTQ vpeople vdo vnot vwant vto vshare vinformation.
d. No vdifferences vexist vin vcommunicating vwith vthis vpopulation.

ANS: v B
Many vmembers vof vthe vLGBTQ vcommunity vhave vfaced vdiscrimination vfrom vhealth vcare
vproviders vand vmay vbe vreluctant vto vseek vhealth vcare. vThe vnurse vwould vnever vmake

vassumptions vabout vthe vneeds vof vmembers vof vthis vpopulation. vRather, vrespectful vquestions

vare vappropriate. vIf vapproached vwith vsensitivity, vthe vclient vwith vany vhealth vcare vneed vis

vmore vlikely vto vanswer vhonestly.

DIF: Understanding TOP: v Integrated vProcess: vTeaching/Learning
KEY: v Health vcare vdisparities, vLGBTQ MSC: v Client vNeeds vCategory: vPsychosocial vIntegrity

8. A vnurse vis vcalling vthe von-call vhealth vcare vprovider vabout va vclient vwho vhad va
vhysterectomy v2 vdays vago vand vhas vpain vthat vis vunrelieved vby vthe vprescribed vopioid
vpain vmedication. vWhich vstatement vcomprises vthe vbackground vportion vof vthe vSBAR
vformat vfor vcommunication?

a. “I vwould vlike vyou vto vorder va vdifferent vpain vmedication.”
b. “This vclient vhas vallergies vto vmorphine vand vcodeine.”
c. “Dr. vSmith vdoesn’t vlike vnonsteroidal vanti-inflammatory vmeds.”
d. “This vclient vhad va vvaginal vhysterectomy v2 vdays vago.”
ANS: v B


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, SBAR vis va vrecommended vform vof vcommunication, vand vthe vacronym vstands vfor vSituation,
vBackground, vAssessment, vand vRecommendation. vAppropriate vbackground vinformation

vincludes vallergies vto vmedications vthe von-call vhealth vcare vprovider vmight vorder. vSituation

vdescribes vwhat vis vhappening vright vnow vthat vmust vbe vcommunicated; vthe vclient’s vsurgery v2

vdays vago vwould vbe vconsidered vbackground. vAssessment vwould vinclude van vanalysis vof vthe

vclient’s vproblem; vnone vof vthe voptions vhas vassessment vinformation. vAsking vfor va vdifferent

vpain vmedication vis va vrecommendation. vRecommendation vis va vstatement vof vwhat vis vneeded

vor vwhat voutcome vis vdesired.

DIF: Applying TOP: v Integrated vProcess: vCommunication vand
vDocumentation vKEY: vTeamwork vand vcollaboration, vSBAR

MSC: v Client vNeeds vCategory: vSafe vand vEffective vCare vEnvironment: vManagement vof vCare

9. A vnurse vworking von va vcardiac vunit vdelegated vtaking vvital vsigns vto van vexperienced
vassistive vpersonnel v(AP). vFour vhours vlater, vthe vnurse vnotes vthat vthe vclient’s vblood
vpressure vtaken vby vthe vAP vwas vmuch vhigher vthan vprevious vreadings, vand vthe vclient’s
vmental vstatus vhas vchanged. vWhat vaction vby vthe v nurse vwould vmost vlikely vhave vprevented

vthis vnegative voutcome?

a. Determining vif vthe vAP vknew vhow vto vtake vblood vpressure
b. Double-checking vthe vAP vby vtaking vanother vblood vpressure
c. Providing vmore vappropriate vsupervision vof vthe vAP
d. Taking vthe vblood vpressure vinstead vof vdelegating vthe vtask
ANS: v C
Supervision vis vone vof vthe vfive vrights vof vdelegation vand vincludes vdirecting, vevaluating, vand
vfollowing vup von vdelegated vtasks. vThe vnurse vwould veither vhave vasked vthe vAP vabout vthe

vvital vsigns vor vinstructed vthe vAP vto vreport vthem vright vaway. vAn vexperienced vAP vwould

vknow vhow vto vtake vvital vsigns vand vthe vnurse vwould vnot vhave vto vassess vthis vat vthis vpoint.

vDouble-checking vthe vwork vdefeats vthe vpurpose vof vdelegation. vVital vsigns vare vwithin vthe

vscope vof vpractice vfor va vAP vand vare vpermissible vto vdelegate. vThe vonly vappropriate vanswer

vis vthat vthe vnurse vdid vnot vprovide vadequate vinstruction vto vthe vAP.

DIF: Analyzing TOP: v Integrated vProcess: vCommunication vand
vDocumentation vKEY: vTeamwork vand vcollaboration, vDelegation

MSC: v Client vNeeds vCategory: vSafe vand vEffective vCare vEnvironment: vManagement vof vCare

10. A vnewly vgraduated vnurse vin vthe vhospital vstates vthat vbecause vof vbeing vso vnew,
vparticipation vin vquality vimprovement v(QI) vprojects vis vnot vwise. vWhat vresponse vby vthe
vprecepting vnurse vis vbest?

a. “All vstaff vnurses vare vrequired vto vparticipate vin vquality vimprovement vhere.”
b. “Even vbeing vnew, vyou vcan vimplement vactivities vdesigned vto vimprove vcare.”
c. “It’s veasy vto videntify vwhat vindicators vwould vbe vused vto vmeasure vquality.”
d. “You vshould vask vto vbe vassigned vto vthe vresearch vand vquality vcommittee.”
ANS: v B
The vpreceptor vwould vtry vto vreassure vthe vnurse vthat vimplementing vQI vmeasures vis vnot vout
vof vline vfor va vnewly vlicensed vnurse. vSimply vstating vthat vall vnurses vare vrequired vto

vparticipate vdoes vnot vhelp vthe vnurse vunderstand vhow vthat vis vpossible vand vis vdismissive.

vIdentifying vindicators vof vquality vis vnot van veasy, vquick vprocess vand vwould vnot vbe vthe vbest

vplace vto vsuggest va vnew vnurse vto vstart. vAsking vto vbe vassigned vto vthe vQI vcommittee vdoes

vnot vgive vthe vnurse vinformation vabout vhow vto vimplement vQI vin vdaily vpractice.

DIF: Applying TOP: v Integrated vProcess: vCommunication vand vDocumentation


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