NR605 Midterm Exam Review Weeks 1-4 Covered 155 Questions & Verified
Answers with Rationales (Latest ): Diagnosis & Management in
Psychiatric-Mental Health across the Lifespan I Practicum
1. Psychotherapy: -nonpharmacological intervention k k
-used to tx mental health diagnoses or distress
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-help clients improve functioning and well-being
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-talk therapy k
-provided by psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, marriage and family ther-
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k apists, counselors, and PMHNPs
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-may include individual, couple, family, or group sessions
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-Goals:symptom reduction, improvement in functioning, relapse prevention, empow-
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erment, achievement of collaborative goals set by the client & therapist.
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2. Methods of Collaboration: Intraprofessional Collaboration
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-the interaction and efforts between two disciplines with the same profession
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• Potential barriers: tension, large team size, high turnover, lack of familiarity and common go
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als, role ambiguity, generational differences, and lack of undergraduate nursing education on i
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ntraprofessional practice. k
Transprofessional Collaboration k
includes communication with various disciplines: physicians, physical/occupational therapy, a
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d social services, along with others to ensure care is delivered safely
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• Potential barrier: lack of training k k k k
,3. Role of PMHNPs in Psychotherapy: -unique, full-spectrum approach
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-may provide psychotherapy in addition to prescribing medications
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-providing client and family education
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-coordinating care and referrals as a part of the treatment plan
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provide psychotherapy in a variety of ambulatory, emergency department, inpatient, and outpati
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t settings
4. Holistic Paradigm of Healing: -holistic model of care with a focus on healing
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-Holistic therapy respects the complexity of each unique individual
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• appreciating the relationship between the client's mind, body, and spirit
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• recognizing the interdependence of all parts of the human system
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-Foundational to healing is the relationship between the client and therapist
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• Emotional connection in the relationship is critical to the success of psychotherapy
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• PMHNP approaches the nurse-client relationship with acceptance, empathy, pa-
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k tience, and kindness to create a space for healing
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psychotherapy can help the individual accept dysregulation and disharmony in the present mo
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• achieves acceptance of the present, they may be able to let go of resistance, relax, and release
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,5. Theoretical Models in Psychotherapy: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Health Beli
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ef Model
Transtheoretical Model of Change k k k
6. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: framework for understanding client motivation
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first four levels of need in the hierarchy (physiological needs, safety, love and belonging, and es
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eem) are sometimes referred to as deficiency needs (D-needs)
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• Motivation decreases once D-needs are met
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-highest level of need, self-actualization, is considered a growth or being need (B-need)
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• Once D-needs are met, clients can focus on self-actualization and personal growth
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• As the B-need is met, motivation for further growth increases
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7. self-actualized person: is self-fulfilled k k k
-Qualities exhibited by the self-
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actualized person include independence, autonomy, creativity, and maturity
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8. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid: TOP: Self-actualization
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-Morality, creativity, spontaneity, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts
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-Self-esteem, respect, achievement, confidence k k k
-Friendship, family, intimacy, sense of connection with others
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, Security of body, of employment, of resources, of morality, of the family, and of health, of prope
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Bottom: Physiological k
-Air, food, water, shelter, clothing, sleep
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9. Health Belief Model: -used to explain and predict health behaviors
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a person's belief about a perceived threat of illness combined with belief in the effectiveness o
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he recommended action predict the person's willingness to change
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• perceived seriousness k
• perceived susceptibility k
• perceived benefits of treatment k k k
• perceived barriers to treatment k k k
• cues to action k k
• self-efficacy