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OB Exam 1 Success: Questions & Correct Answers for Mastery

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The OB Exam 1 Success: Questions & Correct Answers for Mastery is a comprehensive collection of carefully crafted obstetric nursing questions and answers to help students excel in their maternity and women’s health nursing exams. This resource covers essential concepts related to pregnancy, labor...

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  • February 24, 2025
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Exam 1 Success Questions With Correct Answers OB
Normal Postpartum:

A patient, G2P1102, who delivered her baby 8 hours ago, now has a temperature of 100.2ºF.
Which of the following is the appropriate nursing intervention at this time?
1. Notify the doctor to get an order for acetaminophen.
2. Request an infectious disease consult from the doctor.
3. Provide the woman with cool compresses.
4. Encourage intake of water and other fluids.

To prevent infection, the nurse teaches the postpartum client to perform which of the following
1. Apply antibiotic ointment to the perineum daily.
2. Change the peripad at each voiding.
3. Void at least every two hours.
4. Spray the perineum with a povidone-iodine solution after toileting

A 3-day-postpartum breastfeeding woman is being assessed. Her breasts are firm and warm to
the touch. When asked when she last fed the baby her reply is, “I fed the baby last evening. I let
the nurses feed him in the nursery last night. I needed to rest.” Which of the following actions
should the nurse take at this time?
1. Encourage the woman exclusively to breastfeed her baby.
2. Have the woman massage her breasts hourly.
3. Obtain an order to culture her expressed breast milk.
4. Take the temperature and pulse rate of the woman.

A breastfeeding woman has been counseled on how to prevent engorgement. Which of the
following actions by the mother shows that the teaching was effective?
1. She pumps her breasts after each feeding.
2. She feeds her baby every 2 to 3 hours.
3. She feeds her baby 10 minutes on each side.
4. She supplements each feeding with formula.

A 2-day-postpartum breastfeeding woman states, “I am sick of being fat. When can I go on a
diet?” Which of the following responses is appropriate?
1. “It is fine for you to start dieting right now as long as you drink plenty of milk.”
2. “Your breast milk will be low in vitamins if you start to diet while breastfeeding.”
3. “You must eat at least 3000 calories per day in order to produce enough milk for your baby.”

,4. “Many mothers lose weight when they breastfeed because the baby consumes about 600 calories a
A G2P2002, who is postpartum 6 hours from a spontaneous vaginal delivery, is assessed. The
nurse notes that the fundus is firm at the umbilicus, there is heavy lochia, and perineal sutures are
intact. Which of the following actions should the nurse take at this time?
1. Do nothing. This is a normal finding.
2. Massage the woman’s fundus.
3. Take the woman to the bathroom to void.
4. Notify the woman’s primary health care provider.

A client informs the nurse that she intends to bottlefeed her baby. Which of the following actions
should the nurse encourage the client to perform?
1. Increase her fluid intake for a few days.
2. Massage her breasts every 4 hours.
3. Apply heat packs to her axillae.
4. Wear a supportive bra 24 hours a day

A client informs the nurse that she intends to bottlefeed her baby. Which of the following actions
should the nurse encourage the client to perform?
1. Increase her fluid intake for a few days.
2. Massage her breasts every 4 hours.
3. Apply heat packs to her axillae.
4. Wear a supportive bra 24 hours a day

The nurse in the obstetric clinic received a telephone call from a bottlefeeding mother of a 3-
dayold. The client states that her breasts are firm, red, and warm to the touch. Which of the
following is the best action for the nurse to advise the client to perform?
1. Intermittently apply ice packs to her axillae and breasts.
2. Apply lanolin to her breasts and nipples every 3 hours.
3. Express milk from the breasts every 3 hours.
4. Ask the primary health care provider to order a milk suppressant

A zmultigravid, zpostpartum zwoman zreports zsevere zabdominal zcramping zwhenever zshe znurses zher
zinfant. zWhich zof zthe zfollowing zresponses zby zthe znurse zis zappropriate? z
1. Suggest zthat zthe zwoman zbottlefeed zfor za zfew zdays. z
2. Instruct zthe zpatient zon zhow zto zmassage zher zfundus. z
3. Instruct zthe zpatient zto zfeed zusing zan zalternate zposition.
4. Discuss zthe zaction zof zbreastfeeding zhormones. z(oxytocin)

A zbreastfeeding zmother zstates zthat zshe zhas zsore znipples. zIn zresponse zto zthe zcomplaint, zthe
znurse zassists zwith z“latch zon” zand zrecommends zthat zthe zmother zdo zwhich zof zthe zfollowing? z
1. Use za znipple zshield zat zeach zbreastfeeding. z
2. Cleanse zthe znipples zwith zsoap z3 ztimes za zday. z

,3. Rotate zinfant zpositions zat zeach zfeed. z
4. Bottle zfeed zfor z2 zdays zthen zresume zbreastfeeding.
Which zof zthe zfollowing zstatements zis ztrue zabout zbreastfeeding zmothers zas zcompared zto
zbottlefeeding zmothers? z
1. Breastfeeding zmothers zusually zinvolute zcompletely zby z3 zweeks zpostpartum.
2. Breastfeeding zmothers zhave zdecreased zincidence zof zdiabetes zmellitus zlater zin zlife.
3. Breastfeeding zmothers zshow zhigher zlevels zof zbone zdensity zafter zmenopause. z
4. Breastfeeding zmothers zare zprone zto zfewer zbouts zof zinfection zimmediately zpostpartum.

A zbreastfeeding zwoman, z11 z⁄2 zmonths zpostdelivery, zcalls zthe znurse zin zthe zobstetrician’s
zoffice zand zstates, z“I zam zvery zembarrassed zbut zI zneed zhelp. zLast znight zI zhad zan zorgasm
zwhen zmy zhusband zand zI zwere zmaking zlove. zYou zshould zhave zseen zthe zmilk. zWe zwere
zboth zsoaking zwet. zWhat zis zwrong zwith zme?” zThe znurse zshould zbase zthe zresponse zto zthe
zclient zon zwhich zof zthe zfollowing? z
1. The zwoman zis zexhibiting zsigns zof zpathological zgalactorrhea. z
2. The zsame zhormone zstimulates zorgasms zand zthe zmilk zejection zreflex.
z(oxytocin) z3. The zwoman zshould zhave za zserum zgalactosemia zassessment
zdone. z
4. The zbaby zis zstimulating zthe zwoman zto zproduce ztoo zmuch zmilk.

A zclient zwho zis z3 zdays zpostpartum zasks zthe znurse, z“When zmay zmy zhusband zand zI zbegin
zhaving zsexual zrelations zagain?” zThe znurse zshould zencourage zthe zcouple zto zwait zuntil zafter
zwhich zof zthe zfollowing zhas zoccurred? z
1. The zclient zhas zhad zher zsix-week zpostpartum zcheck-up. z
2. The zepisiotomy zhas zhealed zand zthe zlochia zhas zstopped.
3. The zlochia zhas zturned zto zpink zand zthe zvagina zis zno zlonger ztender. z
4. The zclient zhas zhad zher zfirst zpostpartum zmenstrual zperiod.

A zbreastfeeding zclient, z7 zweeks zpostpartum, zcomplains zto zan zobstetrician’s ztriage znurse zthat
zwhen zshe zand zher zhusband zhad zintercourse zfor zthe zfirst ztime zafter zthe zdelivery, z“I zcouldn’t
zstand zit. zIt zwas zso zpainful. zThe zdoctor zmust zhave zdone zsomething zterrible zto zmy zvagina.”
zWhich zof zthe zfollowing zresponses zby zthe znurse zis zappropriate? z
1. “After za zdelivery zthe zvagina zis zalways zvery ztender. zIt zshould zfeel zbetter zthe znext ztime
zyou zhave zintercourse.” z
2. “Does zyour zbaby zhave zthrush? zIf zso, zI zbet zyou zhave za zyeast zinfection zin zyour zvagina.” z
3. “Women zwho zbreastfeed zoften zhave zvaginal zdryness. zA zvaginal zlubricant zmay
zremedy zyour zdiscomfort.”
4. “Sometimes zthe zstitches zof zepisiotomies zheal ztoo ztight. zWhy zdon’t zyou zcome zin zfor zan

The znurse zmonitors zhis zor zher zpostpartum zclients zcarefully zbecause zwhich zof zthe zfollowing
zphysiological zchanges zoccurs zduring zthe zearly zpostpartum zperiod? z
1. Decreased zurinary zoutput. z
2. Increased zblood zpressure. z

, 3. Decreased zblood zvolume. z
4. Increased zestrogen zlevel.
A zwoman, z24 zhours zpostpartum, zis zcomplaining zof zprofuse zdiaphoresis. zShe zhas zno zother
zcomplaints. zWhich zof zthe zfollowing zactions zby zthe znurse zis zappropriate? z
1. Take zthe zwoman’s ztemperature. z
2. Advise zthe zwoman zto zdecrease zher zfluid zintake.
3. Reassure zthe zwoman zthat zthis zis znormal. z
4. Inform zthe zneonate’s zpediatrician

Which zof zthe zfollowing zlaboratory zvalues zwould zthe znurse zexpect zto zsee zin za znormal zpostpartum
zwoman? z
1. Hematocrit z39%. z
2. White zblood zcell zcount z16,000 zcells/mm3 z
3. Red zblood zcell zcount z5 zmillion zcells/mm3 z z4. Hemoglobin z15 zgrams/dL.

The znurse zis zdiscussing zthe zimportance zof zdoing zKegel zexercises zduring zthe zpostpartum zperiod. z
Which zof zthe zfollowing zshould zbe zincluded zin zthe zteaching zplan? z
1. She zshould zrepeatedly zcontract zand zrelax zher zrectal zand zthigh zmuscles. z
2. She zshould zpractice zby zstopping zthe zurine zflow zmidstream zevery ztime zshe zvoids. z
3. She zshould zget zon zher zhands zand zknees zwhenever zperforming zthe zexercises.
4. She zshould zbe ztaught zthat ztoned zpubococcygeal zmuscles zdecrease zblood zloss. z

The znurse zis zevaluating zthe zinvolution zof za zwoman zwho zis z3 zdays zpostpartum. zWhich zof zthe
zfollowing zfindings zwould zthe znurse zevaluate zas znormal? z
1. Fundus z1 zcm zabove zthe zumbilicus, zlochia
zrosa. z2. Fundus z2 zcm zabove zthe zumbilicus,
zlochia zalba. z
3. Fundus z2 zcm zbelow zthe zumbilicus, zlochia zrubra. z
4. Fundus z3 zcm zbelow zthe zumbilicus, zlochia zserosa.

During za zhome zvisit, zthe znurse zassesses za zclient z2 zweeks zafter zdelivery. zWhich zof zthe zfollowing
zsigns/symptoms zshould zthe znurse zexpect zto zsee? z
1. Diaphoresis.
2. Lochia zalba. z
3. Cracked znipples. z
4. Hypertension. z

The zday zafter zdelivery za zwoman, zwhose zfundus zis zfirm zat z1 zcm zbelow zthe zumbilicus zand zwho
zhas zmoderate zlochia, ztells zthe znurse zthat zsomething zmust zbe zwrong, z“All zI zdo zis zgo zto zthe
zbathroom.” zWhich zof zthe zfollowing zis zan zappropriate znursing zresponse? z
1. Catheterize zthe zclient zper zdoctor’s zorders.
2. Measure zthe zclient’s znext zvoiding.
3. Inform zthe zclient zthat zpolyuria zis znormal. z

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