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Lehne's Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 11th Edition Test Bank All Chapters (1-112) | A+ ULTIMATE GUIDE $17.99
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Lehne's Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 11th Edition Test Bank All Chapters (1-112) | A+ ULTIMATE GUIDE

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Lehne's Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 11th Edition Test Bank All Chapters (1-112) | A+ ULTIMATE GUIDE

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  • January 29, 2025
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  • Pharmacology For Nursing Care
  • Pharmacology For Nursing Care
Test Bank Lehne's Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 11th
pl pl pl pl pl pl pl pl

Edition by Jacqueline Burchum, Laura Rosenthal
pl pl pl pl pl pl

Chapter 1: Orientation to Pharmacology
pl pl pl pl

Test Bank
pl pl


1. The plnurse plis plteaching pla plpatient plhow pla plmedication plworks plto pltreat plan plillness. plTo pldo
pl this, plthe plnurse plwill plrely plon plknowledge plof:
a. clinical plpharmacology.
b. drug plefficacy.
c. pharmacokinetics.
d. pharmacotherapeutics.
ANS: p l D
Pharmacotherapeutics plis plthe plstudy plof plthe pluse plof pldrugs plto pldiagnose, pltreat, pland plprevent
plconditions. plClinical plpharmacology plis plconcerned plwith plall plaspects plof pldrug–human

plinteractions. plDrug plefficacy plmeasures plthe plextent plto plwhich pla plgiven pldrug plcauses plan

plintended pleffect.

Pharmacokinetics plis plthe plstudy plof plthe plimpact plof plthe plbody plon pla pldrug.

DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plComprehension REF: plFour plBasic
plTerms plTOP: p l Nursing plProcess: plImplementation

MSC: p l NCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plPhysiologic plIntegrity: plPharmacologic pland plParenteral plTherapies

2. What pldoes plit plmean plwhen pla pldrug plis pldescribed plas pleasy plto pladminister?
a. It plcan plbe plstored plindefinitely plwithout plneed plfor plrefrigeration.
b. It pldoes plnot plinteract plsignificantly plwith plother plmedications.
c. It plenhances plpatient pladherence plto plthe pldrug plregimen.
d. It plis plusually plrelatively plinexpensive plto plproduce.
ANS: p l C
A plmajor plbenefit plof pldrugs plthat plare pleasy plto pladminister plis plthat plpatients pltaking plthem plare
plmore pllikely plto plcomply plwith plthe pldrug plregimen. plDrugs plthat plare pleasy plto plgive plmay plhave

plthe plother plattributes pllisted, plbut plthose plproperties plare plindependent plof please plof


DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plComprehension
REF: plAdditional plProperties plof plan plIdeal plDrug: plEase plof plAdministration
plTOP: p l Nursing plProcess: plAssessment

MSC: p l NCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plPhysiologic plIntegrity: plPharmacologic pland plParenteral plTherapies

3. A plpatient pltells plthe plnurse plthat plhe plwas pltold plby plthe plprescriber plthat plthe planalgesic plhe plis
pltaking plis plvery pleffective. plWhich plstatement plby plthe plpatient pldemonstrates plan
plunderstanding plof plthe pldrug‘s pleffectiveness?

a. ―I pldon‘t plhave plto plworry plabout pltoxicity, plsince plit pltakes pla pllarge plamount plof plthis
pldrug plto plcause plan ploverdose.‖

b. ―It plhas plno plside pleffects pland pldoesn‘t plinteract plwith plother pldrugs.‖
c. ―I plonly plhave plto pltake plit plevery pl12 plhours.‖
d. ―It plmight plmake plme plsleepy, pland plit pllessens plpain plfor plseveral plhours plat pla pltime.‖

ANS: p l D

, A pldrug plis pleffective plif plit plproduces plthe plintended pleffects, pleven plif plit plalso plproduces plside
pleffects. plBecause plno pldrug plis plcompletely plsafe, plthe pllevel plof pltoxicity pldoes plnot pldetermine

pleffectiveness. plAll pldrugs plhave plside pleffects pland plmany plreact plwith plother plsubstances; plthese

pldo plnot plaffect plthe pldrug‘s pleffectiveness. plEase plof pladministration plis plindependent plof pla pldrug‘s


DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plComprehension REF: plProperties plof plan plIdeal
plDrug plTOP: p l Nursing plProcess: plEvaluation

MSC: p l NCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plPhysiologic plIntegrity: plPharmacologic pland plParenteral plTherapies


1. What plare plthe plproperties plof plan plideal pldrug? pl(Select plall plthat plapply.)
a. Irreversible plaction
b. Predictability
c. Ease plof pladministration
d. Chemical plstability
e. A plsimple pltrade plname

ANS: p l B, plC, plD
In pladdition plto plpredictability, please plof pladministration, pland plchemical plstability, plother
plproperties plinclude pla plreversible plaction plso plthat plany plharm plthe pldrug plmay plcause plcan plbe

plundone pland pla plsimple plgeneric plname, plbecause plgeneric plnames plare plusually plcomplex pland

pldifficult plto plremember pland plpronounce.

DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plComprehension
REF: plProperties plof plan plIdeal plDrug pl| plAdditional plProperties plof plan plIdeal
plDrug plTOP: p l Nursing plProcess: plAssessment

MSC: p l NCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plPhysiologic plIntegrity: plPharmacologic pland plParenteral plTherapies

2. Before pladministering pla plmedication, plwhat pldoes plthe plnurse plneed plto plknow plto plevaluate plhow
individual plpatient plvariability plmight plaffect plthe plpatient‘s plresponse plto plthe plmedication?
pl(Select plall plthat plapply.)

a. Chemical plstabilityplof plthe plmedication
b. Ease plof pladministration
c. Family plmedical plhistory
d. Patient‘s plage
e. Patient‘s pldiagnosis
ANS: p l C, plD, plE
The plfamily plmedical plhistory plcan plindicate plgenetic plfactors plthat plmay plaffect pla plpatient‘s
plresponse plto pla plmedication. plPatients plof pldifferent plages plcan plrespond pldifferently plto

plmedications. plThe plpatient‘s plillness plcan plaffect plhow pldrugs plare plmetabolized. plThe plchemical

plstability plof plthe plmedication pland plthe please plof pladministration plare plproperties plof pldrugs.

DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plAnalysis REF: plSources plof plIndividual
plVariation plTOP: p l Nursing plProcess: plImplementation

MSC: p l NCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plPhysiologic plIntegrity: plReduction plof plRisk plPotential

,Chapter 2: Application of Pharmacology in Nursing Practice
pl pl pl pl pl pl pl

Test Bank
pl pl


1. A plpatient plis plusing pla plmetered-dose plinhaler plcontaining plalbuterol plfor plasthma. plThe
plmedication pllabel plinstructs plthe plpatient plto pladminister pl―2 plpuffs plevery pl4 plhours plas
plneeded plfor plcoughing plor
wheezing.‖ plThe plpatient plreports plfeeling pljittery plsometimes plwhen pltaking plthe plmedication, pland plshe
pldoesn‘t plfeel plthat plthe plmedication plis plalways pleffective. plWhich plis plnot plan plappropriate plnursing

plintervention plfor plthis plpatient?

a. Asking plthe plpatient plto pldemonstrate pluse plof plthe plinhaler
b. Assessing plthe plpatient‘s plexposure plto pltobacco plsmoke
c. Auscultating pllung plsounds pland plobtaining plvital plsigns
d. Suggesting plthat plthe plpatient pluse plone plpuff plto plreduce plside pleffects

ANS: p l D
It plis plnot plwithin plthe plnurse‘s plscope plof plpractice plto plchange plthe pldose plof pla plmedication plwithout
plan plorder plfrom pla plprescriber. plAsking plthe plpatient plto pldemonstrate plinhaler pluse plhelps plthe

plnurse plto

evaluate plthe plpatient‘s plability plto pladminister plthe plmedication plproperly pland plis plpart plof plthe plnurse‘s
plevaluation. plAssessing pltobacco plsmoke plexposure plhelps plthe plnurse pldetermine plwhether plnondrug

pltherapies, plsuch pla plsmoke plavoidance, plcan plbe plused plas plan pladjunct plto pldrug pltherapy. plPerforming

pla plphysical plassessment plhelps plthe plnurse plevaluate plthe plpatient‘s plresponse plto plthe plmedication.

DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plApplication
REF: plApplying plthe plNursing plProcess plin plDrug plTherapy: plPreadministration plAssessment
pl[and plall plsubsections plunder plthis plheading] TOP: p l Nursing plProcess: plImplementation

MSC: p l NCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plPhysiologic plIntegrity: plPharmacologic pland plParenteral plTherapies

2. A plpostoperative plpatient plis plbeing pldischarged plhome plwith placetaminophen/hydrocodone
(Lortab) plfor plpain. plThe plpatient plasks plthe plnurse plabout plusing plTylenol plfor plfever. plWhich

statement plby plthe plnurse plis plcorrect?

a. ―It plis plnot plsafe plto pltake plover-the-counter pldrugs plwith plprescription plmedications.‖
b. ―Taking plthe pltwo plmedications pltogether plposes pla plrisk plof pldrug pltoxicity.‖
c. ―There plare plno plknown pldrug plinteractions, plso plthis plwill plbe plsafe.‖
d. ―Tylenol pland plLortab plare pldifferent pldrugs, plso plthere plis plno plrisk plof ploverdose.‖

ANS: p l B
Tylenol plis plthe pltrade plname pland placetaminophen plis plthe plgeneric plname plfor plthe plsame
plmedication. plIt plis plimportant plto plteach plpatients plto plbe plaware plof plthe pldifferent plnames plfor plthe

plsame pldrug plto plminimize plthe plrisk plof ploverdose. plOver-the-counter pl(OTC) plmedications pland

plprescription plmedications plmay plbe pltaken pltogether plunless plsignificant plharmful pldrug

plinteractions plare plpossible. plEven plthough plno pldrug plinteractions plare plat plplay plin plthis plcase, plboth

pldrugs plcontain placetaminophen, plwhich plcould pllead plto pltoxicity.

DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plApplication
REF: plApplication plof plPharmacology plin plPatient plEducation: plDosage pland
plAdministration plTOP: p l Nursing plProcess: plImplementation

MSC: p l NCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plPhysiologic plIntegrity: plReduction plof plRisk plPotential

, 3. The plnurse plis plpreparing plto plcare plfor pla plpatient plwho plwill plbe pltaking plan plantihypertensive
plmedication. plWhich plaction plby plthe plnurse plis plpart plof plthe plassessment plstep plof plthe plnursing

a. Asking plthe plprescriber plfor plan plorder plto plmonitor plserum pldrug pllevels
b. Monitoring plthe plpatient plfor pldrug plinteractions plafter plgiving plthe plmedication
c. Questioning plthe plpatient plabout plover-the-counter plmedications
d. Taking plthe plpatient‘s plblood plpressure plthroughout plthe plcourse plof pltreatment
ANS: p l C
The plassessment plpart plof plthe plnursing plprocess plinvolves plgathering plinformation plbefore plbeginning
pltreatment, pland plthis plincludes plasking plabout plother plmedications plthe plpatient plmay plbe pltaking.

Monitoring plserum pldrug pllevels, plwatching plfor pldrug plinteractions, pland plchecking plvital plsigns
plafter plgiving plthe plmedication plare plall plpart plof plthe plevaluation plphase.

DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plApplication REF: plPreadministration
plAssessment plTOP: p l Nursing plProcess: plAssessment

MSC: p l NCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plPhysiologic plIntegrity: plReduction plof plRisk plPotential

4. A plpostoperative plpatient plreports plpain, plwhich plthe plpatient plrates plas plan pl8 plon pla plscale plfrom
pl1 plto pl10 pl(10 plbeing plthe plmost plextreme plpain). plThe plprescriber plhas plordered placetaminophen
pl(Tylenol) pl650 plmg plPO plevery pl6 plhours plPRN plpain. plWhat plwill plthe plnurse pldo?

a. Ask plthe plpatient plwhat plmedications plhave plhelped plwith plpain plin plthe plpast.
b. Contact plthe plprovider plto plrequest pla pldifferent planalgesic plmedication.
c. Give plthe plpain plmedication pland plreposition plthe plpatient plto plpromote plcomfort.
d. Request plan plorder plto pladminister plthe plmedication plevery pl4 plhours.
ANS: p l B
The plnursing pldiagnosis plfor plthis plpatient plis plsevere plpain. plAcetaminophen plis plgiven plfor plmild plto
plmoderate plpain, plso plthe plnurse plshould plask plthe plprescriber plto plorder pla plstronger planalgesic

plmedication. plAsking plthe plpatient plto pltell plthe plnurse plwhat plhas plhelped plin plthe plpast plis pla plpart plof

plan plinitial plassessment pland plshould plbe pldone plpreoperatively pland plnot plwhen plthe plpatient plis

plhaving plsevere plpain. plBecause plthe plpatient plis plhaving plsevere plpain, placetaminophen plcombined

plwith plnondrug pltherapies plwill plnot plbe plsufficient. pl Increasing plthe plfrequency plof plthe pldose plof pla

plmedication plfor plmild plpain plwill plnot plbe pleffective.

DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plAnalysis REF: plAnalysis pland plNursing
plDiagnosis plTOP: p l Nursing plProcess: plDiagnosis

MSC: p l NCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plPhysiologic plIntegrity: plPharmacologic pland plParenteral plTherapies

5. A plpatient plnewly pldiagnosed plwith pldiabetes plis plto plbe pldischarged plfrom plthe plhospital. plThe
nurse plteaching plthis plpatient plabout plhome plmanagement plshould plbegin plby pldoing plwhat?

a. Asking plthe plpatient plto pldemonstrate plhow plto plmeasure pland pladminister plinsulin
b. Discussing plmethods plof plstoring plinsulin pland pldiscarding plsyringes
c. Giving plinformation plabout plhow pldiet pland plexercise plaffect plinsulin plrequirements
d. Teaching plthe plpatient plabout plthe pllong-term plconsequences plof plpoor pldiabetes plcontrol
ANS: p l A

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