1. In the past, Childbirth was viewed as a scary/dreadful process by women due to the high
incidence of death during childbearing.
2. Midwives were the primary people that handled childbirth, but after a rise in obstetrics
(medical) they decreased in demand, but now they have come back as an organized
3. 1950’s - “Natural childbirth” came up which focused on giving birth without medication
and focused more on relaxation techniques which included more Childbirth education
classes with the FATHER being more involved.
4. Companionship during labor (holding hands, massage, advocating) - support provided to
a woman during childbirth from their partner, doula or family member or nurse has
improved outcomes for women during the pregnancy process.
a. Doula - nonmedical birth companion
b. Certified nurse midwife - has postgraduate training in normal pregnancy and
vaginal delivery and is certified
WAS LOW due to infections and illnesses.
a. Children were not valued as individuals, seen more as a way to increase
6. 1970s and 1980s - increased trend to return back to non-medicated childbirth
7. 2000s - 1 in 3 women are having c-sections
8. 19th and 20th century (1800s and 1900s) - vaccinations invented, antibiotics (penicillin) came
through that decreased death and illness in children, also more technological advancements
came which improved outcomes
9. Problem with technological advancements include more premature infants and children with
genetic problems surviving, but now they end up with more chronic illnesses during their lifetime
and this takes a toll on the healthcare system.
10. Unintentional Injuries are the leading cause of death in children greater than 1 year of age.
11. Current problems children face in the present-day - obesity, environmental toxins, allergies,
drug abuse, child abuse, neglect and mental health.
12. Maternal newborn bonding, breastfeeding and rooming-in started to be encouraged during
the pregnancy process.
13. Pediatric nursing - nurses can get board certified for specialities in pediatrics. The focus in
terms of peds. In today’s healthcare Is to improve more quality outcomes and cost containment.
, 13: Definition of Health before - Absence of illness
Definition of Health now - “state of complete physical, mental and social well being, not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity.”
Health is measured by monitoring the MORTALITY AND MORBIDITY OF A GROUP.
- Morbidity - prevalence of a disease in a certain population at a particular time
14.Women’s health - ACA (Affordable care act) gives women’s more options, but most women
don’t know about it.
15. Healthy People 2030 - Focus is working towards improving the QUANTITY AND QUALITY
OF THE LIFE OF ALL AMERICANS. There are specific areas including women’s and children’s
health topics - focus on promoting health, preventing disease and disability. This plan is
developed from input from public health experts, federal, state and local governments and the
16.Leading cause of pregnancy related mortality - Hemorrhage, infection, preeclampsia,
obstructed labor and unsafe abortion.
17. More African american women have higher mortality rates because of low socioeconomic
status, limited insurance coverage, bias among healthcare providers and quality of care
available in the community.
B. Present for prenatal care later in pregnancy
C. Low Hgb levels
18. Immigrant women - language and legal barriers leads to poor prenatal care
19. Fetal death after 20 weeks is considered stillbirth, before 20 weeks is miscarriage
20. The US has a high infant mortality rate when compared to other developed countries mostly
due to CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (LEADING CAUSE) prematurity, low birthweight, genetic
issues, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), etc.
Preventions includes:
- Encourage breastfeeding
- Place infant on their back
- Don’t share a bed with an infant younger than 12 weeks old
21. Childhood mortality rates - caused by unintentional injuries (car accidents, drowning,
bicycling accidents, poisoning and falls)
- Edu about car seats, pedestrian bicycle safety, fire safety, not driving under the influence