Kansas MPJE
Arkansas State University
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Kansas MPJE pharmacist Exam 2023 Study guide
- Exam (elaborations) • 46 pages • 2024
- $9.99
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When does a pharmacist license need to be renewed in KS? - ANSWER Biennially,

June 30th

What are the CE requirements in KS? - ANSWER 30hours /2years, board

approved, this number is prorated for the year that you are a new grad

Intern hour requirement in KS? - ANSWER 1740 hours

Intern license expiration in KS? - ANSWER 6 years

Regulations on the sale of pseudoephedrine containing products specific to

Kansas? - ANSWER Must be 18 or over to purchase
Exam (elaborations)
Kansas MPJE pharmacist Exam 2023 Study guide
Last document update:
When does a pharmacist license need to be renewed in KS? - ANSWER Biennially, 
June 30th 
What are the CE requirements in KS? - ANSWER 30hours /2years, board 
approved, this number is prorated for the year that you are a new grad 
Intern hour requirement in KS? - ANSWER 1740 hours 
Intern license expiration in KS? - ANSWER 6 years 
Regulations on the sale of pseudoephedrine containing products specific to 
Kansas? - ANSWER Must be 18 or over to purchase
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