Final Exam: NR565/ NR 565 Advanced Pharmacology
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1. Psyllium: Bulk-forming laxative that softens fecal mass and increases bulk
2. Fecal impaction: Condition when psyllium doesn't produce a bowel movement
3. IBS: Diagnosis and treatment aided by keeping a diary
4. Tdap vaccine recipients: Immunocompromised, cancer, HIV, high-dose glu-
cocorticoid, pregnancy
5. Contraindication for DTaP or Tdap vaccine: History of anaphylactic reaction or
encephalopathy within 7 days of vaccine
6. Varicella contraindications: Pregnancy, leukemia or lymphoma, hypersensitivi-
ty to neomycin or gelatin
7. Hepatitis B vaccine contraindications: Prior anaphylactic reaction to baker
yeasts of Hep B itself
8. Attenuated vaccine example: Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine,
varicella (chickenpox) vaccine
9. Live virus vaccine example: Measles, mumps, and rubella virus vaccine (MMR),
varicella virus vaccine
10. Toxoid vaccine example: Dtap, tetanus
11. Inactive viral antigen vaccine example: Poliovirus vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine
(HepA), influenza vaccine
12. Herd immunity: Resistance to an infectious organism due to a large group of
immune individuals
13. Active immunity: Immune system produces antibodies in response to antigen
or vaccine
14. Passive immunity: Immunity passed on from another host through antibodies
15. Vaccine definition: Preparation containing microorganisms to stimulate im-
mune system
16. Post exposure prophylaxis for rabies bite: 1 mL dose IM on days 0, 3, 7, and
17. Attenuated influenza vaccine recipients: Individuals >2 yo and less than 50,
non-pregnant, and not immunocompromised
18. Prokinetic for gastroparesis: Metoclopramide (Reglan)
19. Black box warning for Reglan: Tardive Dyskinesia, discontinue at 12 weeks or
if movement disorder develops
20. Patient teaching for metronidazole: Avoid alcohol, not safe during pregnancy
21. Patient teaching for ciprofloxacin for traveler's diarrhea: Finish full dose, use
if symptoms severe or don't improve in a few days
22. Intermittent asthma symptoms: 2 days/week or less, 2 times/month nighttime
awakening, SABA use 2 days/week or less
, Final Exam: NR565/ NR 565 Advanced Pharmacology
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23. Mild Persistent asthma symptoms: More than 2 days/week but less than daily,
3-4 times/month nighttime awakenings, SABA use more than 2 days/week but less
than daily
24. Moderate Persistent asthma symptoms: Daily symptoms, more than once a
week but less than daily nighttime awakening, daily SABA use
25. Severe asthma symptoms: Several times daily, often nightly nighttime awaken-
ing, several times a day SABA use
26. Benefits of SABA use: Rescue medication for acute symptoms, not for pro-
longed prophylaxis
27. Benefits of LABA use: Long-term control, fixed schedule
28. Decongestant mechanism of action: Shrink engorged mucous membranes to
decrease stuffiness
29. Expectorant mechanism of action: Encourage expectoration of excessive
mucus in the respiratory tract
30. Patient teaching for ciprofloxacin for traveler's diarrhea: Use if symptoms
severe or don't improve in a few days, finish full dose
31. Labs used to diagnose thyroid problems: Free and total T3, Free and total T4,
32. Hypothyroidism labs: Increased TSH, decreased T3 & T4
33. Hyperthyroidism labs: Decreased TSH, increased T3 & T4
34. Labs rechecked after starting levothyroxine: 6-8 weeks or after dose change,
then 12 months once stabilized
35. Symptoms of hypothyroidism: Pale, puffy face, cold and dry skin, low heart
rate and body temperature
36. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism: Rapid heart rate, nervousness, weight loss,
increased appetite
37. Result of untreated hypothyroidism during pregnancy: Permanent neu-
ropsychological deficits in the child
38. Medication to treat symptoms of hyperthyroidism: Beta blocker, non-ra-
dioactive iodine
39. Levothyroxine administration with food: Take on empty stomach in the morn-
ing, 30-60 minutes before breakfast
40. Supplement/drug interactions with levothyroxine: Antacids, iron, calcium
41. Confirmation of diabetes diagnosis: Fasting plasma glucose e126, random
plasma glucose e200 plus symptoms, oral glucose tolerance test e200, hemoglobin
A1c e6.5
42. A1c general goal: <7%
43. Older adult A1c goal: <8%