CMN 577 Unit 3 Study Guide 2025/2026
The onset of acute phase smallpox occurs how many hours prior to appearance of a
rash - 24 hours
The ________the rash, the _______ the prognosis - Denser; worse
How many days post exposure can be vaccine for smallpox be given? - Up to four days
post exposure
How long are patients with smallpox considered contagious? - Patients are contagious
until the scabs drop off completely, so about three weeks
What is important education for your patients receiving a smallpox vaccination - Multiple
Pricks to the skin, Keep site dry and covered, don't touch it with your bare hands, keep
discarded bandages in a Ziploc bag for disposal, keep laundry separate, don't let
clothes touch it
What are symptoms of viral hemorrhagic fever - Fever, dizziness, fatigue, muscle
aches, loss of strength, exhaustion, bleeding under the skin, and internal organs,
How can we prevent transmission of viral hemorrhagic fever's - Keep rodents out, keep
rooms in homes clean and free of droppings, fleas
How many days after exposure to VHF Can signs and symptoms develop - Up to 21
What are category B agents - Brucellosis, epsilon toxin of clostridium perfrigens, food
safety threats (e Coli, salmonella, shigella), ricin, viral encephalitis, Walter safety threats
What are category C agents - Hanta virus, nipah virus
Hantaviruses are most commonly transmitted by exposure to ? - Infected rodents urine,
fecal droppings, or saliva
What's the difference between alternative and complementary therapies? - Alternative-
IN PLACE OF conventional medicines/treatments
Complementary- IN CONJUNCTION with conventional medicines/treatments
What are examples of biological therapies? - Fish oil, Probiotics, Essential Oils
What herbal medicine is commonly used for treatment of BPH? - Saw Palmetto
What herbal med. is commonly used fo mild to moderate depression? - St. John's Wort
, Ginkgo is an herbal medicine commonly used in? - Memory loss
Ginseng is commonly used for? - CV disease, DMt2, immunomodulation, and
What herbal medicine is commonly used for common cold SXS? - Echinacea
Kava is used for? - Anxiety, Stress, Insomnia
Garlic is common used for? - HLD, HTN, CV Disease
What is a commonly used herbal medicine for the treatment of anxiety, insomnia? -
Andrographis is commonly used to prevent? - URI
English Ivy Leaf is used in what respiratory conditions? - Bronchitis/Asthma
What herbal medicine can be used to treat IBS/Dyspepsia? - Peppermint
Ginger is used to treat and prevent? - Nausea
Soy is used in? - CV disease/osteoporosis
What can be used to help treat inflammatory diseases? - Chamomile
Biofeedback is? - Using your thoughts to control some of your bodily responses
Tai Chi is? - An ancient Chinese tradition that is a series of movements performed in a
slow, focused manner and accompanied by deep breathing
Examples of manual medicine include? - Dry Needling, Chiropractic Care, Osteopathy
Examples of energy medicine include? - Reiki, Therapeutic Touch
Butterbur can be used for? - Migraine Prevention, Allergic Rhinitis
A hotel worker tells you she notices a lot of her customers pay with cash, have few
possessions, have frequent visitors to their rooms, and are always so needy with linen,
towel re-stocks. What do you suspect? - Sex Trafficking
A 20 y.o female comes into your clinic frequently for STI treatment. Her boyfriend is
always with her, seems to be much older, and always handles her financial/personal
affairs in the office. You don't think much of it at first, except of course that he is a
********* and you don't understand why she keeps going back with him. But, what could