It is the synthesis of nursing practice and public health practice - ANSWER-Community
Health Nursing
Detects deviation from health of
individuals, families, groups, and communities through contacts/visits with them -
ANSWER-Health monitor
Participates in the conduct of survey studies and researches on nursing and health-
related subjects. Coordinates with government and non-government organization in the
implementation of studies/research. - ANSWER-Researcher
Prepares and submits required reports and records. Maintain adequate, accurate, and
complete recording and reporting. Reviews, validates, consolidates, analyzes, and
interprets all records and
reports. Prepares statistical data/chart and other
data presentation - ANSWER-Reporter
Motivates changes in health behavior in individuals, families, groups, and communities
that also include lifestyle in order to promote and maintain health - ANSWER-Change
What are the meaning of the Greek words: epi, demos and logos - ANSWER-"upon",
"people," "study"
It is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in
specified populations, and the application of this study to the prevention and control of
health problems - ANSWER-Epidemiology
Refers to the analysis by time,
places and classes of people affected. - ANSWER-Distribution
,Include all the biological, chemical, physical, social, cultural, economic,
genetic, and behavioral factors that influence health. - ANSWER-Determinants
3 Basic epidemiological tools - ANSWER-Rate, Ratio, Proportion
Used for expression of disease magnitude. - ANSWER-Proportion
These are examples of what health indicators: Crude Death rate, Life Expectancy,
Infant mortality Rate, Child mortality rate, Under five moortality rate, Maternal mortality
ratio, Disease specific mortality, Proportional motality rate etc. - ANSWER-Mortality
These are examples of what health indicators: Incidence and prevalence rate, disease
notification rate, attendance rate,
Admission, readmission and discharge rate, duration of stay in hospital and spells of
sickness or absence from work or school - ANSWER-Morbidity indicators
Can partly answer two epidemiologic questions: "What are the health problems in our
area?" "How many cases occur in the area?" - ANSWER-Morbidity indicators
2 types of morbidity indicators - ANSWER-Prevalence and Incidence
Measures the total number of existing cases of disease at a particular point in time
divided by the number of people at the point in time. - ANSWER-Prevalence proportion
Prevalence can be calculated by - ANSWER-P=Number of existing disease at particular
time/ Number of people examined at the point in time X F; Where F is = 10
Measures the number of new cases, episodes, or events occurring over a specified
period, commonly a year within a specified population at risk. - ANSWER-Incidence
Best measures to use for evaluating the effectiveness of health interventions -
ANSWER-Incidence measures
Derived by following up a group of disease-free people who are at risk of developing the
disease of interest within a specified period of time (cohort study) - ANSWER-Incidence
2 types of incidence measures - ANSWER-1. Cumulative incidence / incidence
2. Incidence density / incidence rate
Applicable when some cohort members are lost to follow-up - ANSWER-Incidence
density rate
A group of people who share a common defining characteristic. - ANSWER-Cohort
, Measures the average instantaneous rate of disease occurrence - ANSWER-Incidence
density rate
Incidence rate can be calculated by: - ANSWER-ID= number of new cases that develop
during the period/ sum of person-time at risk X F
Show disease rates in specific population groups by age, sex, occupation, education,
exposure to
risk factors, place of residence, or combinations of these factors. Can also be computed
specifically by seasons of the year - ANSWER-Specific Morbidity rate
Answers the epidemiologic questions: "Who is affected? "Where do they occur?" "When
do they occur or increase?" - ANSWER-Specific morbidity rates
Provide important information on the health status of the community because death is
the most serious outcome of a morbid episode - ANSWER-Mortality rate
Indicate the most
life-threatening diseases - ANSWER-Pattern of causes of death
Sometimes called force
of mortality is defined as the rate at which mortality occurs in a given population -
ANSWER-Crude death rate (CDR)
Crude death rate can be calculated by: - ANSWER-CDR=Number of deaths in a
calendar year/ midyear population X 1000
Gives the rate of dying due to specific causes. Identifies the leading causes of mortality
- ANSWER-Cause of death rate
Cause of death rate can be calculated by - ANSWER-cause of death rate = Number of
death from a certain cause in a calendar year/ midyear population X F
It is linked to better health, the greater the gap between the richest and the poor, the
greater differences in health. - ANSWER-Income and Social Status
It is linked with poor health, more stress and lower self-confidence. - ANSWER-
Safe water and clean air, healthy workplaces, safe houses communities and roads all
contribute to good health. - ANSWER-Physical Environment
Great support from families, friends, and communities is linked to better health. -
ANSWER-Social Support System