Week 7 Final: NR566 / NR-566
(Latest Update )
Advanced Pharmacology for Care of
the Family | Test Module Questions
& Answers | 100% Correct | Grade
A - Chamberlain
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA)
Baseline data needed to prescribe
Patient education needed
ECG should be checked, especially in patients with known dysrhythmias or
patients older than 40 years of age.
Patients should be informed that they can minimize orthostatic hypotension
by moving slowly when assuming an upright posture. In addition, patients
should be instructed to sit or lie down if symptoms (dizziness,
lightheadedness) occur.
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI)
Baseline data needed to prescribe
Patient education needed
Baseline blood pressure should be obtained.
Patients should be informed about the symptoms of hypertensive crisis
(headache, tachycardia, palpitations, nausea, vomiting, sweating) and
instructed to seek immediate medical attention if these develop.
In addition to tyramine, several other dietary constituents (e.g., caffeine,
phenylethylamine) can precipitate hypertension in patients taking MAOIs.
Foods that contain these compounds are listed in Table 27.5. Patients should
be instructed to avoid them.
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI)
Dietary restrictions
Dietary tyramine can produce a life-threatening hypertensive crisis.
Vegetables --Avocados, especially if overripe; fermented bean curd; fermented
soybean; soybean paste
, Fruits--Figs, especially if overripe; bananas, in large amounts
Meats--Meats that are fermented, smoked, or otherwise aged; spoiled meats;
liver, unless very fresh
sausage -- Fermented varieties: bologna, pepperoni, salami, others
Fish-- Dried or cured fish; fish that is fermented, smoked, or otherwise aged;
spoiled fish
Milk, milk products --Practically all cheeses
Foods with yeast-- Yeast extract (e.g., Marmite, Bovril)
Beer, wine-- Some imported beers, Chianti wine
Other foods-- Protein dietary supplements; soups (may contain protein
extract); shrimp paste; soy sauce
Fava beans
Caffeinated beverages