Why upload your professional documents on Stuvia?
A passive income for work you already did
A tutor on Stuvia can earn from a few hundred to a couple of thousand dollars a month. CPA tutors can even make $3,250 per month by just selling the documents they already use in their classes. Your knowledge is worth money.
Personal branding through worldwide reach
The CPA test is offered worldwide. This is a great opportunity! By uploading your CPA course work you reach tens of thousands of potential students. The more documents you sell, the more students will get to know your tutoring style.
A new and easier way of tutoring
Stuvia offers a new way of tutoring. No more spending hours in front of a camera or commute to your classes. Upload the study material that you use in your classes and reach thousands of students at once. The same results for less effort.
How much does a CPA tutor earn on Stuvia?
Average earnings per month
A seller at Stuvia can earn from a few hundred to a couple of thousand dollars a month.
Average earnings per sold document
Every document can be sold indefinitely. This enables you to make money off of your notes while educating students.
Average sold documents per month
Your documents are being sold from early in the morning until late at night. During the week and at the weekends.
Average number of days until the first sale
After your course document has been uploaded, the Stuvia marketing machine will start working for you immediately.
A professional platform for tutors
Thousands of students are looking for good CPA study material. You can create a passive income by uploading the professional course work that they need. Upload now and students can buy your knowledge within a few minutes. Your work is 100% yours at all times. Offer online study material in your own personal study store and keep track of sales. You also choose when to get paid.
What can you sell on Stuvia?
You can sell all your own professional course work on Stuvia, such as your CPA summaries, notes, practice questions and assignments. On the other hand, you can't sell old exams or (parts of) scanned (text)books.
Sell your knowledge and help students pass the Certified Public Accountant exam
Your own online knowledge store
1. You keep full ownership
You always retain ownership of your documents. Buyers only have the rights to read your work for personal use. It’s forbidden for them to distribute your work to others.
2. We help you set up the shop
As soon as your documents are online, we include them on the right Stuvia pages that are search traffic optimized. We also send notifications to members interested in your field of study.
3. Set the best price
You set the price for your CPA material and documents. You can also make discounted bundles of your top documents to attract even more buyers.
4. Passive cash flow
The platform allows you to build your reputation and your income from the platform. You earn a commission fee on every sale!
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I create a Stuvia tutor profile?
Luckily, it is very easy. Log in to your Stuvia profile, add a profile picture and give your profile a name and professional description. State in the description that you are a tutor, describe what subjects you educate and how you want to help students.
How do I set the best price for my documents?
When uploading a document, add a price fitting to your document. Experiment with the price of your documents, this helps to find out what people are willing to pay for your document. Compare to other documents to find a reasonable price. By experimenting with the price of the document, an optimal price point can be achieved. Price changes are implemented instantly.
What does it cost to sell on Stuvia?
Nothing! You create a free account and post your work to Stuvia without further costs. cost. We take a small commission each time you sell a summary. The commission will be automatically deducted, so you don’t have to worry about any hidden costs after your sell.
What do I earn by selling my content on Stuvia?
You set your own price per document with a minimum amount of $2.50. The more documents you sell, the more you earn. Some documents are sold more than a hundred times.
How does Stuvia deal with copyright?
If you have made the document yourself: copyright will apply. Copyright gives you assurance that it is your work, this means that no one is legally allowed to copy your work. Only you have the right to distribute your copyrighted work.