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1. Chapter 1: Introduction
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2. Chapter 2: Formal Institutions: Politics, Laws, and Economics
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3. Chapter 3: Informal Institutions: Cultures, Ethics, and Norms
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4. Chapter 4: Resources and Capabilities
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5. Chapter 5: International Trade
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6. Chapter 6: Foreign Direct Investment
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7. Chapter 7: Foreign Exchange
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8. Chapter 8: Global and Regional Integration
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9. Chapter 9: The Entrepreneurial Firm
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10. Chapter 10: Foreign Market Entry
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11. Chapter 11: Global Competitive Dynamics
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12. Chapter 12: Alliances and Acquisitions
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13. Chapter 13: Strategy, Structure, and Innovation in Multinationals
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14. Chapter 14: Marketing and Supply Chain Management
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15. Chapter 15: Human Resource Management
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16. Chapter 16: Corporate Finance and Governance
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xwxwxwxwxwxwxwxwxwxwxwxw Chapter 17: Corporate Social Responsibility
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2 © 2023 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to
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a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
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,Chapter 1 xw
Table of Contents xw xw
Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter..................................................................................................................... 2
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x xw xw
Cengage Supplements ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Chapter Objectives ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments............................................................................................. 3
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What's New in This Chapter............................................................................................................................................ 3
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OpeningCase Discussion:EmergingMarkets—Apple, America, and China ................................................... 3
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x w
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Chapter Outline................................................................................................................................................................. 4
End-of-ChapterGuide .................................................................................................................................................... 9
ReviewQuestions ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Critical Discussion Questions .................................................................................................................................11
xw xw
Global Action...............................................................................................................................................................12
Closing Case: Emerging Markets—Are US Multinationals Good for America? .........................................12
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Generic Rubrics ...........................................................................................................................................................14
Standard Writing Rubric...........................................................................................................................................14
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Standard DiscussionRubric ....................................................................................................................................14
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3 © 2023 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to
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a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
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, Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter xw xw xw xw xw
The purpose of this chapter is to explore the concepts of international and global business. First, we di
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scuss the importance of studying global business. Then, we develop the unified framework used in ea
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ch chapter, which focuses learning on one fundamental question and two core perspectives—
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an institution-based view and a resource-
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based view. Next, we explore the concepts of globalization, semiglobalization, and risk management
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. As a backdrop for the remainder of the text, the Global Business and Globalization at a Crossroads sec
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tion makes two points: First, a basic understanding of the global economy is necessary. Second, it is im
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portant to critically examine your own personal views and biases regarding globalization. Additionall
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y, we outline three leading debates concerning business and globalization/deglobalization. Finally, w
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e explore the broad implications for savvy managers and students for the future of global business in
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a less global world.
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Cengage Supplements xw
The following product- xw xw
level supplements provide additional information that may help you in preparing your course. They are
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available in the Instructor Resource Center. xw xw xw xw xw
Transition Guide (provides information about what’s new from edition toedition) xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw
Educator’s Guide (describes assets in the platform with a detailed breakdown of activi xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw
ties by chapter with seat time)
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PowerPoint(providestext-based lectures and presentations) w
x w
x xw xw xw
Test Bank (containsassessment questions and problems)
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x xw xw xw
Guide to Teaching Online (provides information about the key assets within the product and
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x xw xw xw
how to implement/facilitate use of the assets in synchronous and asynchronous teaching en
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Accelerated Course Syllabus (provides guidance on the recommended delivery of course mat xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw
erials given a 5-week, 8-week, 12-week, and 16-week course)
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MindTapUser Guide (provides information on how to navigate and useMindTap) w
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Chapter Objectives xw
The following objectives are addressed in this chapter:
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1-1 Explain the concepts of international business and global business. 1-2 xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw
Give three reasons why it is important to study global business.
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1-3 Articulate one fundamental question and two core perspectives in the study of global busi xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw
1-4 Describe the importance of globalization, semiglobalization, and risk management. xw xw w
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1-5 State the size of the global economy and its broad trends and understand your likely bias in
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the globalization debate.
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1-6 Participate in three leading debates concerning global business. 1- xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw
7 Draw implications for action. xw xw xw
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a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
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