Test Bank for Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology
11th Edition by Frederic Martini
Fundamentals nof nAnatomy nand nPhysiology, n11e n(Martini)
Chapter n1 An nIntroduction nto nAnatomy nand nPhysiology
Multiple nChoice nQuestions
Anatomy nis nto n________ nas nphysiology nis nto
n________. N
A) nfunction; nform
B) nform; nstructure
nC) nstructure;
nfunction n
D) nstructure; nform
nE) ngrowth; nform
nAnswer: nC
Learning nOutcome: n1-2
Bloom's nTaxonomy: n nUnderstanding
The nanalysis nof nthe ninternal nstructure nof nindividual ncells nis
ncalled n
A) ncytology.
B) nhistology.
nC) embryology.
nD) nphysiology.
nE) nanatomy.
nAnswer: nA
Learning nOutcome: n1-2
Bloom's nTaxonomy: nRemembering
The nstudy nof nthe ngeneral nform nand nsuperficial nmarkings nof nan norganism nis ncalled n________
nA) ngross
nB) nsurface
D) nregional
nE) nsurgical
nAnswer: nB
Learning nOutcome: n1-2
Bloom's nTaxonomy: nRemembering
Anatomical nfeatures nthat nchange nduring nillness nare nstudied nin n________ nanatomy.
, pathological
Learning nOutcome: n1-2
Bloom's nTaxonomy: nRemembering
The nstudy nof nthe nfirst ntwo nmonths nof ndevelopment nis
ntermed n
A) nhistology.
B) nembryology.
nC) ncytology.
nD) npathology.
nE) norganology.
nAnswer: nB
Learning nOutcome: n1-2
Bloom's nTaxonomy: nRemembering
The nstudy nof nthe nfunction nof nspecific norgan nsystems nis
ncalled nA) nsystemic nphysiology.
B) norgan
nphysiology. N
C) ncell nphysiology.
D) npathological
nphysiology. N
E) nhistology.
Answer: nA
Learning nOutcome: n1-2
Bloom's nTaxonomy: nRemembering
Cardiovascular nfunction nis nan nexample nof
organ nphysiology.
systemic nphysiology.
pathological nphysiology.
nchemistry. nAnswer: nC
Learning nOutcome: n1-2
Bloom's nTaxonomy: nRemembering
The nstudy nof nthe nliver nis nto ngross nanatomy nas nthe nstudy nof na nliver ncell nis
nto nA) nphysiology.
B) nregional
nanatomy. N
C) ncytology.
D) nsystemic nanatomy.
E) nradiographic
nanatomy. nAnswer: nC
Learning nOutcome: n1-2
Bloom's nTaxonomy: nRemembering
, Identify nthe nbranch nof nbiological nscience nthat nstudies nthe nexternal nand ninternal nstructure nof
nthe nbody nand nthe nphysical nrelationship namong nbody nparts.
A) ngenetics n
B) nphysiology
nD) nanatomy
nE) ncytology
nAnswer: nD
Learning nOutcome: n1-2
Bloom's nTaxonomy: nRemembering
Identify nthe nbranch nof nbiological nscience nthat ndeals nwith nthe nstudy nof nhow nliving
norganisms nperform ntheir nvital nfunctions.
A) ngenetics n
B) nphysiology
nD) nanatomy
nE) ncytology
nAnswer: nB
Learning nOutcome: n1-2
Bloom's nTaxonomy: nRemembering
The nstudy nof nthe nchanges nin nform nthat noccur nbetween nconception nand nphysical nmaturity
nis ncalled n________ nanatomy.
A) ndevelopmental
nB) nclinical
C) nsystemic
D) nembryological
nE) nphysiological
nAnswer: nA
Learning nOutcome: n1-3
Bloom's nTaxonomy: nRemembering
The nstudy nof nthe nanatomical norganization nof nspecific nareas nof nthe nbody nis ncalled n________
nA) ngross
nB) nsurface
nD) regional
nE) nclinical
nAnswer: nD
Learning nOutcome: n1-2
Bloom's nTaxonomy: nRemembering
, The nstudy nof nthe nrelationships nof nthe nbody's nstructures nby nexamining ncross nsections nof
ntissues nor norgans nis ncalled n________ nanatomy.
A) ngross n
B) nsurface
nC) systemic
nD) nregional
nE) sectional
nAnswer: nE
Learning nOutcome: n1-2
Bloom's nTaxonomy: nRemembering
Which nof nthe nfollowing nis narranged nin ncorrect norder nfrom nthe nmost ncomplex nto nthe
nsimplest? N
A) ncellular, ntissue, nmolecular, nsystem, norgan, norganism
B) nmolecular, ncellular, ntissue, norgan, nsystem,
norganism n
C) ntissue, ncellular, nmolecular, norgan, nsystem,
norganism n
D) norgan, norganism, nmolecular, ncellular, ntissue,
nsystem n
E) norganism, nsystem, norgan, ntissue, ncellular,
nmolecular nAnswer: nE
Learning nOutcome: n1-3
Bloom's nTaxonomy: n nAnalyzing
Which norgan nsystem nprovides nsupport, nprotection nof nsoft ntissue, nmineral nstorage, nand
nblood nformation?
A) nintegumentary
nB) nmuscular
C) nskeletal
nD) nnervous
nAnswer: nC
Learning nOutcome: n1-3
Bloom's nTaxonomy: nRemembering
Which norgan nsystem ntransports nnutrients, nmetabolic nwastes, ngases, nand ndefense ncells?
Learning nOutcome: n1-3
Bloom's nTaxonomy: nRemembering