, Chapter 01 - History of Respiratory Care
l l l l l l
Kacmarek let lal.: lEgan’s lFundamentals lof lRespiratory l Care, l12th lEdition
Which lof lthe lfollowing lis lan lexpected lrole lof la lrespiratoryltherapist?
Promoting llung lhealth landlwellness
lProviding lpatient leducation
Assessing lthe lpatient’s lcardiopulmonarylhealth lstatus lSelling
loxygen l(O2) ltherapy ldevices lto lpatients
1 lonly
1 land l4 lonly
1, l2, land l3 lonly
d. l 1, l2, l3, land l4
ANS: l C
Respiratory lcare lincludes lthe lassessment, ltreatment, lmanagement, lcontrol, ldiagnostic
levaluation, leducation, land lcare lof lpatients lwith ldeficiencies land labnormalities lof lthe
lcardiopulmonary lsystem. lRespiratory lcare lis lincreasingly linvolved lin lthe lprevention lof
lrespiratoryldisease, lthe lmanagement lof lpatients lwith lchronic ldisease, land lpromotion lof lhealth
land lwellness.
DIF: Recall REF: l p. l3 OBJ: l 1
Where lare lthe lmajoritylof lrespiratoryltherapists lemployed?
Skilled lnursing lfacilities
lDiagnostic llaboratories
lHospitals lor lacute lcare lsettings
lOutpatient lphysician loffices
ANS: l C
Approximatelyl75% lof lall lrespiratoryltherapists lwork lin lhospitals lor lother lacute lcare lsettings.
DIF: Recall REF: l p. l3 OBJ: l 1
Who lis lconsidered lto lbe lthe l―father lof lmedicine‖?
ANS: l A
The lfoundation lof lmodern lWestern lmedicine lwas llaid lin lancient lGreece lwith lthe ldevelopment lof
lthe lHippocratic lCorpus. lThis lcollection lof lancient lmedical lwritings lis lattributed lto lthe l―father
lof lmedicine,‖ lHippocrates, la lGreek lphysician lwho llived lduring lthe lfifth land lfourth lcenturies
DIF: Recall REF: l pp. l3-4 OBJ: l 2
Type lhere] Verified test bank
l l [Type lhere]
, In l1662, la lchemist lpublished la lbook lthat ldescribed lthe lrelationship lbetween lgas, lvolume, land
lpressure. lWhat lwas lthe lchemist’s lname?
lRobert lBoyle
Anthonylvan lLeeuwenhoek
lNicolaus lCopernicus
ANS: l B
The lchemist, lRobert lBoyle, lpublished lwhat lis lnow lknown las l―Boyle’s llaw,‖ lgoverning lthe
lrelationship lbetween lgas, lvolume, land lpressure.
DIF: Recall REF: l p. l6 OBJ: l 2
Who ldiscovered lO2 l in l1774 land ldescribed lit las l―dephlogisticated lair‖?
Robert lBoyle
lJacque lCharles
lThomas lBeddoes
lJoseph lPriestley
ANS: l D
In l1774, lJoseph lPriestleyldescribed lhis ldiscoverylof lO2, lwhich lhe lcalled l―dephlogisticated
DIF: Recall REF: l pp. l6-7 OBJ: l 2
Who lis lcredited lwith lfirst ldescribing lthe llaw lof lpartial lpressures lfor la lgas lmixture?
John lDalton
lJoseph lPrestley
lJacque lCharles
lThomas lYoung
ANS: l A
John lDalton ldescribed lhis llaw lof lpartial lpressures lfor la lgas lmixture lin l1801 land lhis latomic
ltheory lin l1808.
DIF: Recall REF: l p. l7 OBJ: l 2
Who lwas lthe lfirst lscientist lin l1865 lto lsuggest lthat lmicroorganisms lcaused lmanyldiseases?
Thomas lYoung
lLouis lPasteur
lHenry lGraham
lRobert lKoch
ANS: l B
In l1865, lLouis lPasteur ladvanced lhis l―germ ltheory‖ lof ldisease, lwhich lheld lthat lmanyldiseases lare
lcaused lby lmicroorganisms.
DIF: Recall REF: l p. l7 OBJ: l 2
Who ldiscovered lthe lx-ray land lopened lthe ldoor lfor lthe lmodern lfield lof lradiology?
John lDalton
lWilliam lSmith
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, William lRoentgen
lThomas lYoung
ANS: l C
In l1895, lWilliam lRoentgen ldiscovered lthe lx-ray land lthe lmodern lfield lof lradiologic limaging
lsciences lwas lborn.
DIF: Recall REF: l p. l7 OBJ: l 2
What lwas lthe lprimarylduty lof lthe lfirst linhalation ltherapists?
Provide lairway lcare.
lSupport lO2 ltherapy.
lAerosol ltherapylto lpatients.
Maintain lpatients lon lmechanical lventilation.
ANS: l B
The lfirst linhalation ltherapists lwere lreallyljust lO2 l technicians.
DIF: Recall REF: l p. l7 OBJ: l 3
When ldid lthe ldesignation l―respiratoryltherapist‖ lbecome lstandard?
a. 1954
b. 1964
c. 1974
d. 1984
ANS: l C
In l1974, lthe ldesignation l―respiratoryltherapist‖ lbecame lstandard.
DIF: Recall REF: l p. l7 OBJ: l 3
Who lwas lthe lfirst lto ldevelop lthe llarge-scale lproduction lof lO2 l in l1907?
Robert lDalton
lDavid lBoyle
lThomas lAnderson
lKarl lvon l Linde
ANS: l D
Large-scale lproduction lof lO2 l was ldeveloped lby lKarl lvon lLinde lin l1907.
DIF: Recall REF: l p. l7 OBJ: l 4
When lwas lthe lfirst lVenti-mask lintroduced lthat lallows lthe lprecise ldeliverylof l24%, l28%, l35%,and
l40% lO2?
a. 1945
b. 1954
c. 1960
d. 1972
ANS: l C
The lCampbell lVenti-mask, lwhich lallowed lthe ladministration lof l24%, l28%, l35%, lor l40% lO2,
lwas lintroduced lin l1960.
Type lhere] Verified test bank
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