University Of Alabama School Of Medicine
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Latest notes & summaries University Of Alabama School Of Medicine
What are the three main parts of a eukaryotic cell? a. Plasma membrane, organelles, cytoplasm b. Plasma membrane, organelles, nucleus c. Plasma membrane, cytoplasm, organelles d. Plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus e. Plasma membrane, cytosol, organelles Ans: D Difficulty: medium Feedback: 3.1 Essay 2. Briefly describe the fluid mosaic model. Ans: The fluid mosaic model represents the molecular arrangement of the plasma membrane as an ever moving sea of fluid lipids that contain a mosaic of many...
1. A single sensory neuron can have how many modalities? 
a. One 
b. Dozens 
c. Hundreds 
d. Thousands 
e. None 
Ans: A 
Difficulty: easy 
Feedback: 16.1 
2. Which of the following is not an event in the process of sensation? 
a. Stimulation of sensory receptors 
b. Transduction of the stimulus 
c. Transmission of the synapse 
d. Generation of impulses 
e. Integration of sensory input. 
Ans: C 
Difficulty: easy 
Feedback: 16.1 
3. These are sensory receptors that are located in blood vessels and...
List and briefly describe the six main functions of the skeletal system. 
Ans: The skeletal system is used for support for the soft tissues of the body and as 
attachment sites for tendons of most skeletal muscles. The skeletal system also 
functions in protection for the internal organs. The skeletal system assists in 
movement working together with the muscle system. Skeletal system aids in 
mineral (calcium and phosphorus) homeostasis by storing several minerals and 
releasing them into the b...
Defining Psychology 
 The scientific study of the mind, brain, and behavior 
 Why we do what we do: this is psychology 
 Why is it important to study human behavior? To understand each other, thoughts, and to 
have support systems. 
 How can we use psychology in everyday life? Parenting, workplace, etc… 
Five Main Challenges of Studying Psychology- the mind, brain, and behavior 
1. Human behavior is difficult to predict 
-Actions are multiply determined – be skeptical of single...
Syllabus for CSE 110_ Principles of Programming (2021 Spring - A).pdf