VATI Pharmacology Remediation
1. Complete an ATI Focused Review® and send a detailed summary (2-3 sentences each) of
4 concepts that you learned from the focused review to me in the messaging system.
- Contraindications
o Sumatriptan (Triptans)
Sumatriptan is a medication used to prevent intercranial inflammation
of the blood vessels in the brain, ultimately relieving migraines. This
medication is commonly contraindicated in client who are pregnant,
who have renal failure, hypertension, history of MI’s, and heart
- Adverse Effects
o Dextroamphetamine
Dextroamphetamine is used to treat ADHD, obesity, narcolepsy, and
conduct disorder. Common adverse effects of this medication that the
client should be informed of includes restlessness, insomnia, weight
loss, growth suppression, decreased appetite, chest pain, dysrhythmias,
HBP, hallucinations, depression, nausea, vomiting, headache, hives,
muscle weakness, dizziness, palpitations, and seizures. If prescribed to
children, the nurse should often assess the child’s growth.
o Topotecan (Topoisomerase inhibitors)
Topotecan inhibits replication of cancer cells ultimately killing the
cancer cells. Common cancers it treats include ovarian cancer, cervical
cancer, and small cell lung cancer. Adverse effects of topotecan
includes bone marrow suppression, bruising/bleeding,
immunosuppression, and GI discomfort.
- Treatment
o Alcohol withdraws
Medications used to treat signs and symptoms of alcohol withdraw
includes diazepam, lorazepam, oxazepam, chlordiazepoxide, and
clorazepate. The nurse should monitor vital signs when administering
this medication as well as assess neurological status and provide
seizure precautions.
2. Complete the following questions and review the suggested learning activities. Send me
your answers here.
a. A nurse is caring for a client with a latex allergy. What steps should the nurse take
when initiating an IV line on this client?
i. When initiating an IV-line use nonlatex gloves.
ii. Place a warning label on IV bags stating Not to use latex injection ports.
iii. Use a nonlatex tourniquet.
, iv. Use latex free syringes when administering medications through syringe.
v. Place latex allergy identifier on patient.
b. What components should be included in a medication order? Suggested
Pharmacology Learning Activity: Medication Administration
i. Client’s full name
ii. Date order is written
iii. Medication name
iv. Dose
v. Route of administration
vi. What the medication is used for
vii. Time and frequency of administration
c. What are examples of common medication errors? What information must be
included in an incident report regarding a medication error? Suggested
Pharmacology Learning Activity: Medication Administration
i. Incorrect dose or IV medication
ii. Wrong client, route, dose, or time
iii. Administering medication to a client with an allergy to the medication
iv. Omission of a dose
d. Benzodiazepines are the first-line treatment for alcohol withdrawal due to their
ability to decrease the intensity of withdrawal symptoms. List two (2) nursing
considerations for clients on benzodiazepines. Suggested Pharmacology Learning
Activity: Psychopharmacology
i. Nursing Considerations:
1. Implement seizure precautions (include padded side rails, suction
equipment, and ambu bag)
2. Obtain baseline vitals, monitor respiratory status, and keep
resuscitation equipment and flumazenil readily available.
e. A nurse is caring for a client prescribed acetaminophen as needed for pain relief.
The nurse knows acetaminophen should not exceed ____ grams per day. The
nurse will monitor for early signs of toxicity. Name three (3) manifestations of
toxicity. Suggested Pharmacology Learning Activity: Pain Medications
i. The nurse knows acetaminophen should not exceed 4g per day.
ii. Manifestations of toxicity:
1. Dehydration
2. Acidosis
3. Diaphoresis
4. Manifestations:
5. Nausea/vomiting
6. Diarrhea
7. Sweating
8. Abdominal discomfort
9. Hepatic failure