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Test Bank For Focus on Nursing Pharmacology 7th Edition by Amy M. Karch $24.49
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Test Bank For Focus on Nursing Pharmacology 7th Edition by Amy M. Karch

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Test Bank For Focus on Nursing Pharmacology 7th Edition by Amy M. Karch Test Bank For Focus on Nursing Pharmacology 7th Edition by Amy M. Karch Test Bank For Focus on Nursing Pharmacology 7th Edition by Amy M. Karch Test Bank For Focus on Nursing Pharmacology 7th Edition by Amy M. Karch Test Bank F...

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  • February 2, 2025
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  • amy m karch
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  • Focus on Nursing Pharmacology 7th EdITION
  • Focus on Nursing Pharmacology 7th EdITION
Test Bank For Focus on Nursing Pharmacology 7th Edition by Amy M. Karch
Table of Contents
Chapter 01- Introduction to Drugs
Chapter 02- Drugs and the Body
Chapter 03- Toxic Effects of Drugs
Chapter 04- The Nursing Process in Drug Therapy and Patient Safety
Chapter 05- Dosage Calculations
Chapter 06- Challenges to Effective Drug Therapy
Chapter 07- Introduction to Cell Physiology

Test Bank For Focus on Nursing Pharmacology
Chapter 08- Anti-infective Agents
Chapter 09- Antibiotics
Chapter 10- Antiviral Agents

7th Edition by Amy M. Karch
Chapter 11- Antifungal Agents
Chapter 12- Antiprotozoal Agents
Chapter 13- Anthelmintic Agents
Chapter 14- Antineoplastic Agents
Chapter 15- Introduction to the Immune Response and Inflammation
Chapter 16- Anti-inflammatory, Antiarthritis, and Related Agents
Chapter 17- Immune Modulators
Chapter 18- Vaccines and Sera
Chapter 19- Introduction to Nerves and the Nervous System
Chapter 20- Anxiolytic and Hypnotic Agents
Chapter 21- Antidepressant Agents
Chapter 22- Psychotherapeutic Agents
Chapter 23- Antiseizure Agents
Chapter 24- Antiparkinsonism Agents
Chapter 25- Muscle Relaxants
Chapter 26- Narcotics, Narcotic Antagonists, and Antimigraine Agents
Chapter 27- General and Local Anesthetic Agents
Chapter 28- Neuromuscular Junction Blocking Agents
Chapter 29- Introduction to the Autonomic Nervous System
Chapter 30- Adrenergic Agonists
Chapter 31- Adrenergic Antagonists
Chapter 32- Cholinergic Agonists
Chapter 33- Anticholinergic Agents
Chapter 34- Introduction to the Endocrine System
Chapter 35- Hypothalamic and Pituitary Agents
Chapter 36- Adrenocortical Agents
Chapter 37- Thyroid and Parathyroid Agents
Chapter 38- Agents to Control Blood Glucose Levels
Chapter 39- Introduction to the Reproductive System
Chapter 40- Drugs Affecting the Female Reproductive System
Chapter 41- Drugs Affecting the Male Reproductive System
Chapter 42- Introduction to the Cardiovascular System
Chapter 43- Drugs Affecting Blood Pressure
Chapter 44- Agents for Treating Heart Failure
Chapter 45- Antiarrhythmic Agents
Chapter 46- Antianginal Agents
Chapter 47- Lipid-Lowering Agents
Chapter 48- Drugs Affecting Blood Coagulation
Chapter 49- Drugs Used to Treat Anemias
Chapter 50- Introduction to the Renal System
Chapter 51- Diuretic Agents
Chapter 52- Drugs Affecting the Urinary Tract and the Bladder

Chapter 53- Introduction to the Respiratory System
Chapter 54- Drugs Acting on the Upper Respiratory Tract
Chapter 55- Drugs Acting on the Lower Respiratory Tract
Chapter 56- Introduction to the Gastrointestinal System
Chapter 57- Drugs Affecting Gastrointestinal Secretions
Chapter 58- Drugs Affecting Gastrointestinal Motility
Chapter 59- Antiemetic Agents

, Chapter 1: Introduction to Drugs Chapter 1: Introduction to Drugs

Cognitive Level: Application A) Working with animals who are given experimental drugs
Difficulty: Moderate B) Monitoring drug effects in patients who are selected to participate in a study,
Integrated Process: Nursing process who have the disease that the drug is meant to treat
1.A nurse working in radiology administers iodine to a patient who is having a C) Collecting records of symptoms that participants experience while taking a
computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan. A nurse working on an oncology unit drug and determining whether they are caused by the disease or the drug
administers chemotherapy to patients who have cancer. At the Public Health D) Informing healthy, young volunteer participants of possible risks that could
Department, a nurse administers a measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine to a 14- occur from taking an experimental drug
month-old child as a routine immunization. Which branch of pharmacology best Ans: C
describes the actions of all three nurses? Response:
A) Pharmacoeconomics Phase III studies involve use of a drug in a vast clinical market where patients are
B) Pharmacotherapeutics asked to record any symptoms they experience while taking the drugs. Nurses may be
C) Pharmacodynamics responsible for helping collect and analyze the information to be shared with the
D) Pharmacokinetics Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Use of animals in drug testing is done in the
Ans: B preclinical trials. A select group of patients who are involved in phase II studies
Response: participate in studies where the participants have the disease the drug is intended to
Pharmacology is the study of the biologic effects of chemicals. Nurses are involved treat. These patients are monitored closely for drug effects. Phase I studies involve
with clinical pharmacology or pharmacotherapeutics, which is a branch of healthy human volunteers who are usually paid for their participation. Nurses may
pharmacology that deals with the uses of drugs to treat, prevent, and diagnose observe for adverse effects and toxicity.
disease. The nurse working in radiology is administering a drug to help diagnose a
disease. The nurse working on an oncology unit is administering a drug to help treat a
disease. Pharmacoeconomics includes any costs involved in drug therapy. Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Pharmacodynamics involves how a drug affects the body, and pharmacokinetics is Difficulty: Moderate
how the body acts on the drug. Integrated Process: Nursing Process
4.Which of the following concepts is considered when generic drugs are substituted for
brand-name drugs?
Cognitive Level: Comprehension A) Bioavailability
Difficulty: Easy B) Critical concentration
Integrated Process: Nursing process C) Distribution
2.A physician has ordered intramuscular injections of morphine, a narcotic, every 4 D) Half-life
hours as needed for pain for a motor vehicle accident victim. The nurse is aware that Ans: A
there is a high abuse potential for this drug; therefore, morphine is categorized as a: Response:
A) Schedule I drug Bioavailability is the portion of a dose of a drug that reaches the systemic circulation
B) Schedule II drug and is available to act on body cells. Binders used in a generic drug may not be the
C) Schedule III drug same as those used in the brand-name drug. Therefore, the way the body breaks down
D) Schedule IV drug and uses the drug may differ, which may eliminate a substitution. Critical
Ans: B concentration is the amount of a drug that is needed to cause a therapeutic effect.
Response: Distribution is the phase of pharmacokinetics that involves the movement of a drug to
Narcotics such as morphine are considered schedule II drugs because of the high the body's tissues. A drug's half-life is the time it takes for the amount of drug to
abuse potential with severe dependence liability. Schedule I drugs have high abuse decrease to one-half of the peak level.
potential and no accepted medical use. Schedule III drugs have a lesser abuse
potential than schedule II drugs and an accepted medical use. Schedule IV drugs have
low abuse potential and limited dependence liability. Cognitive Level: Analysis
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Teaching/learning
Cognitive Level: Comprehension 5.A nurse is teaching her patient about the use of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Which
Difficulty: Easy of the following statements best informs the patient about their safe use?
Integrated Process: Communication and documentation A) “OTC drugs are products that are available without prescription for self-
3.A nurse working for a drug company is involved in phase III drug evaluation studies. treatment of minor complaints.”
Which of the following might the nurse be responsible for during this stage of drug B) “OTC drugs are considered medications and should be reported on a drug
development? history.”

, Chapter 1: Introduction to Drugs Chapter 1: Introduction to Drugs

C) “OTC drugs were approved as prescription drugs but later were found to be there have been no adequate studies in pregnant women. However, there have not
safe without the need for a prescription.” been adequate studies in pregnant women to demonstrate risk to a fetus during the
D) “OTC drugs need to be taken with caution. They can mask the signs and first trimester of pregnancy and no evidence of risk in later trimesters. Category A
symptoms of an underlying disease and interfere with prescription drug indicates that adequate studies in pregnant women have not demonstrated a risk to the
therapy.” fetus in the first trimester or in later trimesters. Category C indicates that animal
Ans: D studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus but there have been no adequate
Response: studies in humans. Category D reveals evidence of human fetal risk, but the potential
OTC drugs are considered medications and should be reported. OTC drugs are benefits from the use of the drugs in pregnant women may outweigh the risks.
available without a prescription, although some were first approved as prescription
drugs. The most important teaching should relate to their safe use and that OTC drugs
can mask symptoms of disease and interfere with prescribed drugs. Cognitive Level: Analysis
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Teaching/learning
Cognitive Level: Knowledge 8. Discharge planning for patients leaving the hospital should include instructions on
Difficulty: Easy the use of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Which comment by the patient would
Integrated Process: Nursing Process demonstrate a good understanding of OTC drugs?
6.Which of the following legislative acts allowed the Food and Drug Administration A) “OTC drugs are always safe and will not cause bad effects.”
(FDA) to tighten control over the quality of drugs and required that safety and B) “OTC drugs have been around for years and have not been tested by the Food
efficacy standards be established? and Drug Administration (FDA).”
A) Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 C) “OTC drugs are different from any drugs available by prescription and cost
B) Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 less.”
C) Durham Humphrey Amendment of 1951 D) “OTC drugs are thought to be safe when taken as directed.”
D) Kefauver-Harris Act of 1962 Ans: D
Ans: D Response:
Response: OTC drugs are drugs that have been determined to be safe when taken as directed.
The Kefauver-Harris Act was the result of the use of the 1960s drug thalidomide They may have originally been prescription drugs that were tested by the FDA or
(Thalomid). The public concern led to the legislation that gave the FDA regulatory they may have been grandfathered in when the FDA laws changed. OTC education
control over testing and evaluating of drugs and allowed it to set standards for should always be included as a part of the hospital discharge instructions.
efficacy and safety. The Pure Food and Drug Act required labeling to eliminate false
claims. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act gave the FDA the power to
enforce standards for testing drug toxicity and monitoring labeling. The Durham- Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Humphrey Amendment enforced prescriptions for distribution. Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
9. Which of the following would be the best source of drug information for a nurse?
Cognitive Level: Application A) Drug Facts and Comparisons book
Difficulty: Moderate B) A nurse's drug guide
Integrated Process: Teaching/learning C) A drug package insert
7.A nurse is instructing a pregnant patient concerning the potential risk to her fetus D) The Physician's Drug Reference (PDR)
from a pregnancy category B drug. The nurse would inform the patient that: Ans: B
A) “Adequate studies in pregnant women have demonstrated there is no risk to the Response:
fetus.” The most user-friendly drug source for a nurse is a nurse's drug guidebook. A guide
B) “Animal studies have not demonstrated a risk to the fetus but there have been provides nursing implications and patient teaching points that are most useful to
no adequate studies in pregnant women.” nurses. The Drug Facts and Comparisons book provides a wide range of drug
C) “Animal studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus but there are no information but is hard to manipulate and is very expensive. A package insert
adequate studies in pregnant women.” contains all of the chemical and drug company research information about a drug;
D) “There is evidence of human fetal risk but the potential benefits from use of the however, the information can be difficult to understand and the print is very small.
drug may be acceptable despite potential risks.” The PDR is heavily cross-referenced and difficult to use.
Ans: B
Category B indicates that animal studies have not demonstrated a risk to the fetus but Cognitive Level: Comprehension

, Chapter 1: Introduction to Drugs Chapter 2: Drugs and the Body

Difficulty: Moderate Cognitive Level: Analysis
Integrated Process: Nursing Process Difficulty: Difficult
10. Which of the following statements best defines how a chemical becomes a drug? Integrated Process: Nursing process
A) A chemical must have a proven therapeutic value or efficacy without severe 1. In which of the following patients would a nurse expect to see an alteration in drug
toxicity or damaging properties to become a drug. metabolism?
B) A chemical becomes a drug when it is introduced into the body to cause a A) A 35-year-old female with cervical cancer
change. B) A 41-year-old male with kidney stones
C) A chemical is considered a drug when the Food and Drug Administration C) A 50-year-old male with cirrhosis of the liver
(FDA) approves its release to be marketed. D) A 62-year-old female in acute renal failure
D) A chemical must have demonstrated therapeutic value to become a drug. Ans: C
Ans: A Response:
Response: The liver is the most important site of drug metabolism. If the liver is not functioning
A chemical must undergo a series of tests to determine its therapeutic value and effectively, as in patients with cirrhosis, drugs will not be metabolized normally and
efficacy without severe toxicity or damaging properties before it is termed a drug. toxic levels could develop. In cirrhosis patients the drug dosage will need to be
Test results are reported to the FDA, which may or may not give approval. altered to ensure normal levels in the body.

Cognitive Level: Analysis
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Nursing process
2.A patient has a drug level of 50 units/mL and the drug's half-life is 1 hour. If
concentrations above 25 units/mL are considered toxic and no more drug is given,
how long will it take for the blood level to reach the nontoxic range?
A) 30 minutes
B) 1 hour
C) 2 hours
D) 3 hours
Ans: C
Half-life is the time required for the serum concentration of a drug to decrease by
50%. After 1 hour, the serum concentration would be 25 units/mL (50/2). After 2
hours, the serum concentration would be 12.5 units/mL (25/2) and reach the nontoxic

Cognitive Level: Analysis
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Nursing process
3.A nurse is caring for a patient who has recently moved from Vermont to south
Florida. The patient has been on the same antihypertensive drug for 6 years and has
had stable blood pressures and no side effects. Since her move, however, she reports
having “dizzy spells and weakness” and feels that the drug is no longer effective. The
nurse knows that one possible reason for the change in the effectiveness of the drug
could be which of the following?
A) The impact of the placebo effect on the patient's response
B) The accumulative effect of the drug if it has been taken for many years
C) The impact of the warmer environment on the patient's physical state
D) Problems with patient compliance with the drug regimen while on vacation
Ans: C

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