Medication #1 Medication #2 Medication #3
Medication Name Metoprolol Aspirin Nitroglycerin
Classification: beta blockers salicylates nonsteroidal nitrates
anti inflammatory drugs
Ordered Route: IV, PO PO SL
Onset Immediate 5-30 minutes 1-3 minutes
· How long until I will see it
start to work?
Peak 20 minutes 1-3 hrs. Unknown
Duration 5-8 hours 3-6 hrs. : 30-60 minutes
· When can I get another
Basic Side Effects: fatigue, weakness, rash, tinnitus, nausea, dizziness, headaches,
anxiety, bradycardia, GI bleed blurred vision, orthostatic
orthostatic HoTN HoTN
Indication: Use: prevention of MI, reduce Management of angina
· Target use treat HTN, and treat inflammation/platelet pectoris
· Effect on body system angina pectoris aggregation, moderate
Teaching/Learning Do not stop talkingReport symptoms suchChange positions slowly
· Do I take it with food/inabruptly. Notify HCP as
of bleeding gums, black d/t orthostatic HoTN Call
the morning or night? slow weak pulse, tarry stools, and EMS if pain is not a 0/10
· Route (PO, ODT, IM, SOB/wheezing. abnormal bruising. Use after 3 dose, or if pain
IVPB, IV Direct) Diabetics should of alcohol with this does not lessen after a
· Common side effects closely monitor medication may dose. Keep medication in
· Follow up care (Vitals, glucose levels. increase risk of GI container and a cool
Labs) bleed. place. Light and heat can
decrease effectiveness.
Restrictions/Other needed Contraindications: HF, Contraindications: Contraindications:
information: Food interactions, Bradycardia, Cross sensitivity with anemia, increased ICP
etc. cardiogenic shock, other NSAIDS and alcohol tolerance
asthma Precautions: Precautions: Precautions: head
Diabetes and renal Hepatic/renal disease, trauma and
impairment GI bleeds, and alcohol cardiomyopathy
Evaluation: Assess BP and HR Administer with food to Assess BP and pulse
, prior to administration,decrease GI upset Do prior to administration
and monitor not exceed 4G in 24- (will lower bp) Tablet to
throughout therapy. If hour period be kept under tongue
HR <40 BPM, until fully dissolved.
administer 0.25- 0.5mg
of Atropine to raise
HR. Administer over 1
Dosage Calculation Dose on hand : 5 mg/5 Dosage: 325 mg Route:Dosage: 0.4 mg Route:
· If indicated ml PO Frequency: daily SL Frequency:
· Note infusion time or
administration time and
use in calculations if
Medication #4 Medication #5 Medication #6
Medication Name Pantoprazole Fentanyl Clopidogrel
Classification: Proton Pump Inhibitor Opioid analgesics Antiplatelet agent
(PPI) (Thienopyridine)
Ordered Route: IV direct IV Direct PO
Onset 1 to 2 hours after IV 1-2 minutes 2 hours
· How long until I will see it administration.
start to work?
Peak 2 to 4 hours 3-5 minutes 3 to 7 hours
Duration 24 hours 30-60 minutes 24 hours
· When can I get another
Basic Side Effects: confusion, bradycardia, Bleeding (e.g.,
● Headache N/V, Constipation, gastrointestinal bleeding,
● Nausea apnea easy bruising)
● Diarrhea
● Abdominal Nausea
pain Diarrhea
● Flatulence Abdominal pain
● Dizziness Dizziness
Indication: Treatment of Pain relief Used to prevent blood
· Target use gastroesophageal clots in patients with a
· Effect on body system reflux disease history of myocardial
(GERD), Zollinger- infarction (heart attack),