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Test Bank for Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing in Canada, 5th Edition(Tyerman, 2023), Chapter 1-72 | All Chapters
Test Bank for Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing in Canada, 5th Edition(Tyerman, 2023), Chapter 1-72 | All ChaptersTest Bank for Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing in Canada, 5th Edition(Tyerman, 2023), Chapter 1-72 | All Chapters
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1. Exam (elaborations) - Test bank for lewis's medical-surgical nursing in canada, 5th edition(tyerman, 2023),...
2. Exam (elaborations) - Test bank for lewis's medical-surgical nursing in canada, 5th edition(tyerman, 2023),...
3. Exam (elaborations) - Test bank for lewis's medical-surgical nursing in canada, 5th edition(tyerman, 2023),...
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Lewis's Medical Surgical Nursing in Canada,
4th Edition by Jane Tyerman, Shelley Cobbett
Chapters 1 - 72 Complete
55 55
Section5 5 One5 5 –5 5 Concepts5 5 in5 5 Nursing5 5 Practice
1 Introduction5 5 to5 5 Medical-Surgical5 5 Nursing5 5 Practice5 5 in5 5 Canada
2 Cultural5 5 Competence5 5 and5 5 Health5 5 Equity5 5 in5 5 Care
3 Health5 5 History5 5 and5 5 Physical5 5 Examination
4 Patientp55and5 5 Caregiver5 5 Teaching
5 Chronic5 5 Illness
6 Community-Based5 5 Nursing5 5 and5 5 Home5 5 Care
7 Older5 5 5 5 Adults
8 Stress5 5 and5 5 Stress5 5 Management
9 Sleep5 5 and5 5 Sleep5 5 Disorders
10 Pain
11 Substance5 5 Use
12 Complementary5 5 and5 5 Alternative5 5 Therapies
13 Palliative5 5 Care5 5 at5 5 the5 5 End5 5 of5 5 Life
Section5 5 Two5 5 –5 5 Pathophysiological5 5 Mechanisms5 5 of5 5 Disease
14 Inflammation5 5 and5 5 Wound5 5 Healing
15 Genetics
16 Altered5 5 Immune5 5 Response5 5 and5 5 Transplantation
17 Infection5 5 and5 5 Human5 5 Immunodeficiency5 5 Virus5 5 Infection
18 Cancer
19 Fluid,5 5 Electrolyte,5 5 and5 5 Acid–
Base5 5 Imbalances55Section5 5 Three5 5 –
5 5 Perioperative5 5 Care
20 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Preoperative5 5 Care
21 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Intraoperative5 5 Care
22 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Post-operative5 5 Care
Section5 5 Four5 5 –5 5 Problems5 5 Related5 5 to5 5 Altered5 5 Sensory5 5 Input
23 Nursing5 5 Assessment:5 5 Visual5 5 and5 5 Auditory5 5 Systems
24 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Visual5 5 and5 5 Auditory5 5 Problems
25 Nursing5 5 Assessment:5 5 Integumentary5 5 System
26 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Integumentary5 5 Problems
27 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Burns
Section5 5 Five5 5 –5 5 Problems5 5 of5 5 Oxygenation:5 5 Ventilation
28 Nursing5 5 Assessment:5 5 Respiratory5 5 System
29 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Upper5 5 Respiratory5 5 Problems
30 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Lower5 5 Respiratory5 5 Problems
31 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Obstructive5 5 Pulmonary5 5 Dis
eases55Section5 5 Six5 5 –
5 5 Problems5 5 of5 5 Oxygenation:5 5 Transport
32 Nursing5 5 Assessment:5 5 Hematological5 5 System
33 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Hematological5 5 Problems
55Section5 5 Seven5 5 –
5 5 Problems5 5 of5 5 Oxygenation:5 5 Perfusion
,34 Nursing5 5 Assessment:5 5 Cardiovascular5 5 System
35 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Hypertension
36 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Coronary5 5 Artery5 5 Disease5 5 and5 5 Acute5 5 Coronary5 5 Syndro
, 375 5 Nursin Management: Heart5 5 5 5 Failure
385 5 Nursin Management: Dysrhythmias
395 5 Nursin Management: Inflammatory5 5 and5 5 Structural5 5 Heart5 5 D
g iseases
405 5 Nursin Management: Vascular5 5 Disorders
Section5 5 Eight5 5 –5 5 Problems5 5 of5 5 Ingestion,5 5 Digestion,5 5 Absorption,5 5 and5 5 Eliminatio
41 Nursing5 5 Assessment:5 5 Gastrointestinal5 5 System
42 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Nutritional5 5 Problems
43 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Obesity
44 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Upper5 5 Gastrointestinal5 5 Problems
45 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Lower5 5 Gastrointestinal5 5 Problems
46 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Liver,5 5 Pancreas,5 5 and5 5 Biliary5 5 Tract5 5 P
roblems55Section5 5 Nine5 5 –5 5 Problems5 5 of5 5 Urinary5 5 Function
47 Nursing5 5 Assessment:5 5 Urinary5 5 System
48 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Renal5 5 and5 5 Urological5 5 Problems
49 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Acute5 5 Kidney5 5 Injury5 5 and5 5 Chronic5 5 Kidney5 5 D
isease5 5 Section5 5 Ten5 5 –
5 5 Problems5 5 Related5 5 to5 5 Regulatory5 5 and5 5 Reproductive5 5 Mechanisms
50 Nursing5 5 Assessment:5 5 Endocrine5 5 System
51 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Endocrine5 5 Problems
52 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Diabetes5 5 Mellitus
53 Nursing5 5 Assessment:5 5 Reproductive5 5 System
54 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Breast5 5 Disorders
55 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Sexually5 5 Transmitted5 5 Infections
56 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Female5 5 Reproductive5 5 Problems
57 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Male5 5 Reproductive5 5 Problems
Section5 5 Eleven5 5 –5 5 Problems5 5 Related5 5 to5 5 Movement5 5 and5 5 Coordination
58 Nursing5 5 Assessment:5 5 Nervous5 5 System
59 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Acute5 5 Intracranial5 5 Problems
60 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Stroke
61 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Chronic5 5 Neurological5 5 Problems
62 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Delirium,5 5 Alzheimer’s5 5 Disease,5 5 and5 5 Other5 5 Dementias
63 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Peripheral5 5 Nerve5 5 and5 5 Spinal5 5 Cord5 5 Problems
64 Nursing5 5 Assessment:5 5 Musculoskeletal5 5 System
65 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Musculoskeletal5 5 Trauma5 5 and5 5 Orthopedic5 5 Surgery
66 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Musculoskeletal5 5 Problems
67 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Arthritis5 5 and5 5 Connective5 5 Tissue5 5
Diseases55Section5 5 Twelve5 5 –
5 5 Nursing5 5 Care5 5 in5 5 Specialized5 5 Settings
68 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Critical5 5 Care5 5 Environment
69 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Shock,5 5 Systemic5 5 Inflammatory5 5 Response5 5 Syndro
me,5 5 and55Multiple-Organ5 5 Dysfunction5 5 Syndrome
70 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Respiratory5 5 Failure5 5 and5 5 Acute5 5 Respiratory5 5 Distres
s5 5 Syndro55me
71 Nursing5 5 Management:5 5 Emergency5 5 Care5 5 Situations
72 Emergency5 5 Management5 5 and5 5 Disaster5 5 Planning