2023 Test Bank For Seidel's Guide to Physical
cr cr cr cr cr cr cr
cr Examination An Interprofessional Approach 10th
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cr Edition byJane W. Ball, Joyce E. Dains Chapter 1-
cr rc cr cr cr cr cr cr cr
26; Ace in your Exams in 1 attempt A+
cr cr cr cr cr cr cr cr cr
,Chapter 01: Cultural Competency
cr cr cr
Ball: Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination, 10th Edition
cr cr cr cr cr cr cr
1. Mr. crL crpresents crto crthe crclinic crwith crsevere crgroin crpain crand cra crhistory crof crkidney crstones. crMr.
crL’s crson crtells cryou crthat crfor crreligious crreasons, crhis crfather crwishes crto crkeep crany crstone crthat cris
crpassed crinto crthe crurine crfilter crthat crhe crhas crbeen crusing. crWhat cris cryour crmost crappropriate
a. ―With cryour crfather’s crpermission, crwe crwill crexamine crthe crstone crand crrequest crthat crit
be crreturned crto crhim.‖
b. ―Thecrstone crmust crbe crsent crto crthe crlab crfor crexamination crand crtherefore crcannot crbe crkept.‖
c. ―Wecrcannot crlet crhim crkeep crhis crstone crbecause crit crviolates crour crinfection crcontrol crpolicy.‖
d. ―We crdon’t crknow cryet crif cryour crfather crhas cranother crkidneycrstone, crso crwe crmust
cranalyze crthis crone.‖
ANS: cr A
We crshould crbe crwilling crto crmodify crthe crdelivery crof crhealth crcare crin cra crmanner crthat cris crrespectful
crand crin crkeeping crwith crthe crpatient’s crcultural crbackground. cr―With cr your crfather’s
crpermission, crwe crwill crexamine crthe crstone crand crrequest crthat crit crbe crreturned crto crhim‖ cris crthe
crmost crappropriate cr response.
―The crstone crmust crbe crsent crto crthe crlab crfor crexamination crand crtherefore crcannot crbe crkept‖ crand
cr―We crdon’t crknow cr yet crif cr your crfather crhas cranother crkidneycrstone, crso crwe crmust cranalyze crthis
crone‖ crdo crnot crsupport crthe crpatient’s crrequest. cr―We crcannot crlet crhim crkeep crhis crstone crbecause
crit crviolates crour crinfection crcontrol crpolicy‖ crdoes crnot crprovide cra crreason crthat crit crwould crviolate
cran crinfection crcontrol crpolicy.
DIF:Cognitive crLevel: crAnalyzing cr(Analysis)
OBJ:Nursing crprocess—assessment MSC: cr Physiologic crIntegrity: crPhysiologic crAdaptation
2. Which crstatement cris crtrue crregarding crthe crrelationship crof crphysical crcharacteristics crand crculture?
a. Physical crcharacteristics crshould crbe crused crto cridentify crmembers crof crcultural crgroups.
b. There cris cra crdifference crbetween crdistinguishing crcultural crcharacteristics
cr and crdistinguishing crphysical crcharacteristics.
c. To crbe cra crmember crof cra crspecific crculture, cran crindividual crmust crhave crcertain
cr identifiable crphysical crcharacteristics.
d. Gender crand crrace crare crthe crtwo cressential crphysical crcharacteristics crused crto
cr identify crcultural crgroups.
ANS: cr B
Physical crcharacteristics crare crnot crused crto cridentify crcultural crgroups; crthere cris cra crdifference
crbetween crthe crtwo, crand crthey crare crconsidered crseparately. crPhysical crcharacteristics crshould
crnot crbe crused crto cridentify crmembers crof crcultural crgroups. crTo crbe cra crmember crof cra crspecific
crculture, cran crindividual crdoes crnot crneed crto crhave crcertain cridentifiable crphysical crcharacteristics.
crYou crshould crnot crconfuse crphysical crcharacteristics crwith crcultural crcharacteristics. crGender crand
crrace crare crphysical cr characteristics, crnot crcultural crcharacteristics, crand crare cr not crused crto
cridentify crcultural crgroups.
,DIF:Cognitive crLevel: crUnderstanding cr(Comprehension)
, OBJ:Nursing crprocess—assessment MSC: cr Physiologic crIntegrity: crPhysiologic crAdaptation
3. An crimage crof crany crgroup crthat crrejects crits crpotential crfor croriginalitycror crindividualitycris
cr known cras cra(n)
a. acculturation.
b. norm.
c. stereotype.
d. ethnos.
ANS: cr C
A crfixed crimage crof crany crgroup crthat crrejects crits crpotential crfor croriginality cror crindividuality cris
crthe crdefinition crof crstereotype. crAcculturation cris crthe crprocess crof cradopting cranother crculture’s
crbehaviors. crA crnorm cris cra crstandard crof crallowable crbehavior crwithin cra crgroup. crEthnos crimplies
crthe crsame crrace cror cr nationality.
DIF:Cognitive crLevel: crRemembering cr(Knowledge)
OBJ:Nursing crprocess—assessment MSC: cr Physiologic crIntegrity: crPhysiologic crAdaptation
4. The crmotivation crof crthe crhealthcare crprofessional crto cr―want crto‖ crengage crin crthe crprocess crof
becoming crculturally crcompetent, crnot cr―have crto,‖ cris crcalled
a. cultural crknowledge.
b. cultural crawareness.
c. cultural crdesire.
d. cultural crskill.
ANS: cr C
Cultural crencounters crare crthe crcontinuous crprocess crof crinteracting crwith crpatients crfrom
crculturally crdiverse crbackgrounds crto crvalidate, crrefine, cror crmodify crexisting crvalues, crbeliefs, crand
crpractices crabout cra cr cultural crgroup crand crto crdevelop crcultural crdesire, crcultural crawareness,
crcultural crskill, crand crcultural crknowledge. crCultural crawareness cris crdeliberate crself-examination
crand crin-depth crexploration crof
one’s crbiases, crstereotypes, crprejudices, crassumptions, crand cr―-isms‖ crthat crone crholds crabout
crindividuals crand crgroups crwho crare crdifferent crfrom crthem. crCultural crknowledge cris crthe crprocess
crof crseeking crand crobtaining cra crsound creducational crbase crabout crculturally crand crethnically crdiverse
crgroups. crCultural crskill cris crthe crability crto crcollect crculturally crrelevant crdata crregarding crthe
crpatient’s crpresenting crproblem, cras crwell cras craccurately crperforming cra crculturally crbased
crphysical crassessment crin cra crculturally crsensitive crmanner. crCultural crdesire cris crthe crmotivation
crof crthe crhealthcare cr professional crto crwant crto crengage crin crthe crprocess crof crbecoming crculturally
crcompetent, crnot crhave crto.
DIF:Cognitive crLevel: crUnderstanding cr(Comprehension)
OBJ:Nursing crprocess—assessment MSC: cr Physiologic crIntegrity: crPhysiologic crAdaptation
5. Mr. crMarks cris cra cr66-year-old crpatient crwho crpresents crfor cra crphysical crexamination crto crthe