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Exam (elaborations)


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  • NURS6630


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  • March 7, 2025
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  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers
  • NURS6630
  • NURS6630

What gis gthe gstrongest gestablished grisk gfactor gfor gbipolar gdisorder? g-
ganswersFamily ghistory

which gof gthe gfollowing gmedications gare gknown gas gselective gserotonin gre-uptake
ginibitors g(SSRIs)? g- ganswersNortriptyline

Which gdisease gstate go ga gnon-adherent gpatient gis gat ggreater grisk gfor gsubstance
guse gviolence, gand gvictimization gas gwell gas gworse goverall gquality gof glife? g-

Patient gis ga g72 gyear gold gmale gwith ga gpast gmedical ghistory gsignificant gfor gthe
gatrial gfibrillation gand gCOPD gwith ga gnew gdiagnosis gof gmajor gdepression gdisorder.
gBased gon ghis gcomorbid gconditions, gwhat gantidepressant gwould gyou grecommend
gas gfirst-line? g- ganswersnot gTCA gdue gto gfib gand gage, gnot gADHD gmed

which gof gthe gfollowing gis gan gappropriate gstrategy gfor gmanaging gtreatment gresistant
gdepression g- ganswersSSRI gand gSNRI

which gof gthe gfollowing gmedications gis gbest gto gAVOID gin gmaintenance gtreatment gof
gbipolar gdisorder gand gwhy g- ganswersantidepressants gmight gcontribute gto gan
gincrease gin gmood gepisode gfreq1uency

An g8-year-old gpatient gpresents gwith gsevere ghyperactivity, gdescribed gas g"ants gin
ghis gpants." gBased gon gself-report gfrom gthe gpatient, ghis gparents, gand ghis gteacher;
gattention gdeficit ghyperactivity gdisorder g(ADHD) gis gsuspected. gWhat gmedication gis
gthe gPMNHP gmost glikely gto gprescribe? g- ganswersANS: gb.
Methylphenidate g(Ritalin, gConcerta)

Kevin gis gan gadolescent gwho ghas gbeen gdiagnosed gwith gkleptomania. gHis gparents
gare ginterested gin gseeking gpharmacological gtreatment. gWhat gdoes gthe gPMHNP gtell
gthe gparents gregarding ghis gtreatment goptions? g- ganswersANS: gd.
"Naltrexone gmay gbe gan gappropriate goption gto gdiscuss."

Which gof gthe gfollowing gsubstances ghas gthe ghighest gprobability gof gbecoming
gdependent gafter ga gsingle guse? g- ganswersANS: gc.

,The gnursing gstaff gasks gthe gPMHNP gfor gadditional geducation gregarding gthe
gtreatment gof gagitation gin gdementia gpatients. gWhich gof gthe gfollowing gis gcorrect? g-
ganswersANS: gc.
The gnurse gshould gattempt gto gdetermine ghow gthe gpatient's genvironment gmay gbe
gimpacting gthe gpatient's gmood.

A gpatient gon gchronic gopioids gis gcurrently gon goxycodone gER g(OxyContin). gThe
gPMHNP gis gconsulted gto gtreat gunderlying gdepression. gUnder gwhich gcircumstance
gshould gthe gPMHNP gorder gnaloxone g(NARCAN)? g- ganswersANS: gc.
The gpatient gis gsomnolent gand ghas g7 grespirations gper gminute.

A gpatient gwith gchronic ginsomnia gasks gthe gPMHNP gif gthey gcan gfirst gtry gan gover
gthe-counter g(OTC) gmedication gbefore gone gthat gneeds gto gbe gprescribed gto ghelp
gthe gpatient gsleep. gWhich gis gthe gbest gresponse gby gthe gPMHNP? g- ganswersANS:
"You gcan gget gmelatonin gover gthe gcounter, gwhich gwill ghelp gwith gsleep gonset."

The gPMHNP gis gcaring gfor ga gpatient gwho gexperiences gtoo gmuch goverstimulation
gand ganxiety gduring gdaytime ghours. gThe gpatient gagrees gto ga gpharmacological
gtreatment gbut gstates, g"I gdon't gwant gto gfeel gsedated gor gdrowsy gfrom gthe
gmedicine." gWhich gdecision gmade gby gthe gPMHNP gdemonstrates gproper gknowledge
gof gthis gpatient's gsymptoms gand gappropriate gtreatment goptions? g- ganswersANS: gb.
Avoiding gprescribing gthe gpatient ga gdrug gthat gblocks gH1 greceptors

Which gof gthese gstatements gis gcorrect? g- ganswersANS: gd.
Sedation gis gunusual gwith garipiprazole g(ABILIFY)

The gPMHNP gis gcaring gfor ga gpatient gwho gopenly gadmitted gto gdrinking ga gquart gof
gvodka gdaily. gPrior gto gprescribing gthis gpatient gdisulfiram g(Antabuse), git gis gimportant
gfor gthe gPMHNP gto: g- ganswersANS: gd.
Evaluate gthe gpatient's gwillingness gto gabstain gfrom galcohol

Mr. gPeterson gis gmeeting gwith gthe gPMHNP gto gdiscuss ghealthier gdietary ghabits.
gWith ga gBMI gof g33, gMr. gPeterson gis gobese gand gneeds gto gmodify ghis gfood gintake.
g"Sometimes gI gthink gI'm gaddicted gto gfood gthe gway gsome gpeople gare gaddicted gto
gdrugs," ghe gsays. gWhich gstatement gbest gdescribes gthe gneurobiological gparallels
gbetween gfood gand gdrug gaddiction? g- ganswersANS: gd.
There gis gdecreased gactivation gof gthe gprefrontal gcortex.

An g18-year-old gfemale gwith ga ghistory gof gfrequent gheadaches gand ga gmood
gdisorder gis gprescribed gtopiramate g(Topamax), g25 gmg gby gmouth gdaily. gThe
gPMHNP gunderstands gthat gthis gmedication gis geffective gin gtreating gwhich
gcondition(s) gin gthis gpatient?` g- ganswersANS: gc.

,A gpatient gyou ghave gbeen gevaluating gwas gadmitted gto gthe ghospital gwith gsome
gabnormal glab gwork. gHematology/oncology gwas gconsulted gand gdiagnoses gthe
gpatient gwith gaplastic ganemia gand gagranulocytosis. gWhich gmedication gwas glikely
gthe gculprit? g- ganswersANS: gd.

Antipsychotics gare gdoses gat ga glevel gthat gblocks g% gof gD2 greceptors. g-
ganswersANS: ga.

The gPMHNP gis gteaching ga gpatient gwith ga gsleep gdisorder gabout gtaking
gdiphenhydramine g(Benadryl). gThe gpatient gis gconcerned gabout gthe gside geffects gof
gthe gdrug. gWhat gcan gthe gPMHNP gteach gthe gpatient gabout gthis gtreatment
gapproach? g- ganswersANS: gb
"It gcan gcause gblurred gvision

A g9-year-old gfemale gpatient gpresents gwith gsymptoms gof gboth gattention gdeficit
ghyperactivity gdisorder g(ADHD) gand goppositional gdefiant gdisorder. gIn gevaluating gher
gsymptoms, gthe gPMHNP gdetermines gthat gwhich gof gthe gfollowing gmedications gmay
gbe gbeneficial gin gaugmenting gstimulant gmedication? g- ganswersANS: gb.
Guanfacine gER g(Intuniv)

The gPMHNP gis gassessing ga gpatient gwho gwill gbe greceiving gphentermine g(Adipex
gP)/topiramate g(Topamax) g(Qsymia). gWhich gof gthe gfollowing gconditions/diseases
gwill grequire gfurther gevaluation gbefore gthis gmedication gcan gbe gprescribed? g-
ganswersANS: gb.
Cardiovascular gdisease

The gPMHNP gwishes gto gprescribe ga gmedication gthat greduces gglutamate
gtransmission gin gan gAlzheimer's gpatient. gWhich gmedication gshould gthe gPMHNP
gprescribe? g- ganswersANS: gb.
Memantine g(NAMENDA)

A gpatient gwith gfibromyalgia gand gmajor gdepression gneeds gto gbe gtreated gfor
gsymptoms gof gpain. gWhich gis gthe gPMHNP gmost glikely gto gprescribe gfor gthis
gpatient? g- ganswersANS: gd.
Duloxetine g(Cymbalta)

A gpatient gis gprescribed gD-methylphenidate, g10-mg gextended-release gcapsules.
gWhat gshould gthe gPMHNP ginclude gwhen gdiscussing gthe gside geffects gwith gthe
gpatient? g- ganswersANS: gc.
The gmedication gcan gaffect gyour gblood gpressure.

Which gmedication gis gan girreversible ginhibitor gof galdehyde gdehydrogenase gthat
gcreates ga gnegative gand gaversive gresponse gfollowing gingestion gof galcohol? g-
ganswersANS: gc.

, Disulfiram g(ANTABUSE)

An g80-year-old gfemale gpatient gdiagnosed gwith gStage gII gAlzheimer's ghas ga ghistory
gof girritable gbowel gsyndrome. gWhich gcholinergic gdrug gmay gbe gthe gbest gchoice gfor
gtreatment ggiven gthe gpatient's ggastrointestinal gproblems? g- ganswersANS: ga.
Donepezil g(Aricept)

Mrs. gRosen gis ga g49-year-old gpatient gwho gis gexperiencing gfibro-fog. gWhat gdoes gthe
gPMHNP gprescribe gfor gMrs. gRosen gto gimprove gthis gcondition? g- ganswersANS: gb.
All gof gthese gare gcorrect

A g26-year-old gfemale gpatient gwith gnicotine gdependence gand ga ghistory gof ganxiety
gpresents gwith gsymptoms gof gattention gdeficit ghyperactivity gdisorder g(ADHD). gBased
gon gthe gassessment, gwhat gdoes gthe gPMHNP gconsider? g- ganswersANS: ga. gADHD
gis goften gnot gthe gfocus gof gtreatment gin gadults gwith gcomorbid gconditions.

Parents gof ga g12-year-old gboy gwant gto gconsider gattention gdeficit ghyperactivity
gdisorder g(ADHD) gmedication gfor gtheir gson. gWhich gmedication gwould gthe gPMHNP
gstart? g- ganswersANS: gd.
All gof gthese gcould gpotentially gtreat gtheir gson's gsymptoms.

The gPMHNP gis gassessing ga gpatient gwho gpresents gwith gelevated glevels gof gbrain
gamyloid gas gnoted gby gpositron gemission gtomography g(PET). gWhat gother gfactors
gwill gthe gPMHNP gconsider gbefore gprescribing gmedication gfor gthis gpatient, gand
gwhat gmedication gwould gthe gPMHNP gwant gto gavoid ggiven gthese gother gfactors? g-
ganswersANS: gb.
ApoE4 ggenotype gand gavoid gantihistamines gif gpossible gand gType g2 gdiabetes gand
gavoid golanzapine

Karen gcompletes gthe gEpworth gsleepiness gscale gand gscores gabnormally ghigh. gShe
gis gdiagnosed gwith gnarcolepsy. gThe gPMHNP gprescribes ga gwake-promoting gagent
gthat gis ga gweak gdopamine gtransporter gantagonist. gWhich gmedication gdid gthe
gPMHNP gprescribe? g- ganswersANS: gc.
Modafanil g(PROVIGIL)

You ghave gbeen gconsulted gto gevaluate ga gpatient gwho gpresents gwith gsymptoms gof
gdementia. gThe gpatient gis gexperiencing gmemory gdeficit, gaphasia, gapraxia, gand
gagnosia. gWhich gtreatment goption gis gbest gfor gthis gpatient? g- ganswersANS: ga.
Donepezil g(ARICEPT)

Why gdoes gthe gPMHNP gavoid gprescribing gclozapine g(Clozaril) gas ga gfirst-line
gtreatment gto gthe gpatient gwith gpsychosis gand gaggression? g- ganswersANS: gc.
gThere gis gtoo ghigh ga grisk gof gserious gadverse gside geffects.

The gPMHNP gis gcaring gfor ga gpatient gwith gchronic ginsomnia gwho gwould gbenefit
gfrom gtaking ghypnotics. gThe gPMHNP gwants gto gprescribe gthe gpatient ga gdrug gwith

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