, Essentials bfor bNursing bPractice b9th bEdition bPotter bTest
Chapter 01: Professional Nursing
b b b
Potter: Essentials for Nursing Practice, 9th Edition
b b b b b b
1. Which baction bby bthe bnurse bdemonstrates bimplementation bof bFlorence bNightingale‘s
original btheories babout bnursing bcare?
a. The bpatient bis bgently bbathed band bgiven bfresh blinens bafter bgiving bbirth.
b. The bnurse bforms ba bclose btherapeutic brelationship bwith bthe bpatient.
c. The bnurse bhelps bthe bpatient bconserve benergy bfor bhealing bprocesses.
d. The bnurse bviews bthe bpatient bas ba bunique, bever-changing benergy bfield.
ANS: b A
Florence bNightingale bworked bto bimprove bsanitation band bhealing benvironments bfor bpatients.
Gently bbathing band bproviding bfresh blinens bto bpatients bis ban bexample bof bNightingale‘s btheory
bin bpractice. bFormation bof ba bclose btherapeutic brelationship bwith bthe bpatient, benergy
bconservation, band bviewing bpatients bas benergy bfields bwere bnot bconcepts bincluded bin
bNightingale‘s btheory bof bnursing bpractice.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bApply b(Application)
OBJ: b Discuss bthe binfluence bof bsocial, bpolitical, band beconomic bchanges bon bnursing
bpractices. bTOP: b Nursing bProcess: bImplementation MSC: b NCLEX: bBasic bCare band
2. The bnurse bis bmandated bby bthe bstate bto bcomplete b25 bcontact bhours bof bnursing beducation
before bthe bnursing blicense bmay bbe brenewed. bWhich bterm bbest bdescribes bthis brequirement?
a. In-service beducation
b. Advanced beducation NURSINGTB.COM
c. Continuing beducation
d. Certification beducation
ANS: b C
Continuing beducation bis brequired bfor bprofessionals bin bmany bstates. bContinuing beducation
binvolves bformal, borganized beducational bprograms boffered bby buniversities, bhospitals, bstate
bnurses‘ bassociations, bprofessional bnursing borganizations, band beducational band bhealth bcare
binstitutions. bIn-service beducation bprograms bare binstruction bor btraining bprovided bby ba bhealth
bcare bagency bor binstitution bdesigned bto bincrease bthe bknowledge, bskills, band bcompetencies bof
nurses band bother bhealth bcare bprofessionals bemployed bby bthe binstitution. bSome broles bfor bRNs bin
bnursing brequire badvanced bgraduate bdegrees, bsuch bas ba bclinical bnurse bspecialist bor bnurse
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bApply b(Application)
OBJ: b Discuss bthe bimportance bof beducation bin bprofessional bnursing
bpractice. bTOP: b Nursing bProcess: bCommunication band bDocumentation
MSC: b NCLEX: bManagement bof bCare
3. The bnurse bis bcaring bfor ba bpatient bwho bsuddenly bbecomes bacutely bshort bof bbreath. bThe bnurse
elevates bthe bhead bof bthe bpatient‘s bbed, bchecks bthe bpatient‘s bpulse boximetry, band badministers b2
bL bof boxygen bbefore bnotifying bthe bpatient‘s bphysician. bWhich bterm bbest bdescribes bthe bactions
bof bthe bnurse?
a. Accountability
, Essentials bfor bNursing bPractice b9th bEdition bPotter bTest
b. Autonomy
c. Licensure
d. Certification
ANS: b B
Autonomy bis bessential bto bprofessional bnursing band binvolves bthe binitiation bof bindependent
bnursing binterventions bwithout bmedical borders. bAccountability bmeans bthat byou bare
bprofessionally band blegally bresponsible bfor bthe btype band bquality bof bnursing bcare bprovided. bTo
bobtain blicensure bin bthe bUnited bStates, bRN bcandidates bmust bpass bthe bNCLEX-RN®
bexamination badministered bby bthe bindividual bState bBoards bof bNursing bto bobtain ba bnursing
blicense. bBeyond b the bNCLEX-RN®, bsome bnurses bchoose bto bwork btoward bcertification bin ba
bspecific barea bof bnursing bpractice.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bApply b(Application)
OBJ: b b Discuss bthe bcharacteristics bof bprofessionalism bin bnursing.
TOP: b Nursing bProcess: bImplementation MSC: b NCLEX: bManagement bof bCare
4. Which btype bof bprogram bis bappropriate bto beducate bstaff babout bnew bfall bprevention bprotocols
bthat bare bto bbe bimplemented bon bthe bnursing bunit?
a. In-service beducation
b. Advanced beducation
c. Continuing beducation
d. Certification beducation
ANS: b A
In-service beducation bprograms bare binstruction bor btraining bprovided bby ba bhealth bcare bagency bor
binstitution bdesigned bto bincrease bthe bknowledge, bskills, band bcompetencies bof bnurses band bother
Nl o U
bhealth bcare bprofessionals bem p yR
ed Iy bthGe bi nBs .tOi tCu t i oMn . bSome broles bfor bRNs bin bnursing
bS bN bT
brequirebadvanced bgraduate bdegrees, bsuch bas ba bclinical bnurse bspecialist bor bnurse bpractitioner.
education bis brequired bfor bprofessionals bin bmany bstates. bContinuing beducation binvolves bformal,
borganized beducational bprograms boffered bby buniversities, bhospitals, bstate bnurses‘ bassociations,
bprofessional bnursing borganizations, band beducational band bhealth bcare binstitutions.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bApply b(Application)
OBJ: b Discuss bthe bimportance bof beducation bin bprofessional bnursing
bpractice. bTOP: b Nursing bProcess: bTeaching band bLearning
MSC: b NCLEX: bManagement bof bCare
5. Which bprogram bis bappropriate bfor ba bnurse bwho bwishes bto bbecome ban bexpert bin bostomy
band bwound bcare?
a. Specialty bcertification
b. Master bof bScience bprogram
c. Doctoral bdegree bprogram
d. Continuing beducation bprogram
ANS: b A
, Essentials bfor bNursing bPractice b9th bEdition bPotter bTest
Specialty bcertification bprograms bare bappropriate bfor bnurses bwho bwish bto bbecome bexperts bin
bcertain bareas bof bnursing bcare bsuch bas bperioperative bcare, bwound bcare, bor boccupational bhealth.
bMaster bof bScience bprograms bprepare bnurses bfor badvanced bpractice broles bas beducators,
badministrators, bor bclinical bnurse bleaders. bDoctoral bprograms bprepare bnurses bfor badvanced
bclinical bpractice band bresearch. bContinuing beducation bis brequired bfor bprofessionals bin bmany
bstates. bContinuing beducation binvolves bformal, borganized beducational bprograms boffered bby
buniversities, bhospitals, bstate bnurses‘ bassociations, bprofessional bnursing borganizations, band
beducational band bhealth bcare binstitutions.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bApply b(Application)
OBJ: b Describe bthe broles band bcareer bopportunities bfor bnurses.
bTOP: b Nursing bProcess: bTeaching band bLearning
MSC: b NCLEX: bManagement bof bCare
6. Which baction bof bthe bnurse bdemonstrates bcoordination bof bcare bfor bthe bpatient?
a. The bnurse bcreates ba bwarm, btherapeutic brelationship bwith bthe bpatient bby
actively blistening bto bwhat bthe bpatient bhas bto bsay.
b. The bnurse bworks bwith bthe bphysical btherapist bto bdetermine bhow bto bbest btransfer
bthe bpatient bfrom bthe bbed bto bthe bchair.
c. The bnurse beducates bthe bpatient babout benergy bconservation btechniques bto
bincrease bactivity btolerance.
d. The bnurse buses bclear band bobjective blanguage bwhen bdocumenting
bassessment bfindings bin bthe bpatient‘s bmedical brecord.
ANS: b B
Coordination bof bcare binvolves bworking bwith bother bhealth bcare bprofessionals bto bmeet bthe
bneeds bof bthe bindividual bpatient. bThe bnurse bcan bdo bthis bby bworking bwith bthe bphysical
N bR bI bG bB.C
btherapist bto bdetermine bhow bto bbest btransfer U
p a t iN
e n t bT
from bt h O
e bbed bto bthe bchair.
bDeveloping ba bwarm btherapeutic brelationship bdemonstrates bcaring band beffective
bcommunication. bEducating bthe bpatient babout benergy bconservation band bcharting bclearly bare
bnot bexamples bof bcoordination bof bcare.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bApply b(Application)
OBJ: b b Describe bthe broles band bcareer bopportunities bfor bnurses.
TOP: b Nursing bProcess: bImplementation MSC: b NCLEX: bManagement bof bCare
7. The bnurse bfeels bthat ban bassigned bduty bis boutside bthe bscope bof bnursing bpractice.
Which bdocument bis bthe bbest bsource bto banswer bthe bnurse‘s bconcern?
a.ANA bCode bof bEthics
b.State bNurse bPractice bAct
c.QSEN bInitiative bAct
d.Nurse‘s bBill bof bRights
ANS: b B