NR605-Diagnosis & Management
1. Maslow's Hierar- provides a framework for understanding client motivation.
Physiological (food, air, water, shelter, clothing, sleep)
Safety (security of body, employment security, resource
security, moral security, family security, health security,
property security
Love/Belonging (friendship, family, intimacy, sense of con-
nection w/ others)
Esteem (self-esteem, respect, achievement, confidence)
Self-Actualization (morality, creativity, spontaneity, lack of
prejudice, acceptance of facts)
2. Health Belief address how clients may approach changes in health
Model behaviors
Perceived Susceptibility (belief they are susceptible to the
Perceived Severity (belief the condition has serious con-
sequences if left unattended)
Perceived Benefits (belief that taking action reduces their
Perceived Barriers (belief that the benefit of acting are
greater than the perceived barriers)
Cue to Action (exposure to something that causes them to
act, such as an ad of discussion with a provider)
Self-Efficacy (belief they can succeed when performing an
3. Transtheoretical address how clients may approach changes in health
Model of Change behaviors
, NR605-Diagnosis & Management
Precontemplation (client is not aware or interested in
Contemplation (client begins thinking about change)
Preparation (client plans for change)
Action (client changes old habits and gains new, healthier
Maintenance (client continues with healthier behaviors)
4. Intraprofession- interactions & efforts between two or more disciplines
al Collaboration within the same profession. Used to plan, develop, and
implement client care
Potential Barriers: tension, large team size, turnover, lack
of familiarity and common goals, role ambiguity, genera-
tional differences, lack of education
5. Transprofession- communication with various disciplines (eg. MDs, PT, OT)
al Collaboration
Potential Barriers: lack of training
6. Codes (psy- Outpatient
chotherapy) Y=2 straightforward - this is not used by providers; this
code is used by office staff for procedures such as injec-
Y=3 low - rarely used by providers, includes 1-2 chronic
conditions, history components (past medical, social, fam-
ily, etc.) and 2 or more review of systems (ROS) elements
Y=4 moderate, includes 1-3 history of present illness ele-
ments (HPI) or 1-2 chronic conditions, history components
and 2 or more ROS elements
Y=5 high, used most often for complex clients, includes 3
chronic conditions or 4 HPI elements, 2-3 history elements
and a complete ROS