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Final Exam: NR 341/ NR341 (Latest 2025/ 2026 Update) Complex Adult Health Review | Questions & Answers| Grade A| 100% Correct (Verified Solutions)- Chamberlain
Final Exam: NR 341/ NR341 (Latest 2025/ 2026 Update) Complex Adult Health Review | Questions & Answers| Grade A| 100% Correct (Verified Solutions)- Chamberlain
Q: Nursing care after kidney biopsy
Apply pressure dressing and keep patient on the affected side for 30-60 min.
Bed ...
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1. Exam (elaborations) - Final exam: nr 341/ nr341 (latest 2025/ 2026 update) complex adult health guide | que...
2. Exam (elaborations) - Final exam: nr 341/ nr341 (latest 2025/ 2026 update) complex adult health review | qu...
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1. Exam (elaborations) - Final exam: nr 341/ nr341 (latest 2025/ 2026 update) complex adult health guide | que...
2. Exam (elaborations) - Final exam: nr 341/ nr341 (latest 2025/ 2026 update) complex adult health review | qu...
3. Exam (elaborations) - Exam 2: nr 341/ nr341 (latest 2025/ 2026 update) complex adult health review | questi...
4. Exam (elaborations) - Exam 2: nr 341/ nr341 (latest 2025/ 2026 update) complex adult health guide | questio...
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1. Exam (elaborations) - Final exam: nr 341/ nr341 (latest 2025/ 2026 update) complex adult health guide | que...
2. Exam (elaborations) - Final exam: nr 341/ nr341 (latest 2025/ 2026 update) complex adult health review | qu...
3. Exam (elaborations) - Exam 2: nr 341/ nr341 (latest 2025/ 2026 update) complex adult health review | questi...
4. Exam (elaborations) - Exam 2: nr 341/ nr341 (latest 2025/ 2026 update) complex adult health guide | questio...
5. Exam (elaborations) - Exam 1: nr 341/ nr341 (latest 2025/ 2026 update) complex adult health review | questi...
6. Exam (elaborations) - Exam 1: nr 341/ nr341 (latest 2025/ 2026 update) complex adult health guide | questio...
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Finall Exam:l NRl 341/l NR341l (Latestl
2025/l 2026l Update)l Complexl Adultl
Healthl Reviewl |l Questionsl &l Answers|l
Gradel A|l 100%l Correctl (Verifiedl
Solutions)-l Chamberlain
Q:l Nursingl carel afterl kidneyl biopsy
Applyl pressurel dressingl andl keepl patientl onl thel affectedl sidel forl 30-60l min.
Bedl restl forl 24l hr.l
Vitall signsl everyl 5-10l min,l firstl hour.
Assessl forl bleeding.
Q:l Whatl mustl bel donel priorl tol kidneyl transplantl surgery?
-l HD
thisl willl balancel K+l andl bringl downl BUN/Crl &l decreasel fluidl overload
Q:l Post-opl kidneyl transplantl complications
Decreasedl UO
-l Duel tol osmoticl diuresisl &l thel newl kidneyl filteringl thel BUN
-l ATN,l commonl w/l cadaverl kidneysl →l hypoperfusion
Hyperglycemial (postl transplantl DM)
Q:l Hyperacutel transplantl rejection
Immediatel andl rarel (w/inl 24hrsl post-transplant),l hasl antibodies,l organl mustl bel removed
Q:l Acutel transplantl rejection
occursl ~2yrsl postl op,l needsl medsl tol managel &l suppressl immunel response
Q:l Chronicl transplantl rejection
occursl afterl 2yrs,l progressivel decreasel inl renall functionl -l graduall returnl ofl kidneyl
Q:l Mostl commonl immunosuppressantsl forl transplants
Tacrolimus,l corticosteroidsl (predisone),l andl mycophenolatel mofetil
Q:l Kidneyl Transplantl dischargel teaching
Monitorl forl rejection
Postl Transplantl Highl BG
DMl management
Increasedl riskl forl cardiovascularl disease
Medsl willl incl cholesteroll →l givenl statinsl &l newl diet
Increasedl riskl forl malignancy
Yearlyl cancerl screenings,l usel sunscreenl &l avoidl directl sun
Recurrencel ofl Kidneyl Disease:
Decreasel renall thresholdl ofl BGl =l 100
Q:l S&Sl ofl compensatedl shock
pale,l cooll skinl
Resp.l Alk.l (hyperventilation)
RASSl turnedl onl -->l Na+l &l H2Ol arel retained
Epinephrinel isl releasedl -->l vasoconstriction,l incl BPl &l HR
Q:l S&Sl ofl progressivel shock
cold,l clammyl skinl
Lungl failurel (Resp.l Acid.)
-l needl ventilatorl now
Decreasel CO
-l needl fluidl bolus,l thenl vasopressors
Kidneysl fail
-l elevatedl labs,l meta.l acid.
, -l needl CRRT
Dec.l GIl perfusion
-l needsl trophicl feedingsl tol keepl patent
Increasedl ammonial &l lactatel creatingl meta.l acid.
Q:l S&Sl ofl refractoryl shock
MODsl -->l unresponsive
Profoundl hypotension
Nol UO,l ischemicl GI,l mottledl skin
Extremel meta.l acid.
Q:l hypovolemicl shockl causesl &l S/S
Volumel lossl byl dehydrationl orl bleeding
s/s:l lowl BP,l lowl SV,l incl HR
Q:l Hypovolemicl shockl treatment
2l largel borel IVs
Restorel volumel usingl IVl fluidsl suchl LRl orl NSl (crystalloids,l isotonics),l Bloodl productsl
(albumin,l PRBCs,l FFP-colloids).l Thenl vasopressors:
Norepinephrinel -l vasoconstrictor
Stopl thel bleedingl (findl itl withl Endoscopyl -l GI,l Surgeryl ifl trauma)