ASCP Recalls 2025 Update|Complete Exam Set
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FFP used for - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Multiple coagulation deficiencies
Factor XI deficiency
Cryoprecipitate used for - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Replace fibrinogen loss due to DIC
Massive bleeding
Dysfibrinogenemia with active bleeding
Plateletpheresis preparation steps - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Light spin (remove RBC)
Heavy spin (spin down PLT and WBC)
Supernatant goes into bag for freezing (FFP)
Remaining plasma, platelets, and WBC = platelets
Irradiated blood prevents - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>GVHD
Also used for cancer patients, or patients who are immunocompromised
Leukocyte reduced blood prevents - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Febrile nonhemolytic
transfusion reactions (FNHTRs)
Blood generally kept at what temperature? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>1-10C
Platelets and granulocytes kept at what temperature? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>20-24C
Platelets usually kept on agitator to ensure that the platelets are continuously
ACD, CPD, CPD2 expiration - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>21 days
CPDA-1 expiration - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>35 days
,Rouleaux resolution - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Saline wash and repeat
Common IgM antibodies in blood bank (Cold) - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>anti-I, H, M, N, P1,
Lea, Leb
Common IgG antibodies in blood bank (Warm) - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>anti-D, C, c, E, e, M
(some), K, k, Fya, Fyb, Jka, Jkb
Antibodies enhanced by enzyme panel - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>RhIp Lewis the Kidd
Rh, I, Lea, Leb, Jka, Jkb
Overproduction of IgM associated with - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Waldenstrom's Primary
Overproduction of IgG associated with - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Multiple Myeloma
Serum calcitonin elevated in - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Medullary carcinoma of thryroid
Normal myeloid:erythroid ratio - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>2:1 to 4:1
Centromere ANA pattern - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>CREST syndrome
Homogeneous or speckled ANA pattern - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>SLE
Speckeled ANA pattern - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>RA or Sjorgen's
Measurement of sodium/chloride in sweat is useful test for - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Cystic
Analytes increased due to delay in centrifugation - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>AST, ALT,
Potassium, Creatinine
Analytes decreased due to delay in centrifugation - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Glucose, ionized
calcium, bicarbonate, folate
Reducing sugars include - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Lactose, glucose, ribose
Incorporation of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim in culture media enhance recovery
of - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Strep. pyogenes
Longer staining times associated with which type of smear - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Bone
marrow smear
,Dosage associated with homozygous or heterozygous cells -
Confirmatory test for syphilis - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>FTA-ABS (fluorescent treponemal
antibody absorption test)
VRDL and RPR are utilize which type of methodology - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Flocculation
Mycobacterium species positive for nitrate reduction -
✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Measles (rubella), mumps, polio vaccine deferral time period - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>2
Burkitt's lymphoma - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>8:14 translocation; associated with EBV;
"starry sky" appearance on histology
Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL) - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>is a malignant lymphoma
Reed Sternberg cells are the hallmark of HL. Enlarged, painless lymph node in the neck
(often the first sign of HL).
A defective clot retraction might be caused by - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Lack of defect of
platelet receptor IIb/IIIa
German measles vaccine deferral time period - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>4 weeks
This protozoa can be routinely cultured - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Acanthamoeba spp.
Aspirin prevent synthesis of - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Thromboxane A2
Mycobacterium spp whose colonies are photochromogenic -
✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Mycobacterium kansaii
Burkholderia cepacia - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>GNB that is motile with polar tufts of flagella
and produces yellow pigment
Oxidase (+)
Pyocyanin (-)
Arginine dihydrolase (-)
Known to cause fulminating lung infections in CF patients
, Burkholderia mallei - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Glander's disease
forms nodular lesions in the lung tissue and can cause ulcers leading to sepsis and
Clenched fist cellulitis associated with what organism - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Eikenella
CEA tumor marker - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>colorectal cancer
Intestinal amebiasis symptoms - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Abdominal cramps
Bloody stool
Type of anemia where inability to incorporate iron into protoporphyrin ring -
✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Sideroblastic anemia
Immunoassay for hCG uses which subunit of hCG - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Beta
Parasite typically comes from cat feces - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Toxoplasma gondii
This condition made up of small clots made of platelets and large forms of VWF -
✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)
Normal heme contains - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Four heme and four globin chains
Detection of MRSA - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Zone of <10mm with an oxacillin disk on MH
Molecular tests for mecA gene
Drug of choice for Clostridium difficile and MRSA - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Vancomycin
(glycopeptide, inhibit cell wall synthesis)
Drugs of choice for pseudomonas aeruginosa and other aerobes -
✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacin (quinolines, inhibit nucleic acid synthesis)
Drug of choice for UTI, enteric infections - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Sulfamethoxazole
(Sulfonomides, analogue of PABA)
Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Enzymes that give bacteria
immunity to both penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics