Critical Thinking, Clinical Reasoning, and Clinical
Judgment A Practical Approach
7th Edition by Rosalinda Alfaro-LeFevre
Chapters 1 - 7, Complete Newest Version
, Test Bank For Critical Thinking, Clinical Reasoning, and Clinical Judgment A Practical
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Approach 7th Edition – by Rosalinda Alfaro-LeFevre
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Paperback ISBN: 9780323581257
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eBook ISBN: 9780323594721
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Paperback ISBN: 9780323676922
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Table of Contents
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1. What are Critical Thinking, Clinical Reasoning, and Clinical Judgment?
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2. Becoming a Critical Thinker gv gv gv
3. Critical Thinking and Learning Cultures: Teaching, Learning, and Taking Tests
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4. Interprofessional Clinical Reasoning, Decision Making, and Judgment
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5. Ethical Reasoning, Professionalism, Evidence-Based Practice, and Quality Improvement
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6. Practicing Clinical Reasoning, Clinical Judgment, and Decision-making Skills
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7. Interprofessional Practice Skills: Communication, Teamwork, and Self-
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Management NEWinterprofessional collaboration focus!
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, Critical Thinking Clinical Reasoning and Clinical Judgment 7th Edition A Practical
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Approach Test Bank gv gv
Chapter 1. What are Critical Thinking, Clinical Reasoning, and Clinical Judgment?
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Multiple Choice gv
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
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1. Which of the following characteristics do the various definitions of critical thinking have
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in common? Critical thinking
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Requires reasoned thought gv gv v
Asks the questions why? or how?
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Is a hierarchical process
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Demands specialized thinking skills gv gv gv v
ANSWER: 1 gv
The definitions listed in the text as well as definitions in Box 2-
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1 state that critical thinking requires reasoning or reasoned thinking. Critical thinking is neither l
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inear nor hierarchical. That means that the steps involved in critical thinking are not necessarily s
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equential, where mastery ofone step is necessary to proceed to the next. Critical thinking is a pur
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poseful, dynamic, analytic process that contributes to reasoned decisions and sound contextual ju
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PTS:1DIF:Moderate high-level question, answer not stated verbatim gv gv gv gv gv gv
KEY: Nursing process: N/A | Client need: SECE | Cognitive level: Analysis
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2. A few nurses on a unit have proposed to the nurse manager that the process for documen
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ting care on the unit be changed. They have described a completely new system. Why isit import
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ant for the nurse manager to have a critical attitude? It will help the manager to
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Consider all the possible advantages and disadvantages
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Maintain an open mind about the proposed change
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, Apply the nursing process to the situation
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Make a decision based on past experience with documentation
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ANSWER: 2 gv
A critical attitude enables the person to think fairly and keep an open mind. PTS:1DIF
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:ModerateKEY: Nursing process: N/A | Client need: SECE | Cognitive level:Comprehe
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