ATI NCLEX Review Questions & Rationales | Complete Solutions
Graded A+
1. List the pertinent in- Medical diagnosis, care providers, demographic in-
formation that should formation, overview of health status, plan of care, re-
be included in a trans- cent progress, alterations in health status that cause
fer report. immediate concern, notifications of assessments or
care within the next few hours, recent vitals and med-
ications (scheduled and PRN), allergies, diet and ac-
tivity orders, specific equipment or adaptive devices,
advance directives, emergency code status, family
involvement in healthcare, and healthcare proxy if
2. What are three (3) The provider must make sure that the patient under-
of the provider's re- stands the reason for the treatment or procedure, how
sponsibility for ob- the treatment or procedure will benefit the patient,
taining an informed and the risks involved if the patient chooses not to
consent? receive the treatment or procedure. The physician
should also discuss alternatives to care if they chose
to not have the procedure done.
3. Identify three (3) pri- Maintain two points of support on the ground at all
ority teaching points times, keep the cane on the stronger side of the
to include when edu- body, move the cane forward about 6-10 inches and
cating a client to use then move the weaker leg toward the cane before
a cane. advancing the stronger leg past the cane.
4. The nurse is teach- Ripe bananas, graham crackers, noodles, pears,
ing a new parent ap- peaches
propriate finger foods
to introduce around
nine (9) months. Iden-
tify five (5) finger
foods that would be
appropriate to intro-
duce at nine (9)
5. How should the nurse Meditation uses rhythmic breathing to calm the mind
respond when the and the body.
client requests infor-
,ATI NCLEX Review Questions & Rationales | Complete Solutions
Graded A+
mation about medita-
6. A client is at risk for Perform hand hygiene. Assess skin, circulation, leg
a deep vein thrombo- edema. Measure calf/thigh circumference and the
sis. What is the pri- length of the leg to select correct TEDS size. Turn the
ority assessment for stockings inside to the heel, place on the foot, pull
this client? Describe the remainder of the stocking over the heel and on
the procedure to use the leg, smoothing any creases or wrinkles. Remove
when applying elastic every 8H to assess for redness, warmth, tenderness.
stockings (TEDS). Keep clean/dry. Document presence of TEDS.
7. A client has been pre- Mechanical soft diet includes clear and full liquids
scribed a mechani- plus diced and ground foods, indicated by trouble
cal soft diet. What are chewing/swallowing, difficulty moving or loss of feel-
three (3) indications ing in areas of the mouth, or surgery in the mouth.
for this therapeutic
8. The nurse has Vital signs are indicative of pain, therefore assessed
been assigned to frequently. Explain behavioral changes due to the
a post-abdominal dementia which may indicate pain. Pre-medicate the
surgery client who patient prior to activities and before pain is expected.
has also been diag- It is important for the family to understand that there
nosed with demen- are pain scales that can be used to help determine if
tia. The family is con- pain medication is needed.
cerned about pain
control for the client
because the client
is confused. What
should the nurse in-
clude in their teach-
ing to the family
about the pain control
plan for this client?
9. A client reports dif- Promote a bedtime routine, exercise at least 2H be-
ficulty falling asleep. fore bedtime, personal hygiene needs to promote
What are nursing in- comfort, muscle relaxation if anxious/stressed
, ATI NCLEX Review Questions & Rationales | Complete Solutions
Graded A+
terventions to pro-
mote sleep?
10. A nurse is conduct- Face the patient and speak slower in a normal vol-
ing an admission as- ume, do not approach the patient from behind, make
sessment for an old- sure the patient is aware you are speaking before you
er adult client with initiate conversation.
a hearing impairment.
What are some strate-
gies the nurse can
use to improve com-
munication with this
11. The physician pre- 25 mg * 1mL/100mg = 0.25mL
scribes meperidine
25 mg IM now for
a client's pain. Avail-
able: Meperidine 100
mg/mL How much
meperidine will the
nurse administer?
12. Identify three (3) man- Confusion, cyanosis, bradypnea, bradycardia, hy-
ifestations of late hy- potension, cardiac dysrhythmias
13. What may an el- Anxiety, restlessness, dyspnea, orthopnea, change in
derly client complain LOC, decreased activity, clammy skin, edema, weight
of when experienc- gain, decreased urinary output.
ing decreased car-
diac output and de-
creased contraction
14. What questions Frequency or intensity of the pain and if it radiates
should a nurse ask to another area, any exacerbating events, if anything
when obtaining a makes it better/worse, how long the pain/SOB lasts,
health history for a and if anything helps to reduce the dyspnea.
client with a history of