fu fu fu
Critical Thinking, Clinical Reasoning, and Clinical
fu fu fu fu fu
Judgment A Practical Approach
fu fu fu fu
fu 7th Edition by Rosalinda Alfaro-LeFevre
fu fu fu fu
Chapters 1 - 7, Complete Newest Version
fu fu fu fu fu fu fu
, Test fuBank fuFor fuCritical fuThinking, fuClinical fuReasoning, fuand fuClinical fuJudgment fuA
f pproach fu7th fuEdition fu– fuby fuRosalinda fuAlfaro-LeFevre
Paperback fuISBN: fu9780323581257
eBook fuISBN: fu9780323594721
Paperback fuISBN: fu9780323676922
Table fuof fuContents
1. What fuare fuCritical fuThinking, fuClinical fuReasoning, fuand fuClinical fuJudgment?
2. Becoming fua fuCritical fuThinker
3. Critical fuThinking fuand fuLearning fuCultures: fuTeaching, fuLearning, fuand fuTaking fuTests
4. Interprofessional fuClinical fuReasoning, fuDecision fuMaking, fuand fuJudgment
5. Ethical fuReasoning, fuProfessionalism, fuEvidence-Based fuPractice, fuand fuQuality fuImprovement
6. Practicing fuClinical fuReasoning, fuClinical fuJudgment, fuand fuDecision-making fuSkills
7. Interprofessional fuPractice fuSkills: fuCommunication, fuTeamwork, fuand fuSelf-Management
NEWuif nterprofessional fucollaboration fufocus!
, Critical fuThinking fuClinical fuReasoning fuand fuClinical fuJudgment fu7th fuEdition fuA
fu f pproach fuTest fuBank
Chapter fu1. fuWhat fuare fuCritical fuThinking, fuClinical fuReasoning, fuand fuClinical
fu Judgment?uM
f ultiple fuChoice
Identify futhe fuchoice futhat fubest fucompletes futhe fustatement fuor fuanswers futhe fuquestion.
fu 1. fuWhich fuof futhe fufollowing fucharacteristics fudo futhe fuvarious fudefinitions fuof fucritical futhinking
fu haveuif n fucommon? fuCritical futhinking
Requires fureasoned
fu thoughtu2f )
Asks futhe fuquestions fuwhy? fuor
fu how?u3f )
Is fua fuhierarchical
processu4f )
Demands fuspecialized futhinking
fu f NSWER: fu1
The fudefinitions fulisted fuin futhe futext fuas fuwell fuas fudefinitions fuin fuBox fu2-1 fustate futhat fucritical
fu thinking furequires fureasoning fuor fureasoned futhinking. fuCritical futhinking fuis funeither fulinear funor
fu hierarchical. fuThat fumeans futhat futhe fusteps fuinvolved fuin fucritical futhinking fuare funot funecessarily
fu sequential, fuwhere fumastery fuofuof ne fustep fuis funecessary futo fuproceed futo futhe funext. fuCritical futhinking
fu is fua fupurposeful, fudynamic, fuanalytic fuprocess futhat fucontributes futo fureasoned fudecisions fuand
fu sound fucontextual fujudgments.
PTS:1DIF:Moderate fuhigh-level fuquestion, fuanswer funot fustated fuverbatim
KEY: fuNursing fuprocess: fuN/A fu| fuClient funeed: fuSECE fu| fuCognitive fulevel: fuAnalysis
fu 2. fuA fufew funurses fuon fua fuunit fuhave fuproposed futo futhe funurse fumanager futhat futhe fuprocess fufor
fu documenting fucare fuon futhe fuunit fube fuchanged. fuThey fuhave fudescribed fua fucompletely funew fusystem.
fu Why fuisuif t fuimportant fufor futhe funurse fumanager futo fuhave fua fucritical fuattitude? fuIt fuwill fuhelp futhe
fu manager futo
Consider fuall futhe fupossible fuadvantages fuand
fu disadvantagesu2f )
Maintain fuan fuopen fumind fuabout futhe fuproposed
fu changeu3f )
, Apply futhe funursing fuprocess futo futhe
fu situationu4f )
Make fua fudecision fubased fuon fupast fuexperience fuwith
fu f NSWER: fu2
A fucritical fuattitude fuenables futhe fuperson futo futhink fufairly fuand fukeep fuan fuopen fumind.
fu PTS:1DIF:ModerateKEY: fuNursing fuprocess: fuN/A fu| fuClient funeed: fuSECE fu| fuCognitive
fu f omprehension